[ecoop-info] International workshop on Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems - CFP

Brahim HAMID hamid at irit.fr
Sat Jun 4 16:41:14 CEST 2011

Please  disseminate the SD4RCES workshop CFP  to your colleagues, 
project and industrial partners and phd students that could be interested.

We hope to see you at SD4RCES 2011.

Please accept our apologies in case of cross-posting.

S&D4RCES: International workshop on Security and Dependability
for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems
(Secure and dependable RCES by design)
in conjunction with SAFECOMP 2011 conference
Naples, Italy, 22 September 2011

- Important dates:
* Paper submission: July 20, 2011
* Acceptance Notification: August 20, 2011
* Camera Ready version: September 5, 2011
* Workshop day: September 22, 2011

- Publication:
* Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the 
ICPS series
* Revised and extended versions of selected workshop papers are invited 
to a Special Issue of the International Journal of Critical 
Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS)

The main focus of SD4RCES is on the topic of making security and 
dependability expert knowledge available to Resource Constrained 
Embedded Systems (RCES) engineering processes. Special emphasis  will be 
devoted to promote discussion and interaction between researchers and 
practitioners focused  on the particularly challenging task to 
efficiently integrate security and dependability solutions within  the 
restricted available design space for RCES. Furthermore, one important 
focus is on the potential  benefits of the combination of model-driven 
engineering with pattern-based representation of security and 
dependability solutions. The workshop aims to bring together researchers 
from various fields involved in the development and deployment of RCES 
with a particular focus on the transfer of results from fundamental 
research to the industrial development of RCES. We believe that the 
synergy between researchers working in different aspects of this area 
will produce important benefits. The objective of this workshop is to 
foster an exchange of ideas among practitioners, researchers and 
industry involved in the deployment of secure and dependable 
resource-constrained embedded systems. The exchange of concepts, 
prototypes, research ideas, and other results which contribute to the 
academic arena and also benefit business and industrial communities, is 
of particular interest. Some of the topics that we seek to include in 
the workshop are related to the development of models and tools to 
support the inclusion of security and dependability (S&D) issues into 
the RCES engineering process. Topics of interest include, but are not 
limited to:
* Verification, testing and validation of S&D by design in RCES
* Design process of S&D patterns
* Model-based repository of S&D patterns for RCES
* Formalization of S&D properties at the pattern level
* S&D requirements engineering for RCES
* Inheritance of S&D properties upon integration of patterns
* Integration process of S&D patterns
* Customization of application sector specific processes
* Support tools for assisting modeling, deployment and configuration of 
S&D by design
* RCES development and engineering processes
* Case studies, empirical results, experience reports, etc...

- Submission:
* We are inviting the submission of papers with high quality research 
contributions, work in progress, experimental and ongoing projects 
results. The following types of submission are accepted:
* Long papers (10 pages): reporting substantial, completed, and 
previously unpublished research.
* Short papers (6 pages): describing work in progress or industrial 
* Format: All submitted papers must be written in English and conform to 
the ACM double column format (10pt, single-space, double-column and 
include an abstract of up to 150 words...). The format of the submission 
should follow ACM Formatting Guidelines 
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). The 
submission should be done in PDF-format via our submission system before 
July 20, 2011.

- Co-organizers :
* Brahim Hamid (IRIT-University of Toulouse , France), brahim.hamid at irit.fr
* Carsten RUDOLPH (Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information 
Technology SIT, Germany), carsten.rudolph at sit.fraunhofer.de
* Antonio Mana (University of Malaga, Spain), amg at lcc.uma.es
* Simin Nadjm-Tehrani (Linköping University, Sweden), 
simin.nadjm-tehrani at liu.se

- Program Committee (to be completed):
* Yemine Ait Ameur (LISI/ENSMA-UP, Univ. Poitiers)
* Jean-Michel Bruel (IRIT, Univ. Toulouse)
* Mireille Blay-Fornarino(I3S, Univ. Nice)
* Nora Cuppens (ENST Bretagne)
* Khalil Drira (LAAS-CNRS)
* Amnon Eden (Univ. Essex)
* Mamoun Filali (IRIT, Univ. Toulouse)
* Andreas Fuchs (Fraunhofer SIT)
* Sigrid Gürgens (Fraunhofer SIT)
* Christophe Gransart (INRETS)
* Cyril Grepet (Trialog)
* Ferhat Khendek (Univ. Concordia)
* Brahim Hamid (IRIT, Univ. Toulouse)
* Erno Jeges (SEARCH lab, Hungary)
* Christophe Jouvray (Trialog)
* Oliver Jung (Research Center for Telecommunications, Vienna)
* Antonio Mana (Univ. Malaga)
* Fabio Massacci (Univ. Trento)
* Simin Nadjm-Tehrani (Linköping Univ.)
* Christian Percebois (IRIT, Univ. Toulouse)
* Ansgar Radermacher (CEA List)
* Carsten Rudolph (Fraunhofer SIT)
* Christoph Ruland (Univ. Siegen)
* Maurizio Palesi (Univ. Catania)
* Francesca Saglietti (Univ. Erlangen-Nurnberg)
* Salvador Trujillo (Ikerlan-K4)
* Didier Van-Den-Abeele (Transport/ALSTOM)
* Tulio Vardanega (Univ. Padou)

Dr. Brahim HAMID
IRIT, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
(computer science research institute of toulouse)
118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
phone/fax: +33 (0)5 6150 2386 / 4173
mobile: +33 (0)6 8549 6809
e-mail: hamid at irit.fr
web: http://www.irit.fr/~Brahim.Hamid

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