[ecoop-info] Call for Papers: STA 2011, June 28-30, 2011, Crete, Greece

Sang Oh Park sj1st at cs.cau.ac.kr
Thu Jan 13 07:54:51 CET 2011

STA 2011 Call for Papers

*********************************** STA 2011

                     The 8th FTRA International Conference on 

          Secure and Computing, data management, and Applications (STA 2011)



                          Crete, Greece, June 28 - 30, 2011






STA 2011 Overview


Information technology issue is emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm
with user-centric environment to provide computing and communication

In order to realize IT advantages, it requires integrating security and data
management to be suitable for future computing environments. However, there
are still many problems and major challenges waiting for us to solve such as
the security risks in resource sharing, which could be occurred when data
resources are connected and accessed by anyone. 

Therefore, it will be needed to explore more secure and trust and
intelligent data management mechanism.

STA 2011 addresses the various theories and practical applications of secure
and trust computing and data management in future environments. It will
present important results of significant value to solve the application
services and various problems within the scope of STA 2011. 

In addition, we expect it will trigger further related research and
technology developments which will improve our lives in the future. 

STA 2011 is the first conference after the merger of the successful SSDU,
UbiSec, and TRUST symposium series previously held as SSDU-10(Xi'an, China,
2010), SSDU-08(Kunming, China, 2008), SSDU-07(Nanjing, China, 2007), UC-Sec
09(Las Vegas, USA, 2009) and TRUST-08(Shanghai, China, 2008),
TRUST-07(Taipei, Taiwan, 2007), TRUST-06(Seoul, Korea, 2006).






The conference includes, but is not limited to, the areas listed below: 


[Security and Trust computing] 


- Authentication and access control 

- Anonymity, identity management 

- Cryptographic protocols 

- Data integrity, dependability 

- Digital right management and intellectual property protection 

- Accountability 

- Applied cryptography 

- Cybercrime and computer forensics 

- Denial of service attacks 

- Formal methods in security 

- Information warfare 

- Steganography and watermarking 

- Intrusion tolerance 

- System and network security 

- Multimedia security 

- Smartphone security issues 

- Security for open convergence system 

- Security for M2M platform 

- Security and privacy issues for intelligent vehicular systems and

- Security issues for broadband convergence network 

- IPTV security services 

- Privacy-enhancing technology 

- Security evaluation and management 

- Security requirements engineering 

- trust models and trust management policies 

- Mobile trusted computing 

- Trustworthy infrastructures and services for cloud computing 

- Cryptographic aspects of trusted computing 

- Establishing trust in embedded systems 

- Virtualization for trusted platforms 

- Verification of trusted computing architectures 



[Data management] 


- Data and information modelling 

- Data and information networks 

- Data structures and data management algorithms 

- Data warehousing 

- Distributed, parallel, P2P, and Grid-based databases 

- Pervasive data and information 

- Semantic web and ontologies 

- Sensor data management 

- WWW, XML, and databases 

- Context-awareness and data mining 

- Human-computer interface and interaction 

- Smart homes / building and business model 

- Intelligent multimedia services 

- Smart sensor / RFID 

- Intelligent pervasive computing 

- Electronic / ubiquitous commerce and services 

- Engineering information systems 

- Enterprise data management / resource Planning 

- Geographic information systems 

- Mobile computing and data management 

- System design and implementation using data management 

- New novel mechanism and applications 

- Cluster technologies 

- Grid and cloud domputing 

- Community and collaborative computing networks 

- Support for autonomic grid infrastructure 

- Resource management 

- Grid-based problem solving environments 

- System design and implementation using data management 

- New novel mechanism and applications 





Important Dates


Workshop Proposal Due:      Nov. 15, 2010

Paper Submission Deadline:  Jan. 15, 2011 (Hard Deadline)

Paper Status Notification:  Mar. 1, 2011

Camera-ready Due:  April 1, 2010

Conference events: June 28 - 30, 2011  




Submission and Proceeding


There will be a combination of presentations including scientific papers.
Prospective authors are invited, in the first instance, to submit papers for
oral presentations in any of the areas of interest for this conference.
Authors should submit a paper with 4-6 pages in length, including all
figures, tables, and references. If you want to submit more than page
limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages with the appropriate fee

Please use the IEEE Conference Proceedings format (US letter size, available
for download here: IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings) for
submission. The Conference Proceedings will be published by IEEE Press
(Pending) and all papers of the proceedings will be included in the IEEE
XplorerT (Pending Approval) (indexed in EI). 


Submission system: 

[Security and Trust computing]  http://www.editorialsystem.net/sta11/stc

             [Data management]  http://www.editorialsystem.net/sta11/dm



Distinguished papers accepted and presented in STA-11, after further
revisions, will be published in the special issues of the following
international journals :


    * International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining - IGI-Gobal

    * The Computer Jorunal - Oxford University Press (SCI-E)

    * Security and Communication Networks - Wiley InterScience (SCIE)


    * International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and
Convergence (IJITCC) - Inderscience

    * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA

    * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - KIPS (KCIE)




Call for Workshops 



We encourage researches to submit their workshop proposals (according to the
guidelines available at STA-11 web site) to workshop chairs with the subject

" STA-11 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL [-- pls. select the part==> 1) Security part
(2)data management part]&quot.


[Security and Trust computing part]

Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, Switzerland,
jean-marc.seigneur at unige.ch

Panagiotis Rizomiliotis, University of the Aegean, Greece,
prizomil at aegean.gr


[Data management part]

Roland R. Wagner, University of Linz, Austria, rwagner at faw.uni-linz.ac.at

Xiaofang Zhou, The University of Queensland, Australia, zxf at itee.uq.edu.au




Financial Support for Workshop Organizer:


If a workshop were organized successfully, the organizer (1 organizer per 1
workshop) will get:

    * At least 8 papers registration: Free registration

    * At least 16 papers registration: Free registration and Free
accommodation (Max. 2 nights). 


Important Dates -----------------------------------------------

November 15, 2010        Workshop Proposal Submission Due

November 30, 2010        Workshop Acceptance Notification

April 1, 2011                Camera-ready paper due

June 28 - 30, 2011         Conference events






Steering Chair

James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Seoul National University of Science and
Technology, Korea


General Chairs

David Chadwick, University of Kent, UK

Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain

Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea


General Vice-chair

Changhoon Lee, Hanshin University, Korea 


Program Chairs

[Security and Trust Computing Track]

Taeshik Shon, Samsung Electronics, Korea

Lambrinoudakis Costas, University of the Aegean, Greece


[Data Management Track]

David Taniar, Monash University, Australia

Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente, The Netherlands 


Workshop Chairs

[Security and Trust Computing Track]

Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Panagiotis Rizomiliotis, University of the Aegean, Greece


[Data Management Track]

Roland R. Wagner, University of Linz, Austria

Xiaofang Zhou, The University of Queensland, Australia 


International Advisory Board

Bart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USA

Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia

Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece

Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Feng Bao, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore

Xiaobo Zhou, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA

Tok Wang LING, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Philip S. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA


Publicity Chairs

Sotiris Ioannidis, Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece

Jong-Hyouk Lee, INRIA, France

Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Deqing Zou, Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, China

Lei Shu, Osaka University, Japan

Sang Yep Nam, Kookje College, Korea 


International Liaison Chairs

Guojun Wang, Central South University, P. R. China

Bernady O. Apduhan, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan

Jongsung Kim, Kyungnam University, Korea

Muhammad Khurram Khan, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia


Contact Information


If you have any questions about the CfP and papers submission, 

please email to Prof. Sang-Soo Yeo (ssyeo at msn.com) and Dr. TS Shon
(743zh2k at gmail.com).



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