[ecoop-info] [Call for Paper] CCA in SoftTech 2012 - All papers will be included in SCIE indexed journals

In-Bon Kuh inbon at gnu.ac.kr
Tue Apr 3 11:15:23 CEST 2012

* *
*Call for Papers*

*Special Session on Concurrent Computing and Applications (CCA 2012)*

The 1st International Conference on Software Technology (SoftTech 2012)
May 29-31, 2012, at Cebu, Philippines

*Important Dates*

 - Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2012
 - Acceptance Notification: April 30, 2012
 - Camera Ready Submission and Registration Due: May 10, 2012
 - Conference: May 29-31, 2012
*     You can present your paper by internet if you may not attend the


1st. Conference Proceeding:
    * 1 page abstracts* will be included in conference proceedings
published by SERSC.

2nd. SCIE Journal Publish:
      All papers accepted and registered will be included in the SCIE
journal (*5-9 pages*).

3rd. SERSC journal publish (after publishing SCIE journal):
     Authors can publish their *FULL paper (15-25 pages)* in SERSC journals.
     Most SERSC journals are indexed by *EI Compendex* and *SCOPUS*.


Conference proceedings, SCIE journal, SERSC journal, Lunches and
Banquet, Gift
     and Bag, and taxes are included.

*Paper Submission*

Please send your full paper(papers) to

Mr. In-Bon Kuh
Gyeongsang National University
email: *inbon at gnu.ac.kr*

*Best Regards,*

 In-Bon Kuh

 Operating System Lab.

 Gyeonsang National University
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