[ecoop-info] UWA|2009: Call for Papers - Int. Workshop on Ubiquitous Web Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Malysia

Dr. Wieland Schwinger wieland at schwinger.at
Wed Jun 24 17:09:09 CEST 2009

===== Call for Papers =======

UWA|2009 - International Workshop on Ubiquitous Web Applications
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14 - 16 December 2009

in conjunction with:
11th @WAS Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-based 
Applications &  Services (iiWAS2009)
7th @WAS Int. Conf. on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia 

August 1, 2009: 	Full Paper Submission
September 1, 2009: 	Acceptance Notification
October 2, 2009: 	Camera-Ready Papers and Registration
December 14-16, 2009: 	Workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

E-commerce and m-commerce have dramatically boosted the demand for web 
applications and web services which enable ubiquitous access. Ubiquity 
offers new opportunities in terms of time-aware, location-aware, 
device-aware and personalized services not only extending traditional 
web applictions but even offering new kinds of application scenarios 
like mobile tourism guides and mobile healthcare.
   The unique character of ubiquitous web applications puts forward new 
challenges with respect to their development, requiring a holistic view 
on the issue of ubiquity. During the past 10 years, academia has 
provided various development approaches for web applications in general 
and ubiquitous web applications in specific, each aiming at 
counteracting technology-driven and ad-hoc development. However, further 
work towards methodological and engineering principles for developing 
ubiquitous web applications along the whole life cycle, backed up by 
appropriate real-world case studies is desirable, paving the way to a 
broader adoption of these approaches in industry.
   The goal of UWA|2009 is therefore to provide an international forum 
for scientists, engineers, and industry to address recent research 
results and to discuss their ideas and experiences on theoretical and 
practical issues arising in the field of ubiquitous web applications. 
UWA|2009 aims at supplementing other conferences and workshops in the 
fields of context-awareness and web engineering by its distinct focus on 
engineering, technology and empirical aspects of ubiquitous web 

Pursuing the overall goal, the workshop program will include peer 
reviewed technical papers around, but not limited to, the following topics:
Engineering Aspects of Ubiquitous Web Applications
* Model-driven development methodologies and domain specific languages 
* Generic, domain-, and application-specific context models and 
adaptivity modelling
* Bridging conceptual design and implementation
* Frameworks and architectures
Technology Aspects of Ubiquitous Web Applications
* Integration of context sources and context models
* Employment of semantic web technologies for context-awareness
* Ubiquity through aspect-oriented techniques
* Exploitation of Web 2.0 techniques
Empirical Aspects of Ubiquitous Web Applications
* Experience reports on the (model-driven) development of ubiquitous web 
* Reference examples and usability studies
* Systematic evaluations of development methods
* Evaluation metrics and evaluation criteria

UWA|2009 papers will be published together with iiWAS 2009 and MoMM 2009 
as printed proceedings by ACM Digital Library and
Austrian Computer Society (OCG).
   Authors of distinguished papers will be invited to submit an extended 
version to a special issue of the International Journal of Web 
Information Systems http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ijwis.htm

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format as instructed at 
http://www.schwinger.at/UWA2009. The submitted papers may not exceed 10 
pages and must follow the OCG guidelines 
(http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/iiwas2009/cfp.htm). Submitted papers 
must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or 
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop. 
They will be blindly peer reviewed by at least three members of the 
program committee.

Workshop Chairs
* Wieland Schwinger, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
* Werner Retschitzegger, University of Vienna, Austria
* Gustavo Rossi, La Plata National University, ARG
* Vincente Pellechano, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ESP

Program Committee
* Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, ITA
* Alessandro Bianchi, Università di Bari, ITA
* Cristina Cachero, Universidad de Alicante, ESP
* Sven Casteleyn, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BEL
* Sara Comai, Politecnico di Milano, ITA
* Alexandra Cristea, University of Warwick, UK
* Valeria De Castro, Rey Juan Carlos University, ESP
* Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BEL
* Fernando Sánchez Figueroa, Universidad de Extremadura, ESP
* Piero Fraternali, Politecnico di Milano, ITA
* Martin Gaedke, Chemnitz University of Technology, GER
* Irene Garrigós, Universidad de Alicante, ESP
* Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, ITA
* Athula Ginige, University of Western Sydney, AUS
* Paul Grünbacher, University Linz, AUT
* Geert-Jan Houben, Delft University of Technology, NLD
* Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, AUT
* Nora Koch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, GER
* Alfredo Milani, University of Perugia, ITA
* San Murugesan, University of Western Sydney, AUS
* Luis Olsina, University La Pampa, Argentina
* Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ESP
* Vincente Pellechano, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ESP
* Alfonso Pierantonio, Università degli Studi di L'Aquila, ITA
* Werner Retschitzegger, University Linz, AUT
* Marco Ronchetti, Università di Trento, ITA
* Gustavo Rossi, La Plata National University, ARG
* Werner Retschitzegger, University of Vienna, Austria
* Wieland Schwinger, University Linz, AUT
* Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University, UK
* Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga, ESP

iiWAS 2009 is endorsed by the International Organization for Information 
Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services (@WAS), organized by 
Asia e University – Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

Wieland Schwinger (Workshop Chair)
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz
Email: 	wieland.schwinger at jku.ac.at
Phone: 	+43 (0)70 / 2468 - 9260
Web: 	http://www.schwinger.at/UWA2009



- Wieland -

Priv.Doz. Mag. Dr. Wieland SCHWINGER, MSc
Johannes Kepler University Linz , Department of Telecooperation
Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz
+43 (0)732 / 2468 - 9260, +43 (0)732 / 2468 - 9829 (fax)
www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at, Wieland.Schwinger at jku.ac.at

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