[ecoop-info] CfP: Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE 2010)

Iris Groher Iris.Groher at jku.at
Thu May 6 12:20:35 CEST 2010



2nd International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product
Line Engineering (MAPLE 2010)  

collocated with the 14th International Software Product Line Conference
(SPLC 2010)

Jeju Island, South Korea, 13-17 September 2010






Software product line engineering (SPLE) promises order-of-magnitude
improvements in time-to-market, cost, productivity, quality, and other
business drivers. Many of these expected benefits are based on the
assumption that the additional investment for setting up a software product
line pays off during application engineering. However, to fully exploit this
we need to optimize application engineering processes and systematically and
efficiently handle reusable artefacts. The goal of this workshop is to
explore and explicate the current status within the field of model-driven

approaches in SPLE. 

The workshop has the following aims:

Demonstrate how model-driven concepts and techniques can be applied in SPLE 

Show how model-driven approaches have already successfully been applied 

Explore how models with a sound semantic foundation can facilitate automated
and interactive SPLE.




We are seeking for research papers and experience reports (max. 8 pages) and
position papers (2-4 pages) in IEEE two-column conference proceedings
format. Submissions will be selected based on the relevance to the workshop

topics and the suitability to trigger discussions. Papers should be
submitted via EasyChair at





Topics of interest focus on model-driven approaches in SPLE. We particularly
encourage research papers based on industrial experience and empirical
studies. Workshop topics include but are not limited to: 

Modelling of software product lines

      -Variability modelling

      -Variability in domain-specific languages

      -Modelling run-time variability

Product derivation/configuration

      -Automated and interactive techniques that support product derivation.

      -Assembly/generation of product line artefacts

      -Iterative approaches to product derivation

      -Product configuration in Ecosystems

Aspect-oriented approaches

      -Modelling and implementing of variability

      -Combination of model-driven and aspect-oriented techniques

Evolution and Change

      -Model/Meta-model evolution

      -Model maintenance (merging, conflict resolution)

Validation and verification of models and products

Scalability of modelling approaches

Modelling in the context of software ecosystems

Integrating modelling approaches

End-user involvement in modelling and configuration




Deadline for submissions: June 7, 2010

Notification of acceptance: July 7, 2010

Final papers due: July 23, 2010




   * Nour Ali (Lero, Univ. Limerick, Ireland)

   * Don Batory (Univ. Texas, USA)

   * Nelly Bencomo (Univ. Lancaster, UK)

   * David Benavides (Univ. Sevilla, Spain)

   * Ulrich Eisenecker (Univ. Leipzig, Germany)

   * Florian Heidenreich (TU Dresden, Germany)

   * Patrick Heymans (Univ. Namur, Belgium)

   * Bernhard Hollunder (Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

   * Tomoji Kishi (Waseda University, Japan)

   * Stefan Kowalewski (RWTH Aachen, Germany)

   * Kwanoo Lee (Hangsung University, Korea)

   * Johannes Müller (Univ. Leipzig, Germany)

   * Andreas Pleuss (Lero, Univ. of Limerick, Ireland)

   * Andreas Polzer (RWTH Aachen, Germany)

   * Klaus Schmid (Univ. Hildesheim, Germany)

   * Christa Schwanninger (Siemens CT, Germany)

   * Markus Voelter (Itemis, Germany)

   * Jens Weiland (Reutlingen Univ., Germany)


Workshop Organization


   * Deepak Dhungana (Lero, University of Limerick, Ireland)

   * Iris Groher (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)

   * Rick Rabiser (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)

   * Steffen Thiel (Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany)


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