[ecoop-info] [Call for Workshop Papers Deadline Extended] The 15th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference

Shih-Hsi "Alex" Liu shliu at csufresno.edu
Sun Mar 20 04:09:08 CET 2011

Seven Workhops at EDOC 2011
The 15th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference


Helsinki, Finland
29 August - 2 September 2011

W1: 3M4SE - 2nd International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE 2011)
W2: AQuSerM - 5th International Workshop on Advances in Quality of Service Management (AQuSerM 2011)
W3: DynaCo - 1st International Workshop on Dynamic Business-to-Business Collaboration (DynaCo 2011)
W4: EVL-BP - 4th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP 2011)
W5: SoEA4EE - 3rd International Workshop on Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE 2011)
W6: TEAR - 6th Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR 2011) Workshop
W7: VORTE - 6th International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE 2011)

Submission deadline: March 29, 2011 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: May 7, 2011
Camera-ready due: June 1, 2011

W1: 2nd International Workshop on Models and 
    Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE 2011)

Date: August 30, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web:  http://edoc2011.cs.helsinki.fi/edoc2011/3m4se

Recent developments in meta-modelling and model transformation techniques have led to 
increasing adoption of model-driven engineering practices. The increase in interest and 
significance of the model-driven approach has also accelerated its application in the 
development of large (distributed) IT systems to support (collaborative) enterprises. 
Shifting attention from source code to models allows enterprises to focus on their 
core concerns, such as business processes, services and collaborations, without being 
forced to simultaneously consider the underlying technologies. Different concerns are 
typically addressed by different models, with transformations between the models and 
ultimately to the source code.

This workshop aims at helping the convergence of research on model-driven development and 
practical application of the model-driven approach in the area of enterprise computing and 
service engineering. The workshop addresses questions with respect to the requirements on, 
concepts for, properties of and experience with models and model-driven methods for service 
engineering in the area of enterprise computing. A special focus will be on the combined 
application of model-driven and semantic approaches in the different phases of the 
service lifecycle.

Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Lu�s Ferreira Pires, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, The Netherlands

W2: 5th International Workshop on Advances in 
    Quality of Service Management (AQuSerM 2011)

Date: August 29, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web:  http://edoc2011.cs.helsinki.fi/edoc2011/aquserm

Service Level Management (SLM) is the process of managing the Quality of Service (QoS) demanded
by clients and offered by providers. In the past, SLM approaches have focused on service contract 
definition, monitoring and reporting and have typically been handled by enterprise system
management tools such as Microsoft's SMS, CA's Unicenter and Empirix's OneSight.

However, traditional approaches are inadequate when dealing with complex service-oriented 
architectures. Service-oriented architectures are compositional, dynamic and often distributed 
over the internet. For such architectures, SLM becomes a difficult problem that can no longer be 
handled by traditional monitoring tools. This is because of the dynamic, flexible, compositional 
and global natures of SOAs.

This workshop will be concerned with the issues that are important to modern QoS management: 
the monitoring of widely distributed components, dynamic adaptation strategies and the necessity 
for more sophisticated prediction and diagnostic analysis techniques. Model-driven approaches to 
these issues will be a special focus of the workshop.

Iman Poernomo, King's College London, UK
Guijun Wang, Boeing Research & Technology, USA

W3: 1st International Workshop on Dynamic 
    Business-to-Business Collaboration (DynaCo 2011)

Date: August 30, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web:  http://edoc2011.cs.helsinki.fi/edoc2011/dynaco

Collaboration between organizations is complex from a business, conceptual, and technological 
point of view. Service consumers may source from service providers for several reasons, e.g., 
the OEM cannot produce a specified quality, or for a set low price per piece, the production 
capacity is not available, required special know-how is lacking, and so on. In this situation, 
collaborating parties want to control how much process detail they expose and which parts of 
them are observable. While a service provider has to adhere to the requirements agreed with 
the service consumer, the provider still needs flexibility for extending and adjusting 
the service provisioning to internal needs that remain opaque to the consumer, e.g., to perform 
back-office tasks. Moreover, with respect to dynamic B2B collaboration, during the setup phase 
the question arises based on what criteria business parties find each other and determine 
the counterpart is trustworthy and reputable. Also, while enacting a B2B collaboration with 
multiple business parties, it must be clear how to behave if one violates collaboration 
agreements, how to resolve conflicts, how to re-organize an existing B2B collaboration 
if needed. The goal of this workshop is to foster research in the emerging area of 
dynamic B2B collaboration.

Alex Norta, University of Helsinki, Finland
Diogo R. Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon, Spain
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Christoph Bussler, Xtime Inc, USA

W4: 4th International Workshop on 
    Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP 2011)

Date: August 29, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web: http://edoc2011.cs.helsinki.fi/edoc2011/evl-bp

The EVL-BP workshop series is devoted to evolution in business processes. Enterprises face 
the challenge of rapidly adapting to dynamic business environments. The traditional approach to 
process management is only partially appropriate to this new context, and calls for the advent 
of new, evolutionary business processes. This new approach attempts to address specific issues 
related to flexibility and adaptation such as design of easily adaptable processes, dynamic 
handling of unexpected situations, optimality of adaptations, and change management. Central to 
the field of evolutionary business processes is the notion of requirement, which drive the change 
of business processes through their life-cycles. The evolution of processes and their underlying 
software systems becomes more and more an important and interesting topic in business process 
management. Since the life time of software systems frequently spans many years, business 
processes modeled on top of systems cannot be assumed to remain fixed, and migration between 
different versions is essential. As a consequence, modeling and management techniques developed 
in the context of ad-hoc, short-term composition of services and their processes lack 
the necessary constructs to concisely express the gradual evolution of processes and software 
systems and new dynamic, declarative, and/or configurable  approaches in this context are 

This workshop will be an opportunity for participants to exchange opinions, advance ideas, and 
discuss preliminary results on current topics related to dynamic and declarative business 
processes. A particular interest will be taken in bridging theoretical research and practical 
issues. To this end, contributions stating open problems, case studies, tool presentations, or 
any other work assessing the practical significance of dynamic and declarative business processes
by  means of concrete examples and situations, will be particularly welcome. Work in progress, 
position papers stating broad avenues of research, and work on formal foundations of dynamic and 
declarative business processes are also sought-after.

Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University and Simon Fraser University, Canada
Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia
Sylvain Hall�, Universit� du Qu�bec � Chicoutimi, Canada
Florian Rosenberg, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

W5: 3rd International Workshop on Service-oriented Enterprise 
    Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE 2011)

Date: August 30, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web:  http://crinfo.univ-paris1.fr/users/nurcan/SoEA4EE_2011/

There is a more and more common understanding, that not the ownership of information technology 
resources but their management is the foundation for sustainable competitive advantage. According 
to Ross et al., smart companies define how they (will) do business (using an operating model) and
design the processes and infrastructure critical to their current and future operations (using 
an enterprise architecture). 

The management of information technology resources should be done with the application of 
engineering principles, called enterprise engineering. Enterprise Engineering allows deriving 
the Enterprise Architecture from the enterprise goals and strategy and aligning it with the 
enterprise resources, but it may also be supported by the Enterprise 
Architecture if the latter is documented. Enterprise architecture aims (i) to understand the 
interactions and all kind of articulations between business and information technology, (ii) to 
define how to align business components and IT components, as well as business strategy and 
IT strategy, and more particularly (iii) to develop and support a common understanding and 
sharing of those purposes of interest. Enterprise architecture is used to map the enterprise 
goal and strategy to the enterprise resources (actors, assets, IT supports) and to take into 
account the evolution of this mapping. It also provides documentation on the assignment of 
enterprise resources to the enterprise goals and strategy. To this end, advantageous 
patterns (best practices) can be reused and alternative design solutions can be compared. 
Furthermore, enterprise architecture may be checked for compliance with laws, regulatory rules 
etc. Finally, enterprise architecture facilitates the measurement the performance and efficiency 
of the resources used.

The goal of the workshop is to develop concepts and methods to assist the engineering and the 
management of service-oriented enterprise architectures and the software systems supporting them. 
Especially three themes of research shall be pursued:
1. Alignment of the enterprise goals and strategies with the service-oriented enterprise architecture
2. Design of the service-oriented enterprise architecture
3. Mapping of service-oriented enterprise architecture to enterprise resources

Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt, University of Applied Sciences, Aalen, Germany

W6: 6th Trends in Enterprise Architecture 
    Research (TEAR 2011) Workshop

Date: August 29, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web:  http://ea-network.org/wikis/ea-network/tear-2011

The international TEAR workshop series brings together EA researchers from different research 
communities and provides a forum to present EA research results and to discuss future EA 
research directions.

The field of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has gained considerable attention over the last of 
years. The understanding of the term Enterprise Architecture is diverse in both practitioner 
and scientific communities. Regarding the term architecture most agree on the 
ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471-2000, where architecture is defined as the "fundamental organization of 
a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and 
the principles governing its design and evolution". For Enterprise Architecture the focus is on 
the overall enterprise. In contrast to traditional architecture management approaches such as 
IT architecture, software architecture or IS architecture, EA explicitly incorporates "pure" 
business-related artifacts in addition to traditional IS/IT artifacts. 

In previous years the emergence of service oriented design paradigms (e.g. Service-oriented 
Architecture, SoA) contributed to the relevance of EA. The need to design business services and 
IT services and align them forced companies to pay more attention to business architectures. 
The growing complexity of existing application landscapes lead to increased attention to 
application architectures at the same time. To better align business and IS architectures a 
number of major companies started to establish EA efforts after introducing the service-oriented 
architecture style.

Until recently, practitioners, consulting firms and tool vendors have been leading in the 
development of the EA discipline. Research on EA has been taking place in relatively isolated 
communities. The main objective of this workshop series is to bring these different 
communities of EA researchers together and to identify future directions for EA research with 
special focus on service oriented paradigms. An important question in that respect is what EA 
researchers should do, as opposed to EA practitioners.

Joao Paulo Almeida,Federal University of Esp�rito Santo, Brazil
Florian Matthes, Technische Universit�t M�nchen, Germany
Erik Proper, Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor, Luxembourg

W7: 6th International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and 
    Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE 2011)

Date: August 30, 2011 (not yet confirmed)
Web:  http://edoc2011.cs.helsinki.fi/edoc2011/vorte

The VORTE series of workshops is devoted to the topics of vocabularies, ontologies and rules 
in the context of enterprise systems. The complexity of enterprise systems; the increasing 
needs for advanced collaboration between various systems within one institution or among many
collaborating parties; and the velocity of organizational, policy, structural and market changes 
strongly call for immediate mobilization of the research community to develop more flexible and
reliable technologies for the development of enterprise systems. Trying to respond to this 
urgent research need, the VORTE series of workshops has been established in order to bring 
together researchers and practitioners that are looking into the topics of ontologies and rules 
in enterprise system development from different yet complementary perspectives. The major 
objective is to provide a research forum for exchanging ideas and results covering the use of 
ontologies and rules in various stages of the development lifecycle of enterprise systems. 
Examples of topics covered by VORTE fundamental research contributions include the ontological 
evaluation of enterprise systems and their interoperability and the investigation of the use of
ontologies and rules in business process modelling. Applied research contributions include 
enhancing business rule engines and business process management systems by ontologies and formal
semantics for rules. From the enterprise system development perspective research topics are
focused on relations of process modelling and execution languages with business ontologies and
rules, and how business ontologies and rules used in enterprise models are further propagated
into technologies (e.g., semantic web) and architectures (e.g., service-oriented architectures)
that enable collaboration between heterogeneous enterprise systems. The workshop also welcomes
experience reports and empirical studies that are reporting on the use of ontologies and rules
in the enterprise system development lifecycle.

Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Giancarlo Guizzardi, Federal University of Esp�rito Santo (UFES), Brazil
Andreas L. Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway

For further information, please visit the conference website at:


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