[ecoop-info] CfP: MoDeVVa 2012 - 9th Workshop on Model Design, Verification and Validation

Michalis Famelis famelis at cs.toronto.edu
Mon May 7 17:03:17 CEST 2012

======= MoDeVVa 2012 =======
Co-located with MODELS 2012

9th Workshop on Model Design, Verification and Validation
Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE
Innsbruck, Austria
September 30th 2012

Models are purposeful abstractions of systems and of their
environment. They can be applied at arbitrary abstraction levels for
understanding complex systems, validating requirements, simulation, or
automatic code generation. Since all of these lead to higher quality
or efficiency of the software development process, the usage of models
is of increasing importance for industrial applications. Model-Driven
Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology that is based on
models, meta-models, and model transformations. The shift from code or
technical artifacts to software models is a key feature of MDE that
opens promising perspectives for the formalization and the automation
of verification and validation's (V&V) tasks like model-based testing,
consistency, or refinement conformance checking. However, the growing
complexity of models and of model transformations requires efficient
techniques for V&V in the context of MDE.

=== Topics of MoDeVVa ===

The workshop on model-driven engineering, verification, and validation
(MoDeVVa) in 2012 has the objective to offer a forum for researchers
and practitioners who are working on V&V and MDE. The main goals of
the workshop are to identify, discuss, and elaborate mutual impacts of
MDE and V&V.

The major questions about MDE and V&V concern possible overlappings
and mutual benefits for both techniques: How can MDE improve V&V and
how can V&V leverage the techniques around MDE? Does a model,
meta-model, or model transformation express what the user wanted to
express? Are these artifacts correct with respect to security, time,
and other constraints? How to model such non-functional aspects? How
can product-related artifacts like product lines be modeled and
tested? How can models or modeling languages (meta-models) support
V&V, e.g. in model-based testing? What modeling languages or model
transformations did perform best in real life applications (experience
report)? Can V&V support the whole software engineering process from
initial (informal) requirements to source code via several model

In order to discuss these and further similar questions, we would like
to invite submissions related to the following topics:
* V&V techniques for MDE activities, e.g. V&V of (meta-)modeling,
model transformations, code generation, visualization, etc.
* V&V at the level of the (meta-)model: techniques for validating a
(meta-) model or generating test cases for (meta-)models, including
simulation, modelchecking, model-based testing, etc.
* Impact analysis of model changes on V&V, i.e.: What is the result of
a change in a (meta-)model on the previous results of V&V?
* V&V techniques supporting refinement, abstraction, transformation,
and structuring
* Case studies and experience

For this ninth edition of MoDeVVa, we would like to put an emphasis on
compositionality, which is a key to the scalability of MDE techniques.
Therefore, we will favor papers on the above topics which try to
address the following issues:
* breaking down a model into submodels that can be realized as
individually verified subsystems, integrated into a validated system,
* modeling composition rules to support compositionality,
* modeling model transformations to guaranty the preservation of
properties of the models,
* modeling the dependencies between functional and extra-functionalrequirements.

=== Submissions and Publication ===

Submitted papers can be either short (4 pages) or long papers (8
pages) in the ACM format. Short papers are aimed at discussing
innovative ideas while long papers are aimed at presenting more mature
and evaluated research.
Selected papers will most likely be published in a Workshop Reader as
part of the LNCS series (Springer Verlag) for the MODELS conference.
All papers will most likely be published at either the IEEE or the ACM
Digital Libraries.
Papers can be submitted via EasyChair:

=== Workshop Format ===

MoDeVVa 2012 will include paper presentations and discussions. We
anticipate an enjoyable and exciting event where all participants will
leave with answers or well-founded doubts ;) on MDE and V&V.

=== Important Dates ===

Submission: July 26, 2012
Notification to authors: September 3, 2012
Final version: September 14, 2012
Workshop: September 30, 2012

=== Program Committee ===

Paul Ammann, (George Mason University, USA)
Bruno Barroca, (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Benoit Baudry, (IRISA, France)
Frederic Boulanger, (Supelec, France)
Fabrice Bouquet, (University of Franche Comte,  France)
Marsha Chechik, (University of Toronto, Canada)
John Derrick, (University of Sheffeld, UK)
Michalis Famelis, (University of Toronto, Canada)
Franck Fleurey, (Sintef, Norway)
Frederic Fondement, (Universite de Haute Alsace, France)
Mark Harman, (King's College London, UK)
Bruno Legeard, (Smartesting, France)
Levi Lucio, (McGill University, Canada)
Mercedes Merayo, (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Markus Scheidgen, (METRIK, Germany)
Ina Schieferdecker, (Fraunhofer FOKUS / TU Berlin, Germany)
Holger Schlingloff, (Fraunhofer FIRST / HU Berlin, Germany)
Dehla Sokenou, (GEBIT Solutions, Germany)
Safouan Taha, (Supelec, France)
Yves Le Traon, (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Stephan Weissleder, (Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany)
Manuel Wimmer, (TU Wien, Austria)

=== Organization Committee ===

Frédéric Boulanger (Supélec, France)
Michalis Famelis (University of Toronto, Canada)
Frédéric Fondement (Université de Haute Alsace, France)
Levi Lúcio (McGill University, Canada)
Stephan Weißleder (Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany)

Best regards,
Michalis Famelis

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