[ecoop-info] Funded Ph.D. Positions in SE for Avionic Systems in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc yann-gael.gueheneuc at polymtl.ca
Wed Oct 3 00:11:01 CEST 2012

Funded Ph.D. positions are available in a research-industry project 
aiming at modeling and analysing interface-control documents 
describing avionic systems, in Québec and Ontario, Canada.

The overall goal of this project is to reduce the cost of the 
development and maintenance of avionic systems built using 
interface-control documents (ICDs). We seek more cost-effective and 
more reliable ways to use ICDs and the interfaces that they describe, 
which are at different levels of granularity, by focusing on their 
use by architects for their integration and validation when building 
avionic systems. We want to help engineers integrate, verify, and 
validate their safety-critical avionic systems. The Ph.D. students 
will develop and investigate meta-models, DSLs, and compiler-based 
analyses to model and analyse interface-control documents.

Candidates must have a Master degree (or equivalent) in any 
discipline of Computer Science or Computer/Software Engineering and 
must be able to work in a collaborative research-industry 
environment, with strong abilities to define and achieve objectives. 
Candidates must be willing to move to and work in Montréal, Québec, 
Canada, in English or French. Knowledge of both languages will be 
considered a plus. Candidates will be funded with competitive 
scholarships of $CA 19,500.00 per year and may be exempted of tuition 
fees under certain conditions.

Highly-motivated candidates must send their application to Yann-Gaël 
Guéhéneuc (yann-gael.gueheneuc at polymtl.ca). Applications must contain 
a statement of interest and a detailed CV as well as a set of (at 
least) two referees. Selected candidates will be asked to provide 
degrees and grades, master thesis (or a draft thereof), and should be 
prepared to visit academic and industrial partners in Montréal, if 
possible. There is no deadline for applications, candidates will be 
evaluated based on their merits and on a first-arrived, first-chosen 

Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc
Ph.D. et ing. / Ph.D. and eng.
Professeur titulaire / Full professor
Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les Patrons (de) logiciels /
     Canada Research Chair on Software Patterns and Patterns of Software
DGIGL, École Polytechnique        1-514-340-4711 #7116 (Tél. / Phone)
C.P. 6079, succ. Centre-Ville     1-514-340-5139       (Téléc. / Fax)
Montréal, QC, H3C 3A7, Canada     www.ptidej.net

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