[ecoop-info] Call for Papers/Participation: ICOOOLPS 2012 at ECOOP 2012

Eric Jul ericjul at ericjul.dk
Thu Apr 19 05:08:56 CEST 2012

  Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and
  Systems (ICOOOLPS'12)

Date: 11 June.


  * Eric Jul <http://www.diku.dk/hjemmesider/ansatte/eric/> (chair), Bell Labs
  * Ian Rogers (Co-chair), Google
  * Olivier Zendra <http://www.loria.fr/%7Ezendra/> (Co-chair), Inria

*Contact:* Eric Jul <mailto:ericbj at ifi.uio.no>
*Website:* http://ericjul.dk/?page_id=150

Programming languages, especially object-oriented ones, are pervasive and play a
significant role in computer science and engineering life.
They sometime appear as ubiquitous and completely mature. However, despite a large number
of works, there is still a clear need for solutions for efficient implementation and
compilation of OO languages in various application domains ranging from embedded and
real-time systems to desktop systems.

The ICOOOLPS workshop series thus aims to address this crucial issue of optimization in OO
languages, programs and systems. It intends to do so by bringing together researchers and
practitioners working in the field of object-oriented languages implementation and
optimization. Its main goals are identifying fundamental bases and key current issues
pertaining to the efficient implementation, compilation and optimization of OO languages,
and outlining future challenges and research directions.
An expected output of this workshop is a synthesis identifying fundamental bases and key
current issues pertaining to the efficient implementation and compilation of OO languages,
in order to spread them further amongst the various computing systems. It is also intended
to extend this synthesis to encompass future challenges and research directions in the
field of OO languages implementation and optimization, as well as non-OO languages.

ICOOOLPS 2012 will build on previous successful ICOOOLPS workshops held in Nantes, Berlin,
Cyprus, Genoa and Maribor.

    Call For Papers ????

We seek submissions of full papers of around 8 pages in length. The organization committee
consists of one chair and two co-chairs. Past workshops have had a program committee with
12 members from leading academic and commercial organizations. The task of reviewing
papers is split evenly amongst members of the committees, with members typically reviewing
in the region of 4 to 5 papers each. The bulk of the time in the workshop is focused on
allowing the presentation of the material from these papers.

Past workshops have had invited speakers and this increased interest in attending the
workshop sessions from ECOOP attendees. We believe we can identify suitable speakers for
this year's workshop. At the end of the workshop we have created workshop reports to
disseminate the findings of the workshop. Past workshop readers have been distributed
online as well as in the ACM digital library.

A description of how the workshop papers and results will be published or otherwise

Papers for previous workshops have been made available either online through the workshop
web site, or more recently through the ACM digital library. As with previous workshops a
reader covering what was presented at the workshop will be created.

References to previous workshops <http://www.icooolps.info/>.

    Important Dates ????

Submission deadline:
    *24th April, 2012* -- or let us say: 25th April, 2012 at 13:01 UTC (this should be
    past 24th April anywhere on Earth).
    30th April, 2012  (day before early registration deadline for ECOOP, which is 1st May,

    Submission instructions

Send your submission, max 8 pages, to ICOOOLPS-2012 at ericjul.dk
<mailto:ICOOOLPS-2012 at ericjul.dk>

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