[ecoop-info] [IEEE RE2010 Doctoral Symposium] Deadline Approaching

Bastian Tenbergen Bastian.Tenbergen at sse.uni-due.de
Wed May 12 15:01:17 CEST 2010

                       **** DEADLINE: May 25th, 2010 **** 

                       IEEE RE2010 - Doctoral Symposium

                    September 27th, 2010 - Sydney, Australia

                           CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                           (SUBMISSION SITE OPEN)



The RE Doctoral Symposium is an international forum for PhD students working in all 
areas of Requirements Engineering. The forum is intended to bring together PhD students 
and give them the opportunity to present and discuss their research in a constructively 
critical atmosphere, and to meet fellow researchers at a similar stage of their career. 

More precisely, the goals of the RE Doctoral Symposium are: 
*	to give PhD students a chance to showcase their research, 
*	to provide them with feedback from a panel of senior international researchers, 
*	to facilitate interaction among the participants. 
The doctoral symposium will operate in a workshop-like format. 

Who should participate 
The Doctoral Symposium welcomes PhD students who are somewhere in the middle of their 
doctoral research, that is: 
*	students who have settled on a dissertation topic, 
*	and whose PhD dissertation will benefit from the feedback received. 
Submission Instructions 
To apply as a student participant to the Doctoral Symposium, you should prepare a sub- 
mission package consisting of two parts (described below), both of which must be sub- 
mitted via e-mail to  
                            RE2010-DS at sse.uni-due.de 
no later than May 25th, 2010, 23.59 Sydney, Australia time. The e-mail should bear the 
subject "[RE2010 Doc Sym] Submission". 
Part 1 - Research Abstract 
Your research abstract must be formatted according to the IEEE CS proceedings format 
(see the website of the IEEE Conference Publishing Service at  
http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/ for instructions and 
templates) and must be a maximum of four pages (font size: 10pt), including all text, 
references, appendices, and figures. All submissions must be in English and in 
PDF format. 
The research abstract should cover: 
*	Technical question - clearly formulate the technical problem to be solved. 
*	Motivation - justify the importance of the problem. 
*	State of the art - describe what existing work your research builds upon 
	(citing key publications), and also briefly describe any existing solutions 
	that have been developed or are currently being developed (citing key pub- 
	lications) and why they do not solve the problem. 
*	Proposed solution - sketch the proposed technical solution. 
*	Contributions - point out your (existing and planned) contributions to the so- 
	lution of the problem, and state in what aspects the suggested solution is  
	different, new or better as compared to existing approaches to the problem. 
*	Research methods - indicate the methods you are using or will use to carry out 
	any empirical research to validate your solution. 
*	Progress - describe the progress made in solving the stated problem and propose 
	a plan to complete the research. The plan should include your strategy for eval- 
	uating your work and presenting credible evidence of your results  
	to the research community. 
The research abstract should include the title of your work, your name, affiliation,  
email address, postal address, personal website, and a one paragraph short summary in  
the style of an abstract for a regular paper. Submissions should contain no proprietary  
or confidential material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications. 
Part 2 - Letter of Recommendation 
Ask your (main) dissertation advisor for a letter of recommendation. 
This letter should include: 
*	your name, 
*	a candid assessment of the current status of your dissertation research, 
*	an expected date for dissertation submission. 
The letter should be in PDF format and should be sent directly by your 
advisor via e-mail to 
                            RE2010-DS at sse.uni-due.de 
The e-mail should have the subject "[RE2010 Doc Sym] Recommendation". 
Attending RE2010 
If you are accepted as a student participant at the Doctoral Symposium, you will prob- 
ably also wish to attend the Requirements Engineering conference. 
A number of scholarships are available and allow students to attend the conference in 
return for acting as a student volunteers. These are offered by the organising 
committee. The conference organising committee will give priority to applications from 
student participants at the Doctoral Symposium. If you wish to be considered for a vol- 
unteer scholarship, you are encouraged to apply immediately after you receive notice of 
your acceptance as a participant in the Doctoral Symposium.  
Important Dates 
Submission deadline (paper + recommendation letter)  May 25th, 2010 
Notification of acceptance                           June 30th, 2010 
Camera-ready copy                                    TBA 
Doctoral Symposium in Sydney                         September 27th, 2010 
Doctoral Symposium Committee 
Klaus Pohl,       (co-chair)  Software Systems Engineering, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany 
Paul Swatman,     (co-chair)  Research Division, Solution Forest Pty Ltd, Tasmania 
Daniel Berry,                 University of Waterloo, Canada 
Olly Gotel,                   Independent Researcher, New York City, USA 
Patrick Heymans,              Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Belgium 
Neil Maiden,                  City University, London, UK 
Peter Sawyer,                 Lancaster University, UK 
Roel Wieringa,                University of Twente, Netherlands 

Please visit http://www.re10.org

Our apologies for multiple postings. 

Bastian Tenbergen                       

Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology

University of Duisburg-Essen
Gerlingstraße 16
45127 Essen, Germany

Tel.: +49 201 183 4651     E-Mail: bastian.tenbergen at sse.uni-due.de
Fax.: +49 201 183 4699     Web   : http://www.sse.uni-due.de

University of Duisburg-Essen VAT : DE811272995 

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