[ecoop-info] Submission Deadline 10/15/2012 - CFP - MobileClou​d2013 -IEEE Internatio​nal Symposium on Mobile Cloud, Computing, and Service Engineerin​g, 3/25-28/20​13, San Francisco Bay, California​, USA

Zeyu Gao jerry.gao at sjsu.edu
Sat Sep 22 19:06:36 CEST 2012

Selected papers (updated version) will be published in the
following Journals
- Journal of Internet Technology (SCIE indexed)
- Journal of Communications
- International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
(IJSEKE-SCI indexed)
- Frontiers of Computer Science (SCI-Index)
- International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR).
Call for Papers:

The IEEE International Symposium on Mobile Cloud, Computing, and
Service Engineering (URL:
March 25-28, 2013, Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, California, USA

in conjunction with a number of venues:

IEEESOSE2013 - The 7th International Symposium on Service Oriented
System Engineering (http://sei.pku.edu.cn/conference/sose2013/)

and IEEEIC2E2013 - IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering

Important dates:

Abstract submission:  10/1/2012
Paper submission:   10/15/2012
Paper notification:  12/31/2012
Camera-ready submission:  1/15/2013
Conference days:   3/25-3/28, 2013

Major Theme:
Today's fast advance of mobile computing and cloud computing is bring
a new paradigm shift from conventional mobile computing and wireless
communications services to mobile cloud computing and services over
wireless internet in the real world.

Many people believe that mobile cloud computing will not only completely
change the current way of delivering mobile computing and communication
services to global mobile users, but also alter their working and life
styles with
seamless global mobile resource sharing and accesses.

This symposium will provide a great platform to allow researchers and
professionals in the industry to exchange their latest research results and
development activities on mobile cloud computing and services.

The primary objective is to share research ideas and results, emergent
technologies on the latest advances in mobile cloud
computing and services, and mobile computing and applications.

This symposium will host a number of invited speakers who will give
tutorials and research talks related to issues in mobile computing and
cloud computing.

The program topics and tracks are not limited to the followings:

(a) Mobile Cloud Computing
• Mobile cloud computing models, infrastructures, and approaches.
• Green computing in networking and mobile computing and clouds
• Resource management, provision, and migration
• Transmission protocols and scheduling algorithms
• Security and privacy issues, solutions for mobile clouds and SaaS
• Mobility modeling, management and measurement techniques
• Mobile-aware cloud databases and data retrievals
• Mobile-aware networking, protocols, and infrastructures
• Mobile multimedia content delivery, transferring, and migration
• Mobile clouds (mobile community/private/public/ad-hoc clouds)

(b) Mobile Cloud Services and Applications
• Mobile software-as-a-service (MSaaS),
• Mobile Data-as-a-Service (MDaaS),
• Mobile Platform-as-a-Service (MPaaS)
• Mobile Infrastructure-as-a-Service (MIaaS)
• Mobile Network-as-a-Service (MNaaS)
• Mobile-based Testing-as-a-Service (MTaaS)
• Mobile multimedia services, and mobile social community services
• Mobile clouds for e-commerce and local-based mobile applications

(c) Engineering Mobile Clouds and Mobile-Based Systems
• Innovative infrastructures, architectures, and middle-wares
• Modeling, analysis, and design methods and tools
• Collaboration, management, and mobile cloud administration
• Monitoring solutions and evaluation techniques
• Mobile testing tools and techniques
• Quality of service on mobile clouds and applications
• Mobile connectivity and mobile cloud protocols
• Knowledge engineering and data mining techniques
• Mobile device, storage, and wireless network virtualization

(d) Enabled Technologies
• Energy-saving wireless communication technologies
• Novel mobile-ware database technologies
• Innovative mobile platforms and client technologies
• Urban sensing and crowd-sensing, and smart sensor networks
• Emergent barcode/RFID/NFC-based mobile technologies
• Mobile cloud data center and storage technology
• Augmenting pervasive environments
• Embedded mobile platforms and technologies for mobile clouds

(e) Innovative Applications
• Next generation mobile application enabled by the cloud
• Cloud-based mobile media systems and social networks
• Novel mobile cloud systems and wireless-based applications
• Smart mobile computing SaaS on clouds
• Mobile context-aware services and computing for clouds
• Cloud-based mobile commerce applications and systems
• Location-aware mobile applications on clouds
• Cloud-based mobile app. store and environments

(f) Reviews, Survey Papers, and Experience Reports:
• State-of-the-art survey reports
• Comparison and analysis reports
• Research reviews on emergent topics in mobile and mobile clouds
• Industry reports on experience and lessons
• Research case study and experimental  report

General Chairs:
W. T. Tsai Arizona State University, USA
Volker Gruhn Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Ruay-Shiung Chang National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Program Chairs:
Jerry Gao  San Jose State University, USA
George Roussos University of London, UK
Jingsha He   Beijing University of Technology, China

Paper Submission:
All papers should be prepared using the IEEE Format below.
Each paper will be reviewed at least by three TPC members.
Authors should submit manuscripts into the EasyChair system below:

Paper Publication:
All accepted papers should be presented in IEEE MobileCloud2012 and
included in its proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Computer
Society Press (EI-Index) and included in IEEE Digital Library.
Selected papers (extended version) will be published in journals.

Jerry Gao, jerry.gao at sjsu.edu
MobileCloud2013 contact: mobilecloud2013 at gmail.com
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