[ecoop-info] CFP: 4th Workshop on Interfaces and Abstractions for Scientific Data Storage (IASDS 2012)

Francisco Javier Garcia Blas fjblas at piojito.arcos.inf.uc3m.es
Mon May 14 10:23:28 CEST 2012

Dear Sir or Madam,

(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)

4th Workshop on Interfaces and Architectures for Scientific Data Storage (IASDS)
September 24 2012, held in conjunction with IEEE Cluster 2012 in Beijing, China
Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2012

High-performance computing simulations and large scientific experiments generate tens of terabytes of 
data, and these data sizes grow each year. Existing systems for storing, managing, and analyzing data 
are being pushed to their limits by these applications, and new techniques are necessary to enable 
efficient data processing for future simulations and experiments.

This workshop will provide a forum for engineers and scientists to present and discuss their most recent 
work related to the storage, management, and analysis of data for scientific workloads. Emphasis will be 
placed on forward-looking approaches to tackle the challenges of storage at extreme scale or to provide 
better abstractions for use in scientific workloads.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * parallel file systems
   * scientific databases
   * active storage
   * scientific I/O middleware
   * extreme scale storage

Past Workshops:

   IASDS 2011, Austin: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/workshops/iasds11/agenda.php
   IASDS 2010, Crete: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/workshops/iasds10/agenda.php
   IASDS 2009, New Orleans: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/workshops/iasds09/agenda.php

Important Dates:

   Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2012
   Author Notification: June 22, 2012
   Final Manuscript Due: July 7, 2012
   Workshop: September 24, 2012

Submission Info:

   See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/workshops/iasds12/submissions/

Workshop Chairs:

   Philip Carns, Mathematics and Computer Science Division,  Argonne National Laboratory (carns at mcs.anl.gov)
   Osamu Tatebe, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba (tatebe at cs.tsukuba.ac.jp)

Program Committee:

   Francisco Javier García Blas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
   Philip Carns, Argonne National Laboratory
   Hideyuki Kawashima, University of Tsukuba
   Hiroya Matsuba, Hitachi
   Carlos Maltzahn, UCSC & Ultra-scale Research Center at New Mexico Consortium
   Ron Oldfield, Sandia National Laboratory
   Yoshihiro Oyama, University of Electro-Communications
   Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu
   Osamu Tatebe, University of Tsukuba
   Andrew Uselton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
   Pete Wyckoff, NetApp, Inc.

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