[ecoop-info] (CfPart) IWPSE-EVOL'09 - Joint 10th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution and 5th ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution

Dirk Deridder Dirk.Deridder at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 10:19:58 CEST 2009

(Apologies for multiple reception or cross-posting; feel free to  
forward to interested colleagues.)

Call for Participation IWPSE-EVOL'09

Joint 10th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution  
and 5th ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution

ANNIVERSARY EDITION: "The Future of Software Evolution"

Co-located with the 7th joint ESEC/FSE Conference
24-25 August 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands



Early registration at discounted rates is now open until July 19th,  
2009. To register, follow the registration link on the workshop's  
website (see above).


IWPSE-Evol'09 merges two established events, the International  
Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE) and the annual  
ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (Evol), and is therefore the  
premier event dedicated to software evolution in 2009. This  
anniversary edition features

- Anniversary talk by Tom Mens (Chair of the ERCIM Working Group on  
Software Evolution)
The ERCIM Working Group on Software Evolution: The Past and The Future

- Anniversary talk by Katuya Takayama (Chair of the IWPSE Steering  
Learning Lessons from the Past: How IWPSE has started, and Where we  
should go

- Keynote talk by Hausi Müller
Towards Self-Adaptive Software-Intensive Systems

- 18 papers in 6 sessions on
	- Measuring, analysing and visualising evolution
	- Empirical studies and experience reports
	- Mining and Migration
	- Processes, paradigms and methodologies
	- Formal aspects, theories and principles
	- Social aspects

A detailed program is available at the workshop's website (http://ssel.vub.ac.be/iwpse-evol/programme 


General Chair
- Tom Mens, U. Mons (BE)

Program Chairs
- Michel Wermelinger, Open U. (UK)
- Kim Mens, U. catholique de Louvain (BE)

Communication Chair
- Dirk Deridder, Vrije U. Brussel (BE)

Contact: iwpse at planet-evolution.org

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