[ecoop-info] Call for papers COOMPL'13: 2nd Workshop on Combined Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming Languages Languages @ECOOP

Birger Møller-Pedersen birger at ifi.uio.no
Tue Mar 5 09:08:48 CET 2013

Call for Papers


Second International Workshop on Combined Object-Oriented
Modeling and Programming Languages

co-located with ECOOP/ECSA/ECMFA, July 2013, Montpellier, France.


Important dates
- Submission deadline:  April 15th
- Notification:         May 7
- Workshop:             July 1st

Modeling and programming are considered to be different, supported by 
different languages and tools, and developed/researched by different 
communities. Developers that want to exploit modeling most often end up 
with inconsistent modeling and programming artifacts, the main reason 
being that in general code generation is not 100%. Modeling tools are 
not as comprehensive as programming language tools. In addition, in the 
end code is what counts, so when things become critical, models become 
obsolete, while programs survive and are maintained.

However, it does not have to be so! An obvious solution to the issues 
above is to use languages that are combined modeling and programming 
languages. The very first object-oriented programming language, SIMULA, 
was in fact such a combined language.

The notion of modeling, and with that modeling languages, have developed 
since then, as have programming language, so the workshop will try to 
answer what combined modeling and programming languages will look like 

See http://www.cs.au.dk/~olm/index.html/PUB/Models10.pdf for a more 
detailed description of the idea.

Main Theme and Issues

The aim of this workshop is to investigate requirements for such 
combined modeling and programming languages as they would be today. This 
includes conceptual means as well as language constructs for modeling 
and programming, identification of modeling constructs that are 
currently not supported by programming languages, proposals for 
programming language support for such constructs, new abstraction 
mechanisms to raise the level of abstraction, graphical versus textual 
syntax, tools supporting modeling and programming, and implementation 

Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

- Differences and similarities between modeling and programming
- Modeling constructs not supported by programming languages
- Programming constructs not supported by modeling languages
- Support for functional and constraint programming in modeling
- Support for concurrent / distributed modeling and programming
- Associations and state-machines in programming languages
- The role of constructs for describing snapshots/scenarios/examples
- Graphical versus textual syntax
- Tools for modeling and programming
- Implementation techniques
- Conceptual means for modeling and programming

The COOMPL workshop will be a mixture of presentations of invited and 
reviewed papers. Papers will be digitally published in the form of 
workshop proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

Submission Information

Papers should be submitted by April 15, 2013. Contributions should be 
submitted electronically in PDF format via EasyChair: 
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coompl2013. Submitted papers 
must conform to the ACM SIG Proceedings style - except that the 
copyright box on the first page must be removed (2-column, see 
templates). The maximum length of a submission is 6 pages.

The accepted papers will be digitally published in the ACM Digital 
Library. An author of the paper will be expected to attend the workshop 
(registration as Workshop participant via ECOOP. You are not obliged to 
attend ECOOP itself).

Program Chairs

- Ole Lehrmann Madsen, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus 
University, Denmark, olm at cs.au.dk
- Birger Møller-Pedersen, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, 
Norway, birger at ifi.uio.no
- Ragnhild Kobro Runde, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, 
Norway, ragnhild.runde at ifi.uio.no

Program Committee

- Joachim Fischer, Humboldt University, Berlin
- Robert France, Colorado State University
- Bjorn Freeman-Benson, New Relic
- Boris Magnusson, Lund University
- Mira Mezini, Technical university Darmstadt
- Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern
- Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp
- Dave Thomas, Bedarra Research Labs
- Antonio Vallecillo, University of Málaga
- Akinori Yonezawa, University of Tokyo


For questions about the workshop, please contact one of the program 
chairs or send an email to contact at coompl.org.

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