[ecoop-info] Call for Papers: IRP 2011, October 20-22, 2011, Gwangju, Korea

Jung-Sik Cho mfgcho at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 18:24:18 CEST 2011


[IRP 2011 Call for Papers]




The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Intelligent Recommendation and
Personalization (IRP 2011)


        Gwangju, Korea, October 20-22, 2011



           In conjunction with IRoA 2011







The IRP 2011 will be the most comprehensive workshop focused on the various
aspects of Intelligent Recommendation and Personalization (IRP 2011).

The IRP 2011 provides a forum for academic and industry professionals to
present novel ideas on IRP. 

In addition, the workshop will publish high quality papers which are
closely related to the various theories, modeling, and practical
applications in IRP. 

Furthermore, we expect that the workshop and its publications will be a
trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this
important subject.






The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


 - Intelligent recommendation system

- Information retrieval and internet applications 

 - Social networks analysis and social tagging 

 - Artificial intelligence and and Decision Support Systems

- Data mining

- Decision making theory 

 - Context-aware services 

 - Access control for advanced applications

- Trust and reputation management

- User Authentication and Identification

- Authorization management

- User profile Security

- Security issue in recommendation system

- Case studies, experiences and real-world Applications




  Important Dates


Paper submission due: June 15, 2011 

Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2011

Camera-ready paper & early registration due: August 1, 2011

Workshop: October 20 - 22, 2011




Paper Submissions and Proceedings  


There will be a combination of presentations including scientific papers.
Prospective authors are invited, in the first instance, to submit papers
for oral presentations in any of the areas of interest for this workshop.
Authors should submit a paper with 6-8 pages in length, including all
figures, tables, and references. If you want to submit more than page
limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages with the appropriate fee

Papers must strictly adhere to page limits as follows. 

 - Full Paper: 8 pages (Max 2 extra pages allowed at additional cost) 

 - Regular Paper: 6 pages (Max 2 extra pages allowed at additional cost) 

 - Poster Paper: 2 pages (FTRA Publishing Proceeding with ISBN) 

Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.

Please use the Springer Proceedings format for submission. Template is
available here:


Submission system: http://www.editorialsystem.net/irp2011


Distinguished papers accepted and presented in IRP-11, after further
revisions, will be published in the special issues of the following
international journals : 


- International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems- Intech (SCIE)

- International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT)-

- Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

- International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and
Convergence (IJITCC) - Inderscience 

 - Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA 

 - Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - KIPS (KCIE)







Workshop Chairs


Kenta Oku, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Mucheol Kim, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Jeong-Heon Kim, Chung-Ang University, Korea





Technical Program Committee (In alphabetical order) 


Claudio Biancalana, Roma Tre University, Roma

Hao Wang, Nokia Research Center, China

Hyuk Cho, Sam Houston State University, USA

Jingyu Sun, Taiyuan University of Technology, China

Marius Silaghi, Florida Institute of Technology, USA

Nikolay Shilov, Novosibirsk State University, Russia

Nurmamat Helil, Xinjiang University, China

Okkyung Choi, Sejong University, Korea

Park Se Joon, SK C&C, Korea

Seunghwan Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea

Sten Govaerts, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Tadashi Dohi, Hiroshima University, Japan

Yangjin Seo, SECUI, Korea










If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission, 

please email to Mucheol Kim(pc.mckim at gmail.com) and Jeong Heon
Kim(pc.jhkim at gmail.com).


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