[ecoop-info] Reminder: Call for Research Vision Statements: NSF Workshop:Planning Future Directions in Artificial Intelligence and SoftwareEngineering (AISE'12)

Burak Turhan Burak.Turhan at oulu.fi
Mon Sep 3 14:30:07 CEST 2012

NSF Workshop: Planning Future Directions in
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering


NSF is sponsoring a one-day workshop to consider how ideas and
technologies from Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help achieve the
goals of Software Engineering (SE). The purpose of the workshop is to
gather researchers from both communities who have a common interest in
leveraging AI research to advance SE. The converse -- improving SE for
AI applications and systems -- is also in scope. The objective is to
assemble a meeting of researchers from both communities to formulate a
fruitful research agenda. After the workshop, the organizers will
invite some attendees to co-author a report entitled Future Directions
in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Research.

Participation is by invitation only. Prospective participants should
submit a research vision statement written from one or more of the
following perspectives:

Improving SE through AI -- including but not limited to knowledge
acquisition / representation / reasoning, agents, machine learning,
machine-human interaction, planning and search, natural language
understanding, problem solving and decision-making, understanding and
automation of human cognitive tasks, AI programming languages,
reasoning about uncertainty, new logics, statistical reasoning, etc.
Applying AI to SE activities -- including but not limited to
requirements, design, specification, traceability, program
understanding, model-driven development, testing and quality
assurance, domain-specific software engineering, adaptive systems,
software evolution, etc.
SE for AI -- including but not limited to AI programming languages,
program derivation techniques in AI domains, platforms and
programmability, software architectures, rapid prototyping and
scripting for AI techniques, software engineering infrastructure for
reflective and self-sustaining systems, etc.

Submit your research vision statement through EasyChair:

Format must be a three page PDF document (including references and a
contact email) using the ACM SIGSOFT format (2 column, 10 pt). For
templates, see the SIGSOFT Publication Guidelines:

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: September 7, 2012
Symposium Date: November 12, 2012

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