[ecoop-info] Call for Papres: Coordination 2011

Wolfgang De Meuter wdmeuter at vub.ac.be
Tue Jan 4 18:13:42 CET 2011

                       COORDINATION 2011

                        Final Call for Papers

13th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages


                Reykjavik, Iceland, 6-9 June 2011



COORDINATION is the premier forum for publishing research results and
experience reports on software technologies for collaboration and
coordination in concurrent and distributed systems.  Its distinctive
feature is the emphasis on high-level abstractions that capture
interaction patterns manifest at all levels of the software
architecture and extending into the realm of the end-user domain.
Social networking, Internet technologies, wireless communication, and
inexpensive multicore processors altered fundamentally the computing
milieu and the way one thinks about the development of modern software
systems.  Coordination techniques seek to enhance our ability to
develop software that is responsive to emerging societal demands and
changing application needs and exploits effectively recent advances in
computing and communication technology.

Coordination 2011 seeks high-quality contributions on the usage,
study, design and implementation of languages, models and techniques
for coordination in distributed, concurrent, and multicore software
systems.  The focus is on languages, formalisms, models, middleware,
patterns, and algorithms that conceptually separate behavior from
interaction.  Research results should demonstrate an ability to
increase modularity, simplify reasoning, and ultimately enhance the
software development process. The conference is concerned with the
design and implementation of models that allow compositional
construction of large-scale concurrent and distributed systems.  Both
practical and foundational perspectives are of interest.  Given the
increasing importance of concurrency and distribution in almost every
domain of our existence, the organizers of Coordination 2011 are keen
to provide a forum for studies that address practical concerns and
industrial grade solutions, e.g., the introduction of concurrency and
distribution concepts to novel domains, comparative evaluations of
programming models on important problems, and the adoption of
domain-specific languages.  Experience reports should describe lessons
learned from the application of proposed models and techniques to
problems in the real world.

Coordination 2011 also seeks proposals for discussion panels.
Proposed topics are expected to address new and exciting subjects that
challenge fundamental assumptions or open new directions for creative
and high-impact research.


Topics of Interest

COORDINATION 2011 topics of interest include:

languages and middleware related to multicore programming, stream
programming, data parallel programming, event-driven programming, web
programming, reactive programming, ...

orchestration, tuple spaces, publish-subscribe systems, event
processing, workflow management, ...

systems for distributed software, dynamic software evolution and
update technologies, configuration and deployment architectures,
multicore and distributed patterns, ...

SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION: Modeling and analysis of issues
related to security, dependability, resource-awareness, real time, ...

FOUNDATIONS AND TYPES: Calculi, process models, type systems for
concurrency and distribution, component conformance, contracts, ...

networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, RFID-technology,
vehicle-area networks, body-area networks, Internet-of-Things, ...

EXPERIENCE REPORTS: Case studies and industrial experiences with
coordination in multicore and/or distributed development, business
process modeling, e-commerce, app-development, web applications, ...

COORDINATION FOR HUMANITY: Applications of coordination models to
people-centric sensing, ambient intelligence, context-aware systems,
Internet-of-Things for sustainability, ...



Wolfgang De Meuter  (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Gruia-Catalin Roman (Washington University in Saint Louis, USA)

Program committee:

Doug Lea
Susan Eisenbach
Patrick Eugster
Manuel Serano
John Field
Rocco De Nicola
Dave Clarke
Marjan Sirjani
Jean-Marie Jacquet
Caroly Talcott
Vasco Vasconcelos
Carlos Canal
Mark Miller
Jay A. McCarthy
Farhad Arbab
Mirko Viroli
Robert Hirschfeld
Sun Meng


Submission Guidelines 

Technical Papers: All research and experience papers must report on
original unpublished work and cannot be under review for publication
elsewhere. Contributions should be submitted electronically as
postscript or PDF, using the Springer LNCS style.  Papers exceeding 15
pages in length will be rejected without a review.  Each paper will
undergo a thorough evaluation and the conference proceedings will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series. Proceedings will be
made available at the conference.  Submission is a firm commitment
that at least one of the authors will attend the conference, if the
paper is accepted.

Panel Proposals: Panel proposals should include a description of the
topic addressed by the panel, the name of the panel moderator, and a
prospective list of panel members.  Panel proposals should not exceed
2 pages.

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