[ecoop-info] REFSQ'11 Call for Papers

Daniel M. Berry dberry at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 5 18:22:48 CEST 2010

************URGENT: Abstracts Due October 8th!****************

         Call For Papers - Deadline: October 15th, 2010

17th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering:
                Foundation for Software Quality
              March 28-30th, 2011, Essen, Germany


Since 1994, when the first REFSQ took place, Requirements Engineering
(RE) continued to be a dominant factor influencing the quality of
software, systems and services. The REFSQ working conference series
has now established itself as one of the leading international forums
to discuss RE in its many relations to quality. This year, REFSQ
consolidates as a stand-alone conference and, in addition, moves to
March, which means an important shift of the usual dates.

Working Conference Format
REFSQ has a long tradition of being a highly structured and interactive
forum.  Each session is organised in order to provoke discussion among
the presenters of papers, pre-assigned discussants, and all the other

REFSQ 2011 seeks reports of novel ideas and techniques that enhance
the quality of REs products and processes, as well as reflections on
current research and industrial RE practices. We invite submissions on
any aspect of RE. We encourage researchers and practitioners from the RE,
software engineering, information systems, service science, and embedded
systems fields to present original work. Contributions from related areas
such as formal methods, systems engineering, human computer interaction,
economics, management, and social sciences are very welcome for the
insights they provide to RE.

Call For Papers
We invite original submissions in various categories:
* Full research papers (up to 15 pages), including solution papers,
  empirical studies, surveys, and comparative studies
* Experience reports (up to 15 pages), describing positive and negative
* Vision papers (up to 6 pages) stating where the research in the field
  should be heading towards
* Problem statements (up to 6 pages) describing open issues of practical
  or theoretical nature
* Research previews (up to 6 pages) reporting research results at an early
  stage Detailed instructions to authors about format, evaluation criteria,
  and submission procedure will be posted soon at the REFSQ website,
The REFSQ 2011 proceedings are intended to be published in Springers LNCS
series, keeping the tradition of last years.

Other Events
REFSQ 2011 calls also for submissions for (see website for details):
* Half-day workshops focused in topics related to REFSQ
* A doctoral symposium in which PhD students present their RE-related research
* Empirical studies to be run during REFSQ
* Empirical studies to be run in collaboration with companies

Important Dates
* Abstracts: Oct. 8, 2010
* Papers: Oct. 15, 2010
* Notifications: Dec. 3, 2010
* Workshop proposals: Oct. 22, 2010
* Doct. Symp. proposals: Jan. 8, 2011
* Conference: March 28-30, 2011

General chair
Klaus Pohl  Univ. of Duisburg Essen, Germany

Programme co-chairs
Daniel Berry  Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Xavier Franch  Univ. Polithcnica de Catalunya, Spain

Workshop chair
Martin Glinz  Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland

Doctoral Symposium co-chairs
Vincenzo Gervasi  Univ. di Pisa, Italy
Barbara Paech  Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany

Empirical Studies co-chairs
Brian Berenbach  Siemens, USA
Jvrg Dvrr  Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Nazim H. Madhavji  Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada

Organizational chair
Vanessa Stricker  Univ. of Duisburg Essen, Germany

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