[ecoop-info] [OOPSLA'09 'Killer Examples' workshop] First call: Good Examples for Exposing Bad Practice

Carl G. Alphonce alphonce at cse.buffalo.edu
Tue Jun 30 16:57:07 CEST 2009

If you're a CS educator or trainer who is interested in sharing
teaching techniques or exploring pedagogical issues in a workshop
setting, the OOPSLA "Killer Examples" workshop may be for you!

This year's workshop will focus on examples that expose bad practice
and so lead to better appreciation of good practice, as obtained by
following sound object-oriented principles.

The workshop is held on Sunday, October 25, the day BEFORE the OOPSLA
Educators' Symposium.  Attend both!

The workshop invites submissions of such examples. All participants in
the workshop will constructively critique the examples and actively
engage in refining them so that they support a clear and sound

While there is a formal application procedure to guarantee admission
to the workshop, we do accept walk-ins if space permits and if the
walk-ins are determined to have adequate interest and background in
the workshop theme to be able to contribute positively to the

The deadline for submissions/applications is Tuesday September 8.
Early submissions are encouraged.  Decisions will be made before the
OOPSLA early registration deadline.

For more information see:


If you have questions about the workshop, do not hesitate to contact
us via e-mail <alphonce(at)buffalo(dot)edu>, with subject line
"OOPSLA-2009 Workshop Query". We look forward to hearing from you!

Dale Skrien, Colby College, USA
Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo, USA
Michael Caspersen, Aarhus Univeristy, DK
Jürgen Börstler, Umeå University, Sweden
Carl Alphonce, University at Buffalo, USA

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