[ecoop-info] Call for Contributions - 9th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution seminar (BENEVOL 2010)

Laurence Duchien Laurence.Duchien at inria.fr
Mon Sep 6 20:37:53 CEST 2010

Call for Contributions
9th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution seminar (BENEVOL 2010)
16 - 17 December, Lille, Fr

The 9th edition of the BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution seminar 
(BENEVOL 2010) will take place at Lille, France. This two-day seminar 
will be held on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 December 2010. The aim of the 
seminar is to bring together researchers from Belgium, The Netherlands 
and neighbouring countries to identify and discuss important principles, 
problems, techniques and results related to software evolution research 
and practice.

Although participation to the event is possible without sending in a 
contribution, we highly encourage potential participants to send in one 
of the following three kinds of contributions:
1. short position papers (up to 5 pages) describing work in progress or 
speculative ideas they wish to share with the community;
2. tool demonstrations (3 to 5 pages) describing tools supporting 
software evolution that have been developed in academia or industry;
3. full papers (up to 10 pages) describing novel and original research. 
These full papers will undergo peer-reviewing by an international 
program committee to assess if they are of sufficient quality for 
publication in an special issue of Science of Computer Programming journal.

Theme and Topics

The special theme of BENEVOL 2010 will be Software Adaptability and 
Software Maintenance, though submissions on any other topic related to 
software evolution are heartily welcomed as well. Suggested topics 
include, but are not limited to:

     * Dynamic adaptation, composition and reconfiguration of software 
and services
     * Embedded, adaptive and context-aware systems;
     * Foundations & paradigms: formal languages, semantics and theories 
for software adaptation and maintenance;
     * Empirical studies in maintenance: empirical results, case 
studies, experimentation design, measurement, quality models for 
     * Tool support for software evolution: tools to assist the 
evolution process, tools to ensure or to verify quality of the evolution 
process or of the evolving artifacts;
     * Data-intensive systems evolution: data evolution, reengineering 
data-intensive systems and databases;
     * Process-intensive systems evolution: process evolution, 
reengineering process-oriented systems;
     * Model-driven software evolution: models transformation, evolution 
and co-evolution of models, verification and validation of evolving 
models, quality of models and model transformations, modeling evolution, 
     * Software evolution for ?emerging? paradigms: Model-Driven, 
Aspect-Oriented, Service-Oriented, Open Source, Software Product Lines;
     * Managerial aspects and process models for software evolution: 
software re-engineering and quality improvement, inconsistency 
management and co-evolution;
     * Software analysis and visualisation techniques to support 
software evolution: static and dynamic analysis, change propagation, 
     * Data and process analysis techniques to support software 
evolution: data and process analysis, data and process mining.

Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: November 12, 2010
Notification of accepted presentations: November 26, 2010
Deadline for final full paper submission and registration: November 30, 2010
BENEVOL Seminar: December 16-17, 2010
Notification of acceptance of full papers for journal inclusion: 
February 20, 2010

Program Committee

     * Stéphane Ducasse, University of Lille & INRIA, France (co-chair)
     * Laurence Duchien, University of Lille & INRIA, France (co-chair)
     * Lionel Seinturier, University of Lille & INRIA, France (co-chair)

     * Antoine Beugnard, Telecom Bretagne France
     * Xavier Blanc, University of Bordeaux, France
     * Mark van den Brand, U. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
     * Serge Demeyer, University of Antwerp, Belgium
     * Dirk Deridder, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
     * Eric Dubois, Centre Henri Tudor, Luxemburg
     * Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium
     * Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner Institut Potsdam, Germany
     * Andy Kellens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
     * Günter Kniesel, University of Bonn, Germany
     * Paul Klint, CWI, The Netherlands
     * Pierre Kelsen, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg
     * Martin Monperrus, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
     * Mario Südholt, Ecole des Mines de Nantes & INRIA, France
     * Andy Zaidman, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands

Organizing Committee

     * Dr. Nicolas Anquetil, U. Lille & INRIA, France
     * Pr. Mark van den Brand, U. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
     * Dr. Anthony Cleve, U. Lille & INRIA, France
     * Dr. Anne-Françoise Le Meur, U. Lille & INRIA, France
     * Pr. Kim Mens, U. Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
     * Dr. Damien Pollet, U. Lille & INRIA, France
     * Dr. Romain Rouvoy, U. Lille & INRIA, France

More information: http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/benevol/

Contact:benevol2010 at easychair.org

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