[ecoop-info] Tenure-track position in Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Theo D'Hondt tjdhondt at vub.ac.be
Thu Feb 9 13:44:14 CET 2012

Announcement of a full-time, open faculty position (tenured) in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Starting October 1, 2012

Assistant Professor (Lecturer) or  Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer), depending on the experience and qualifications of the candidate.

Ph.D. in Computer Science.

The teaching load associated with a full-time appointment includes teaching general Computer Science courses at bachelor level as well as specialized, research related courses at master level. The concrete list of courses will be negotiated based on the selected candidate’s expertise.

The candidate should be able to teach both in English and in Dutch. A candidate without knowledge of Dutch must be prepared to learn Dutch in a relatively short period. This is a condition for tenure. 


The candidate is expected to reinforce the research of the Software Languages Lab (SOFT - http://soft.vub.ac.be) by initiating and conducting research in the field of software language engineering. In particular, we are looking for a candidate with expertise in programming models  for  concurrent, multicore and/or cloud computing. 

The applicant has to fit in with the research culture of the Software Languages Lab, which spans the entire “research stack” of software language engineering, i.e. design, formalization, implementation and application. The applicant has to have outstanding academic credentials and an excellent publication record that demonstrate that the full depth of this stack is covered.

The applicant is expected to have experience with supervising Ph.D. and M.Sc. students.

The applicant has to have a track record or has to demonstrate potential for launching and seeking financing for new research projects.

For further information please contact: Theo D’Hondt, tjdhondt at vub.ac.be, head of the Software Language Lab

The forms for submitting an application can be found on http://www.vub.ac.be/infovoor/toekomstigewerknemers/vacatures.html. The completed forms must be addressed to Prof. Dr. De Knop, Rector VUB, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium and arrive before 1 March  2012.

                                Theo D'Hondt
 Software Languages Lab                           Computer Science Department
 Faculty of Sciences                               Vrije Universiteit Brussel
                  Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / BELGIUM EUROPE
 mailto: tjdhondt at vub.ac.be     http://soft.vub.ac.be/soft/members/theodhondt
 Phone : +32-2-629-33-08                                Fax : +32-2-629-35-25

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