[ecoop-info] AOSD 2010 - Call for Participation
Lionel Seinturier
Lionel.Seinturier at univ-lille1.fr
Thu Feb 18 18:37:47 CET 2010
EARLY registration ends on February 22, 2010.
9th International Conference on
Aspect-Oriented Software Development
(AOSD 2010)
March 15-19, 2010
Rennes & Saint Malo, France
The full program is online and registration is open.
EARLY registration ends on February 22, 2010.
See: http://aosd.net/2010
* AOSD-Europe, Fondation Michel Metivier, Ecole Mines de Nantes, CAPS
In cooperation with:
* INRIA, Universite Rennes 1, ACM SIGSOFT, ACM SIGPLAN
New modularity concepts, methods and techniques for software systems
The International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
(AOSD) is the premier conference on software modularity that goes beyond
traditional abstraction boundaries. AOSD.10 seeks to foster richer
notions of modularity and abstractions for software and
software-intensive systems increasing the emphasis on modularity not
only of code, but across lifecycle artifacts (e.g., from requirements to
tests). AOSD.10 is concerned with modularity across the whole software
ecosystems, including the organizations and processes that define,
develop, deploy, operate, protect, evolve and use these systems in a
more agile way.
Continuing the tradition of its successful predecessors, the program of
AOSD.10 will include:
- Keynotes by Rod Johnson, Martin Odersky and Martin Rinard.
- A Research Track with 18 research papers presenting the latest results
in AOSD research.
- An Industry Track where architects and developers with experience in
aspects gather to learn and teach.
- 7 Workshops for in-depth discussion of advanced topics in industry and
- 11 Demonstrations of leading-edge technologies.
- A highly interactive Student Forum with a Spring School, a Poster
Event and
a Research Project Collaboration Event.
- A great social program to encourage informal discussion among peers.
A summary of the program is provided below.
Please consult http://aosd.net/2010 for details and up-to-date
information. We invite you to attend AOSD.10!
The following keynotes will be offered at AOSD.10:
Rod Johnson, Creator of the Spring framework
AOP in the wild: Killer applications and why AOP is perfect for the cloud
Martin Odersky, Professor EPFL
Redesigning Scala's Collections - A Case Study in Abstraction and Modularity
Martin Rinard, Professor MIT
Sociological Aspects of Aspect-Oriented Programming
The Research Track captures state-of-the-art research occurring in AOSD.
A broad range of topics will be presented throughout the conference. The
specific sessions and paper titles for AOSD.10 are as follows:
Parallel Dynamic Analysis on Multicores with Aspect-Oriented Programming
Danilo Ansaloni, Alex Villazon, Walter Binder, Philippe Moret (U. Lugano)
AspectScript: Expressive Aspects for the Web
Rodolfo Toledo, Paul Leger, Eric Tanter (U. Chile)
Reusable Enterprise Metadata with Pattern-Based Structural Expressions
Eli Tilevich, Myoungkyu Song (Virgina Tech)
A Model for Composable Composition Operators
Wilke Havinga, Lodewijk Bergmans, Mehmet Aksit (U. Twente)
Composing Aspects with Aspects
Antoine Marot (UL Bruxelles), Roel Wuyts (IMEC/KU Leuven)
Tracking Code Patterns over Multiple Software Versions with Herodotos
Nicolas Palix (U. Copenhagen), Julia Lawall (U. Copenhagen), Gilles
Muller (INRIA)
Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Model Composition Effort
Kleinner Farias (PUC Rio), Alessandro Garcia (PUC Rio), Jon Whittle
(Lancaster U.)
From Aspect-Oriented Models to Aspect-Oriented Code? The Maintenance
Aram Hovsepyan, Riccardo Scandariato, Stefan Van Baelen, Yolande
Berbers, Wouter Joosen (KU Leuven)
Tool support for crosscutting concerns of API documentation
Michihiro Horie, Shigeru Chiba (TokyoTech)
Execution Levels for Aspect-Oriented Programming
Eric Tanter (U. Chile)
An Architecture for Composing Embedded Domain-Specific Languages
Tom Dinkelaker, Michael Eichberg, Mira Mezini (TU Darmstadt)
Weaving Generic Programming and Traversal Performance
Bryan Chadwick, Karl Lieberherr (Northeastern U.)
AspectMatlab: An Aspect-Oriented Scientific Programming Language
Toheed Aslam, Jesse Doherty, Anton Dubrau, Laurie Hendren (McGill U.)
A Permission System for Secure AOP
Wouter De Borger, Bart De Win, Bert Lagaisse, Wouter Joosen (KU Leuven)
Disambiguating Aspect-Oriented Security Policies
Micah Jones, Kevin W. Hamlen (U. Texas at Dallas)
EffectiveAdvice: Disciplined Advice with Explicit Effects
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (National University Korea), Tom Schrijvers (KU
Leuven), William R. Cook (U. Texas at Austin)
Type Relaxed Weaving
Hidehiko Masuhara (U. Tokyo), Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto U.), Manabu Toyama
(U. Tokyo)
A theory of distributed aspects
Nicolas Tabareau (INRIA/EM Nantes)
The AOSD.10 Industry Track features contributions from industrial
researchers and practitioners based on experience in applying AOSD
concepts to industrial challenges.
Papers in the Industry Track include:
Program Analysis Environment for Writing COBOL Aspects
Hideaki Shinomi, Yasuhisa Ichimori
SeamlessEnterprise: An Embedded JEE server with AOP
Daniel Wiese
Evaluation of an Aspect-Oriented Framework for Extending a Project With
Provenance Documentation Features
Arne Bachmann, Henning Bergmeyer, Andreas Schreiber
A diverse set of workshops will be offered at AOSD.10 during the first
two days of the conference. All workshops are included in the
registration fee.
There will be seven workshops at AOSD.10:
- ACP4IS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software
- AOMM: Aspect-Oriented Meta-Modeling
- CV: Composition and Variability
- DSAL: Domain-Specific Aspect Language
- EA: Early Aspects
- ESCOT: Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques
- FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages
Demonstrations serve to disseminate advances embodied in
research-oriented tools and systems that use or support AOSD. Each of
the following demonstrations will be offered throughout the conference week:
Efficient Dynamic Analysis Tools: AOP Meets Multicore
Walter Binder, Danilo Ansaloni, Philippe Moret, Alex Villazon
AspectScript: Expressive Aspects for the web
Paul Leger, Rodolfo Toledo, Eric Tanter
AspectMaps: A scalable Visualization of Join Point Shadows
Johan Fabry
AspectKE: Security Aspects with Program Analysis for distributed Systems
Fan Yang, Hidehiko Masuharab, Tomoyuki Aotanib, Flemming Nielsona, Hanne
Riis Nielsona
Constructing domain-specific composition operators with Co-op
Lodewijk Bergmans Wilke Havinga, Christoph Bockisch, Mehmet Aksit
Postsharp 2.0: towards industrial use of AOSD in microsoft .NET
Gael Fraiteur
Introduction to Ptolemy and its development Environment
Hridesh Rajan, Mehdi Bagherzadeh
A practical Aspect-Oriented Javascript Programming Framework Based on a
Proxy Mechanism
Akira Ohashi, Shinichi Murakami, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki,
Tomohiko Mizumachi
AsppectFX: A framework for supporting collaborative works in RIA by
aspect oriented approach
Hiroaki Fukuda
Aspect-Oriented Modeling to support Dynamic Adaptation
Brice Morin, Franck Fleurey, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jezequel
Taming Orchestration Design Complexity through the Adore Framework
Sebastien Mosser, Mireille Blay–Fornarino
- General Chair: Jean-Marc Jezequel (France)
- Organizing Chair: Benoit Baudry (France)
- Research Program Chair: Mario Sudholt (France)
- Industry Program Co-Chairs: Uwe Hohenstein (Germany) and Thierry
Vareine (France)
- Workshops Chair: Robert France (USA)
- Demonstrations Chair: Philippe Lahire (France)
- Publicity Chair: Lionel Seinturier (France)
- Student Events Chair: Ruzanna Chitchyan (UK)
- Web Chair: Freddy Munoz (France)
- Sponsorship Chair: Benoit Combemale (France)
Uwe Assmann (Germany), Walter Binder (Switzerland), Betty Cheng (USA),
Shigeru Chiba (Japan), Erik Ernst (Denmark), Pascal Fradet (France),
Robert France (USA), Alessandro Garcia (Brazil), Jeff Gray (USA),
Viviane Jonckers (Belgium), Wouter Joosen (Belgium), Karl Lieberherr
(USA), David Lorenz (Israel), Mira Mezini (Germany), Ana Moreira
(Portugal), Christian Prehofer (Finland), Hridesh Rajan (USA), Awais
Rashid (UK), Lionel Seinturier (France), Mario Sudholt (France), Eric
Tanter (Chile), Robert Walker (Canada), Eric Wohlstadter (Canada)
Lionel Seinturier
Univ. Lille - Lab. LIFL - INRIA ADAM
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