[ecoop-info] Deadline Extension: PDPT at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, theNetherlands, Oct 7-10 2012. Submissions due: June 16, 2012.

Guido van 't Noordende guido at science.uva.nl
Fri Jun 1 21:13:52 CEST 2012

Please consider forwarding to appropriate groups or collegues.

Call for Papers / Contributions:

The first Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC) in the Netherlands, Oct 7-10 2012, 
is a multidisciplinary conference which aims to address privacy from all angles 
and disciplines. Keynote speakers include, among others, Alessandro Acquisti 
(CMU), Peter Hustinx (EPDS), Ross Anderson (Cambridge, UK), Priscilla Regan 
(George Mason) and Helen Nissenbaum (NYU).

As part of APC, the first International Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection 
Technology (PDPT 2012) addresses technical issues related to privacy and data 
protection. The call for papers is included below.


1st International Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection Technology (PDPT)


The first International Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection Technology 
(PDPT) seeks to be a lively forum for discussing novel technical privacy and 
data protection solutions. Translating privacy and data protection laws and 
regulations, such as the upcoming revision of the European data protection 
framework, can be a difficult and challenging problem. This workshop aims to 
shed light on the problems that occur when translating privacy requirements and 
(international) regulations into technology.

PDPT invites papers that address technical problems and solutions to control 
privacy and to protect data in a wide variety of large-scale distributed 
systems that process personal data -- ranging from smart metering systems to 
social networking, from clouds to intelligent transport systems.

PDPT sollicits papers on practical technical contributions including novel 
solutions for privacy and data protection in large-scale distributed systems 
and applications. The workshop seeks to explore novel technologies and 
innovative ideas, as well as concrete use cases and practical problems relating 
to privacy protection. We also invite experience papers that describe privacy 
enhancing technology, data protection controls, privacy by design and privacy 
assessments of real-world systems.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- privacy by design
- technical security: privacy policies, mechanisms
- auditing and provenance
- analysis of security in existing systems
- privacy issues in smart metering systems, internet of things, etc.
- apps and mobility
- privacy implications of tracking data and data access
- implementation of removal rights and the right to be forgotten
- transparency (by design)
- authentication and authorization, access control mechanisms
- fine-grained information flow policies
- (sticky) privacy policies
- cloud security
- consent management
- privacy enhancing technologies
- de-identification and anonymization/pseudonymization
- cryptographic data protection techniques, key management
- centalized versus decentralized architectures
- threat models, vulnerabilities, forensics and intrusion detection
- data breach management and notification
- the human factor: usability and security
- stakeholder influence on design
- privacy impact and (security) risk assessments

- June 16 2012: paper/abstract submission deadline (extended deadline)
- July 12 2012: notification of acceptance
- July 27 2012: camera ready submission deadline
- Oct 8-10 2012: workshop (precise date TBA)

Program Committee:
Guido van 't Noordende (University of Amsterdam) - chair
Jaap van Ginkel (University of Amsterdam)
David Groep (Nikhef, Netherlands)
Matthijs Koot (Madison Gurkha, Netherlands)
Cees de Laat (University of Amsterdam)
Andreas Pashalidis (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Mehmet Tahir Sandikkaya (Istanbul Technical University)
Jacques Schuurman (XS4ALL, Netherlands)
Asia Slowinska (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
(further PC members TBA, see website).

The workshop accepts the following types of submissions:

- 1 or 2-page abstracts for oral or poster presentations;
- position papers up to 4 pages, presenting challenging issues or
   novel approaches on privacy and data protection;
- full papers up to 10 pages, presenting more mature research
   results or experience papers.

Paper submissions will be peer reviewed and, if accepted, included in the APC 
conference proceedings.

Submission guidelines:
Submissions take place using the easychair conference management system, via 
the following link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pdpt2012
Papers should be submitted as a PDF file, according to the above page limits, 
using the Easychair formatting stylesheet available from 

For more information and full submission details, see the PDPT website: 

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