[ecoop-info] First call for contributions to IEEE ICST 2010, Paris

Marie-Claude.Gaudel at lri.fr Marie-Claude.Gaudel at lri.fr
Tue Jun 9 17:18:55 CEST 2009

Our apologies if you have received multiple copies.

Third IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2010)

April 6-9 2010,
Paris, France



Validation, testing and verification activities are already flourishing areas with an 
active participation of a large community of researchers, experts and industrials. 
This community is highly aware of the importance and impact of testing on the future 
deployment and use of software and software intensive systems. 
As illustrated during the two previous successful ICST editions, intensive research 
activities are being carried out in software testing, verification and validation areas.
Many new important issues and challenges are constantly being raised leading to 
new research and industrial projects. 
The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST) 
is the premier conference in these areas.

ICST welcomes research papers as well as industrial experience reports from software 
development and testing practitioners. Two tracks will be organised to select the 
accepted papers. 
For the research papers, we are looking for high quality papers presenting original work. Industrial
papers should address practical software testing and quality improvement challenges and
implementations, presenting empirical results or reporting on open problems/challenges. All papers
should discuss broader implications and usage of the topics addressed.

Authors of best papers from the conference will be invited to revise and submit extended 
versions of their papers for a special issue of Software Testing, Verification, and 
Reliability, a Wiley journal.

Important dates

Submission of abstracts: September 25, 2009
Submission of full papers: October 2, 2009
Notification: December 18, 2009
Camera-ready: January 15, 2010

Submission of proposals: September 25, 2009
Notification: November 2, 2009

Date of conference: April 6-9 2010

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Software testing theory and practice
- Model-based testing
- Domain specific testing including, security testing, web services
testing, database testing, embedded software testing, and OO software testing
-  Verification & validation
- Quality assurance
- Model checking
- Empirical studies
- Metrics
- Fuzz testing
- Inspections
- Testability and diagnosability
- Design for testability
- Testing education
- Testing in multidisciplinary applications
- Technology transfer
- Model-driven engineering and testing
- Agile/iterative/incremental testing processes
- Open source software/3rd party software testing
- Novel approaches to software reliability assessment

General Chair : Marie-Claude Gaudel, Univ. Paris-Sud XI, France
Program Chairs
  Ana Cavalli, Telecom & Management SudParis, France
  Sudipto Ghosh, Colorado State University, USA
Workshop Chairs
  Paul Ammann, George Mason University, USA
  Benoît Baudry, IRISA, France
  Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhöfer Institute, Germany
Ph.D. Symposium Chairs
  Atif Memon, University of Maryland, USA
  Manuel Nuñez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid , Spain
  Fatiha Zaidi, Univ. Paris-Sud XI , France
Industry Chairs
  Paul Baker, Motorola, UK
  Wolfgang Grieskamp, Microsoft Research, USA
  Dominique Potier, System at tic, France
  Andreas Ulrich, Siemens
Publicity Chairs
  Khaled El-Fakih, American University of Sharjah, UAE
  Vahid Garousi, University of Calgary, Canada
  Yves Le Traon, Telecom Bretagne, France
  Eliane Martins, UniCamp, Brazil
Local Arrangements Chairs
  Jean Leneutre, Telecom ParisTech, France
  Amel Mammar, Telecom & Management SudParis, France
  Stephane Maag, Telecom & Management SudParis, France
Steering Committee
  Anneliese Andrews , USA
  Benoit Baudry (vice-Chair), France
  Lionel Briand, Norway
  Mark Harman, UK
  Rob Hierons, UK
  Yves Le Traon, France
  Jeff Offutt (Chair), USA
  Per Runeson, Sweden
 Clay Williams, USA

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