[ecoop-info] CFP International workshop PMDE 2013 Montpellier

Bernard Coulette coulette at univ-tlse2.fr
Thu Mar 21 09:15:20 CET 2013

*** Sorry for multiple receptions ***

Dear colleague,

Please find below the cfp for *the third international workshop PMDE 
(Process-based approaches for Model-Driven Engineering)  2013* 
co-located with ECMFA/ECOOP/ECSA, July 2013, in Montpellier, France.

Topics of interest
All areas of process-based approaches for/in conjunction with 
model-driven engineering, including:
- Modelling software and systems processes for model-driven engineering
- Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for modelling software and systems 
- Transformation-based process modelling: structural and behavioural aspects
- MDE Process patterns: modelling and application
- MDE Process patterns for reuse: definition, search methods, 
application of patterns
- Process models refactoring and composition
- Process lines and MDE
- Verification of process models
- MDE process enactment and simulation
- MDE Process resource management
- Process metrics for model-driven engineering
- Management of distributed MDE processes
- MDE process evolution: static evolution, process models refactoring, 
dynamic process evolution, process deviations management
- Business process modelling
- Process orchestration
- Workflow
- Process-centred MDE tools
- Description of case studies based on MDE processes, experimentations 
on real projects, empirical studies

Submission information ca be seen on the workshop site: 

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

*Important dates : ***
*- Paper Submission: April 19, 2013
- Notification to authors: May 10, 2013
- Camera-ready Paper: May 20, 203
- PMDE'2013 Workshop : July 1, 2013*

Organizing committee
- Bendraou Reda (LIP6, Paris, France) reda.bendraou at lip6.fr
- Lbath Redouane (IRIT, Toulouse, France) redouane.lbath at irit.fr
- Coulette Bernard (IRIT, Toulouse, France) bernard.coulette at irit.fr
- Gervais Marie-Pierre (University of Paris Ouest Nanterre, France) 
marie-pierre.gervais at lip6.fr

Could you disseminate this call to your research mailing lists, 
colleagues, PHD students, ...?

Thank you very much
Bernard Coulette (on behalf of the organizing committee)


Bernard Coulette
- Professeur en Informatique
   Département Mathématiques-Informatique
   Université de Toulouse 2-Le Mirail 31058 Toulouse Cédex 09
   Tél : 05 61 50 38 96 - Fax : 05 61 50 41 73
   bernard.coulette at univ-tlse2.fr
- Laboratoire IRIT
   bernard.coulette at irit.fr

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