[ecoop-info] CFP: Workshop on Dynamic Distributed Data-Intensive Applications, Programming Abstractions, and Systems (3DAPAS)

Daniel S. Katz d.katz at ieee.org
Wed Nov 24 19:33:31 CET 2010

Workshop on Dynamic Distributed Data-Intensive Applications, Programming Abstractions, and Systems (3DAPAS)


To be held in conjunction with HPDC-2011, 8 June 2011, San Jose, CA

There has been a lot of effort in managing and distributing tasks where computational loads are dominant. Such applications have after all, been historically the drivers of “grid” computing. There has, however, been relatively less effort on tasks where the computational load is matched by the data load, or even dominated by the data load. For such tasks to be able to operate at scale, there are conceptually simple run-time trade-offs that need to be made, such as determining whether to move data to compute versus keeping data localized and move computational tasks to operate on the data in situ, or possibly neither, and with data regenerated on-the-fly. Due to fluctuating resource availability and capabilities, as well as insufficient prior information about application requirements, such decisions must be made at run-time. Furthermore, resource, connectivity and/or storage constraints may require the data to be manipulated in-transit so that it is “made-right” for the consumer. Currently it is very difficult to implement these dynamic decisions or the underlying mechanisms in a general-purpose and scalable fashion.
Although the increasing volumes and complexity of data will make many problems data load dominated, the computational requirements will still be high. In practice, data-intensive applications will encompass data-driven applications. For example, many data-driven applications will involve computational activities triggered as a consequence of independently created data; thus it is imperative for an application to be able to respond to unplanned changes in data load or content. Therefore, understanding how to support dynamic computations is a fundamental, but currently missing element in data-intensive computing.

This workshop will operate at the triple point of dynamic and distributed and data-intensive (3D) attributes. This workshop will operate at the triple point of dynamic, distributed and data-intensive (3D) attributes. It will also focus on innovative approaches for scalability in the end-to-end real-time processing of scientific data. We refer to 3D applications as those are data-intensive, need to support and respond to dynamic data, and, either are fundamentally, or need to be, distributed. We are interested in papers that span the spectrum from the design of cyberinfrastructure to support 3D applications, to novel application examples. We are also looking to bring researchers together to look at holistic, rather than piecewise, approaches to the end-to-end processing and managing of scientific data.

3DAPAS builds upon a 3 year research theme on Distributed Programming Abstractions (DPA), which has held a series of related workshops (see: DPA Past Events, http://wiki.esi.ac.uk/Distributed_Programming_Abstractions#Past_Events) including but not limited to e-Science2008, EuroPar 2008 and the CLADE series. 3DAPAS will also draw on ideas from the ongoing 3DPAS Research Theme (http://wiki.esi.ac.uk/3DPAS) funded by the NSF and UK EPSRC.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Case studies of development, deployment and execution of representative 3D applications
Programming systems, abstractions, and models for 3D applications
What are the common, minimally complete, characteristics of 3D application?
What are major barriers to the development, deployment, and execution of 3D applications? What are the primary challenges of 3D applications at scale?
What patterns exist within 3D applications, and are there commonalities in the way such patterns are used?
How can programming models, abstraction and systems for data-intensive applications be extended to support dynamic data applications?
Tools, environments and programming support that exist to enable emerging distributed infrastructure to support the requirements of dynamic applications (including but not limited to streaming data and in-transit data analysis)
Data-intensive dynamic workflow and in-transit data manipulation
Abstractions and mechanisms for dynamic code deployment and “moving the code to the data”
Application drivers for end-to-end scientific data management
Runtime support for in-situ analysis
System support for high end workflows
Hybrid computing solutions for in-situ analysis
Technologies to enable multi-platform workflows
Submission Requirements:

Authors are invited to submit technical papers of at most 8 pages in PDF format, including all figures and references. Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and submitted via EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?timeout=1;conf=3dapas). Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be incorporated into the ACM Digital Library.

Submission of a paper implies that at least one author will attend the workshop to present the paper, if it is accepted.

Papers must be self-contained and provide the technical substance required for the program committee to evaluate the paper’s contribution. Papers should thoughtfully address all related work. Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or a journal. See the ACM Prior Publication Policy (http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/sim_submissions) for more details.

Important Dates:

Submissions Due: 31 Jan 2011
Paper Decisions Announced: 28 Feb 2011
Final Camera-Ready Papers Due: 24 Mar 2011
Workshop Date: 8 June 2011
(all dates are firm)


Daniel S. Katz, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Shantenu Jha, Louisiana State University, USA & e-Science Institute, UK
Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota, USA
Program Committee Members:

Gabrielle Allen, Louisiana State University, USA
Malcolm Atkinson, eSI & University of Edinburgh, UK
Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Jon Blower, Reading e-Science Centre, University of Reading, UK
Shawn Brown, University of Pittsburgh & Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, USA
Simon Dobson, University of St. Andrews, UK
Dennis Gannon, Microsoft, USA
Keith R. Jackson, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
John R. Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Scott Klasky, University of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Bertram Ludscher, University of California, Davis, USA
Abani Patra, University of Buffalo, USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers & NSF, USA
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Joel Saltz, Emory University, USA
Domenico Talia, Universita’ della Calabria, Italy
Daniel S. Katz
University of Chicago
(773) 834-7186 (voice)
(773) 834-3700 (fax)
d.katz at ieee.org or dsk at ci.uchicago.edu

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