[ecoop-info] Reminder: last week to submit to CAL'2010

Khalil Drira khalil at laas.fr
Fri Oct 30 10:55:36 CET 2009

Call for papers
CAL'2010: 4th Conference on Software Architectures, 
Pau, March 9-11, 2010

After Nantes in 2006, Montreal in 2008 and Nancy 2009, the fourth
edition of the Conference on Software Architectures will be held in
Pau in March 2010. CAL 2010 proposes to again bring together the
researchers interested by the multiple facets of Software
Architectures. It constitutes a forum of privileged exchanges between
researchers and industrials about software architectures. This event
is intended to put forward specificities of the methods, languages,
techniques and tools for software architectures, their common points,
their divergences, like their future tendencies. The conference
CAL'2010 will take place jointly with LMO (Languages Models and
Objects) and IDM (Model-Driven Engineering). The three events have
their own call for papers.  For more details on organization, please
connect to: http://cal-idm-lmo-gpl-2010.univ-pau.fr/ 


We seek submission of original works relating to all the aspects of
software architectures describing research results or industrial
experience.  Research papers will be evaluated for their clearness,
originality and impact. Articles of experience feedback will be
evaluated w.r.t. the importance of their contribution to using
software architectures in practice.

The topics of the conference are:

* Meta-models  and architecture description languages, 
* Models, patterns and styles in software architectures, 
* Ontology-based Models for architectures, 
* Analysis, verification  and validation of architectures, 
* Formal approaches of description, validation and verification of software architectures, 
* Software Architecture transformation and refinement, 
* Application Synthesis, code generation from specific architectures, 
* Middleware, component-based technologies for architectures implementation,
* Architectural component-based Deployment,
* Architecture-based support for reconfiguration and adaptation of applications, 
* Requirement engineering for architectures, 
* Architectural model-based  NFP and quality assessment, 
* Reverse engineering, extracting architectures, 
* Architectures of autonomic, self-adaptive,  self-managing applications 
* Multi-scale, multilevel  reconfigurable architectures 
* Software architectures of communication protocols and services
* Service-oriented architectures, 
* Architecture-oriented process models and development methods, 
* Decision management in architectures, 
* Architectural model-based engineering, 
* Architectural aspects in model-based engineering, 
* Tools and environments for architecture-oriented development, 
* Dedicated architectures (GUI, OS, services, etc), 
* Non functional properties  and architectures. 


* November 08, 2009: deadline for online submission
* December 16, 2009: notification for authors 
* January 10, 2010: deadline for camera-ready versions 
* March 9-11, 2010: CAL 2010 (Pau) 

Submission procedure

The official languages of the conference are French and English.
Papers written in French have to be presented also in French. The
first page will include paper's title, authors names, their
affiliation and addresses (in particular electronic), and an abstract
of 150 words maximum. For papers written in French, abstract should be
both in French and English. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by 3
reviewers among the members of the program committee. Submission Site
is: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cal2010. The
proceedings will be published by Cepadues Editions, in the Journal of
New technologies of Information (RNTI). The submitted papers must
conform to the publisher template downloadable from the site of the
RNTI journal (http://www.antsearch.univ-tours.fr/rnti).  Paper length
should not exceed 13 pages.  

Program Committee

Chair:  Khalil Drira, LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse 
Olivier  Barais, Universite de Rennes 
Kamel  Barkaoui, CNAM, Paris 
Henri  Basson, Universite du Littoral Cote d'Opale
Faiza  Belala, University Mentouri Constantine, Algerie 
Noureddine Belkhatir, LIG, universite de Grenoble 
Mireille Blay-Fornarino, Universite de Nice 
Frederic Boniol, ONERA, Toulouse
Nacer  Boudjlida, UHP Nancy 1/Loria
Jeremy  Buisson, ecoles de St-Cyr Coetquidan
Samir  Chouali, Universite de Franche-Comte 
Bernard  Coulette, Universite de Toulouse 2 
Thierry Desprats, IRIT, Universite de Toulouse 3
Philippe Dhaussy, ENSIETA,  Brest
Laurence Duchien, INRIA, LIFL, USTL, Lille
Mohamed Erradi, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc
Ernesto Exposito,  LAAS-CNRS, INSA de Toulouse
Mamoun Filali, IRIT CNRS Universite de Toulouse
Regis  Fleurquin, INRIA-Triskell, Rennes
Ons Chirine Ghedira, LIRIS, Universite de Lyon1
Ahmed  Hadj-Kacem, FSEGS, Sfax, Tunisie
Nabil  Hameurlain, Universite de Pau
Chihab  Hanachi, IRIT, Universite Toulouse 1 
Marianne  Huchard, Universite Montpellier 2 
Valery  Issarny,  INRIA, CRI Paris-Rocquencourt.
Mohamed  Jmaiel, ENIS, Sfax, Tunisie
Marc Lacoste,   Orange Labs, Paris
Philippe  Lahire, Universite  de Nice
Yves  Ledru, Universite Joseph Fourier (Grenoble-1) 
Nicole  Levy, Universite de Versailles St-Quentin en Yvelines 
Dominique  Mery, Universite Henri Poincare Nancy 1 
Fatma  Mili, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA
Hafedh  Mili, UQAM, Montreal, Canada
Francisco  Moo-Mena, Univ. Autonome du Yucatan, Merida, Mexique
Mohamed  Mosbah , LABRI, Bordeaux
Hassan  Mountassir, LIFC, Besancon, Universite de Franche-Comte 
Olga  Nabuco, CTI, Campinas, Bresil
Noel  Plouzeau, IRISA, Rennes
Pascal  Poizat,  Universite d'Evry Val d'Essonne et LRI
Michel  Riveill, Universite de Nice 
Philippe Roose, LIUPPA, UPPA/IUT de Bayonne 
Siegfried  Rouvrais, Telecom Bretagne, Brest. 
Jean-Claude  Royer, Ecole des Mines de Nantes 
Salah  Sadou, Universite de Bretagne Sud 
Houari  Sahraoui, Universite de Montreal, Canada 
Aziz Salah, UQAM, Montreal, Canada
Lionel  Seinturier, Universite de Lille 
Abdelhak-Djamel  Seriai, LIRMM, Universite de Montpellier 2/CNRS
Michelle Sibilla, IRIT, Universite Toulouse 3
Marcos da Silveira , CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Dalila  Tamzalit, Universite de Nantes 
Jean-Michel Tran, Bull Bordeaux 
Christelle  Urtado, LGI2P / Ecole des Mines d'Ales, Nimes
Gilles  Vanwormhoudt,   Institut Telecom/LIFL, Lille 
Danny  Weyns, Universite Catholique de Leuven, Belgique
Virginie  Wiels, ONERA, Toulouse
Olivier  Zendra, INRIA Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA

Steering Committee 

Yamine Ait-Ameur, ENSMA, Poitiers, France
Antoine Beugnard, TELECOM Bretagne, Brest, France
Flavio Oquendo ,Valoria, Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
Mourad  Oussalah, Université de Nantes, France

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