[ecoop-info] CfP - Joint MoDSE-MCCM Workshop "Models and Evolution"

Dirk Deridder Dirk.Deridder at vub.ac.be
Thu Jun 25 09:48:59 CEST 2009

"Models and Evolution",  Joint MoDSE-MCCM 2009 workshop

at the12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems,
MoDELS 2009,Denver - Colorado, USA

Program chairs:

Dalila Tamzalit,  LINA, University of Nantes, France
Dirk Deridder,  System and Software Engineering Lab, Vrije  
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Bernhard Schätz,  TU München, Germany

The objective of the joint MoDSE-MCCM workshop is to discuss how  
models can help and guide software evolution and how it can enforce  
and reduce critical risks and important ressources (e.g., costs,  
personnel, time) involved in software evolution, by employing high- 
level abstractions. In addition to the objective to propose a  
presentation and discussion space and gather the MDE and software  
evolution communities (as well academic as industry), the joint  
workshop also encourages young researchers participation and attendance.

Models and Evolution:
Soft ware Evo lu tion is a cru cial, com plex and very im por tant re  
search do main in soft ware en gi neer ing. It has been the topic of  
nu mer ous in ter na tion al con fer ences, work shops, books and sci  
en tif ic pub li ca tions. On the other hand, it rep re sents an om  
nipresent re cur ring prob lem for com pa nies and needs prac ti cal  
and scal able so­lu tions to en sure soft ware con fi dence, qual i ty  
and re li a bil i ty. This be comes even more cru cial and crit i cal  
in ap­pli ca tion do mains where soft ware is ge o graph i cal ly dis  
tribut ed and in volves mul ti ple stake hold ers (man agers, de sign  
ers, de vel op ers, clients, …) and where ressources and re quire  
ments must be rec on ciled.

Mod el-​driv en en gi neer ing (MDE) is a soft ware en gi neer ing  
method ol o gy that fo cus es on mod els as pri ma ry soft ware arte  
facts. It is meant to re duce com plex i ty and in crease pro duc tiv  
i ty and reuse by rais ing the level of ab strac tion.

With the ad vent and widespread use of MDE in academia and in dus try,  
the re search topic of mod el-driv en soft­ware evo lu tion and co-​ 
evo lu tion be comes more and more im por tant. Be cause of this, a  
suc cess ful se ries of an­nu al in ter na tion al work shops has been  
set up since 2007 for the MoDSE work shop and from 2008 for the MCCM  
work shop. Their main ob jec tive is to ex plore and strength en the  
in ter ac tion and syn er gy be tween the ac­tive re search do mains  
of Soft ware Evo lu tion, Co-​Evo lu tion, Con sis ten cy Man age  
ment and MDE.

Joint MoDSE-MCCM 2009:

The ob jec tive is to dis cuss how mod els can help and guide soft  
ware evo lu tion and how it can en force and re­duce crit i cal risks  
and im por tant ressources (e.g., costs, per son nel, time) in volved  
in soft ware evo lu tion, by em­ploy ing high-​lev el ab strac  
tions. In ad di tion to the ob jec tive to pro pose a pre sen ta tion  
and dis cus sion space and gath er the MDE and soft ware evo lu tion  
com mu ni ties (as well aca dem ic as in dus try), the joint work shop  
also en­cour ages young re searchers par tic i pa tion and at ten  

The Joint MoDSE-​MC CM 2009 work shop will be held on 4-6th Oc to  
ber, co-​lo cat ed with the 12th ACM/IEEE MoD ELS 2009. This full-​ 
day work shop will in clude an in vit ed keynote pre sen ta tion, tech  
ni cal pre sen ta tions ses­sions, tools demon stra tion ses sion, a  
mod er at ed panel ses sion with open dis cus sions on rel e vant re  
search top­ics in mod el-​driv en soft ware evo lu tion.

A jour nal spe cial issue is con sid ered.

Submission and Topics

For submission details, please refer to the workshop website.

The main top ics of this work shop are, but not lim it ed to:

*  Formalisms, theories, formal approaches, methods and languages for  
expressing and understanding model-driven software evolution.
* Co-evolution and co-adaptation of models, meta-models and modelling  
languages; classification of co-evolution scenarios.
* Coordination of models, meta-models.
* Supporting processes and tools for automating and managing model- 
driven software evolution.
* Transformation techniques for evolving models: restructuring,  
refactoring, migration, translation …
* Traceability, verification and validation of evolving models and  
model transformations.
* Evolution of software architectures and architecture description  
* Runtime models and consistency validation; consistency and  
inconsistency management.
* Conformance checking, inconsistency management, synchronization,  
differencing, comparison, versioning, product-line, impact analysis of  
evolving models.
* Development and maintenance processes for model consistency  
* Model libraries and model reuse.
* Challenging application scenarios and case studies for model  
evolution (e.g. embedded systems, real-time systems, legacy systems,  
web services…).
* Industrial needs, case-studies and experiences.

Important Dates

* Abstract submission: July 17, 2009
* Paper submission: July 24, 2009
* Notifications of acceptance: August 31, 2009
* Camera ready submission: September 15, 2009

Steering Committee
Dirk Deridder,  Software Languages Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,  
Hubert Dubois,  CEA LIST, France
Jeff Gray,  University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA
Tom Mens,  Université de Mons-Hainault, Belgium
Alfonso Pierantonio,  Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Bernhard Schätz,  TU München, Germany
Pierre-Yves Schobbens,  University of Namur, Belgium
Dalila Tamzalit,  LINA, University of Nantes, France
Stefan Wagner,  TU München, Germany

Program Committee
Arnaud Albinet, Continental Automotive, France
Benoit Baudry, IRISA, University of Rennes, France
Jorn Bettin, Sofismo, Lenzburg, Switzerland
Jean Bézivin, University of Nantes, INRIA, France
Mireille Blay-Fornarino,  Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Rubby Casallas,  University of Los Andes, Colombia
Jean-Michel Bruel,  University of Toulouse, France
Serge Demeyer,  Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
Jean-Marie Favre,  University of Grenoble, France
Reiko Heckel,  University of Leicester, UK
Mehdi Jazayri,  University of Lugano, Switzerland
Olivier Le Goaer,  LINA, University of Nantes, France
Jason Xabier Mansell,  ESI, Spain
Richard Paige,  University of York, United Kingdom
Awais Rashid,  University of Lancaster, United Kingdom
Jonathan Sprinkle,  University of Arizona, USA
Gabriele Taentzer,  University of Marburg, Germany
Antonio Vallecillo,  Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Ragnhild Van Der Straeten,  Vrije Universiteit, Belgium
Eelco Visser,  Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Communication Chair
Michaël Hoste,  Université de Mons, Belgium

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