[ecoop-info] ICTAC 2010: first call for papers

Ana.Cavalcanti at cs.york.ac.uk Ana.Cavalcanti at cs.york.ac.uk
Mon Oct 5 22:38:47 CEST 2009

		  First Call for Papers - ICTAC 2010
             International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
		  Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
	                          1-3 September, 2010

Background and Objectives

ICTAC  is  an  International  Colloquium  on  Theoretical  Aspects  of
Computing  created   by  the  International   Institute  for  Software
Technology of the United Nations University (UNU-IIST). The aim of the
colloquium  is to  bring together  practitioners and  researchers from
academia,  industry and  government to  present research  results, and
exchange  experience,  ideas  and  solutions  for  their  problems  in
theoretical  aspects  of  computing.  Beyond  these  scholarly  goals,
another main  purpose of the  conference is to promote  cooperation in
research  and education between  participants and  their institutions,
from developing  and industrial  countries, as in  the mandate  of the
United Nations University. The previous  six ICTAC events were held in
Guiyang, China  (2004), Hanoi, Vietnam (2005),  Tunis, Tunisia (2006),
Macau  (2007), Istanbul,  Turkey (2008)  and Banji  Selangor, Malaysia
(2009).  ICTAC 2010  includes two  special tracks:  a track  on Formal
Approaches to Testing, chaired by  Marie-Claude Gaudel, and a track on
the Grand Challenge in Verified Software, chaired by Jim Woodcock.

The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to the following.

- automata theory and formal languages
- principles and semantics of programming languages
- logics and their applications
- software architectures and their description languages
- software specification, refinement, verification and testing,
- model checking and theorem proving
- formal techniques in software testing
- models of object and component systems
- coordination and feature interaction
- integration of  theories, formal  methods and tools  for engineering
  computing systems
- service-oriented development
- service-oriented architectures: models and development methods
- document-driven development
- models of concurrency, security, and mobility
- theory of parallel, distributed, and grid computing
- real-time, embedded and hybrid systems
- type and category theory in computer science
- case studies, theories, tools and experiments of verified systems
- domain-specific  modeling and  technology: examples,  frameworks and

ICTAC 2010 will be held in Brazil, in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do
Norte.   It will  be organized  jointly with  the 3rd  edition  of the
Pernambuco  School on  Software  Engineering, to  be  held in  Recife,
Pernambuco, on the the topic of Formal Component Based Development and
Coordination.  ICTAC   2010  will  include   tutorials  and  technical

Sponsors and Organisation

ICTAC 2010 will be organized  jointly by the Federal University of Rio
Grande do Norte and UNU-IIST. They are also sponsors of ICTAC 2010.

Invited Speakers

Paulo  Borba (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Wolfram  Schulte (Microsoft Research)

Submission and Publication

Submissions  to the  conference must  not  have been  published or  be
concurrently  considered for  publication  elsewhere. All  submissions
will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field,
technical   and   presentation   quality,   and   relevance   to   the
conference.  Papers should  be written  in English  and not  exceed 15
pages   in  LNCS  format   (see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for  details). A website
for   uploading   papers   linked   to   the   conference   web   page
(http://www.ictac.net/ICTAC2010)  will  be  open  at  the  appropriate
time. All queries should be sent to: ictac2010 at iist.unu.edu.

Important Dates

Submission of abstracts: March 08th, 2010;		
Submission deadline: March 15th, 2010;		
Notification of results: April 30th, 2010;
Final version: May 16th, 2010

Steering Committee
John Fitzgerald, UK
Martin Leucker, Germany
Zhiming Liu (Chair), Macao
Tobias Nipkow, Germany
Augusto Sampaio, Brazil
Natarajan Shankar, USA
Jim Woodcock, UK

Special Tracks Chairs
Marie-Claude Gaudel, France
Jim Woodcock, UK

Program Committee
Bernhard Aichernig, Austria
Keijiro Araki, Japan
Jonathan Bowen, UK
Christiano Braga, Brazil
Michael Butler, UK
Andrew Butterfield, UK
Ana Cavalcanti, UK (chair)
Jim Davies, UK
David Deharbe, Brazil (chair)
John Fitzgerald, UK
Wan Fokkink, Netherlands
Pascal Fontaine, France
Marcelo Frias, Argentina
Lindsay Groves, New Zealand
Michael Hansen, Denmark
Robert Hierons, UK
Monzoo Kim, South Korea
Maciej Koutny, UK
Pascale Le Gall, France
Martin Leucker, Germany
Zhiming Liu, Macao
Patricia Machado, Brazil
Marius Minea, Romania
Ali Mili, USA
Michael Mislove, USA
Tobias Nipkow, Germany
Jose Nuno Oliveira, Portugal
Paritosh Pandya, India
Alberto Pardo, Uruguay
Anders P Ravn, Denmark
Leila Ribeiro, Brazil
Markus Roggenbach, UK
Augusto Sampaio, Brazil
Bernhard Schaetz, Germany
Gerhard Schellhorn, Germany
Emil Sekerinski, Canada
Natarajan Shankar, USA
Marjan Sirjani, Iran
Jin Song Dong, Singapore
Dang Van Hung, Vietnam
Daniel Varro, Hungary
Helmut Veith, Germany
Ji Wang, China
Martin Wirsing, Germany
Burkhart Wolff, France
Husnu Yenigun, Turkey
Naijun Zhan, China

Organising Committee
David Deharbe, Brazil
Anamaria Moreira, Brazil
Bartira Rocha, Brazil
Marcel Oliveira, Brazil

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