[ecoop-info] SSS 2013 First CFP

Doina Bein siona at psu.edu
Thu May 2 16:26:26 CEST 2013

                               Call For Papers

                                 - SSS 2013 -

                       15th International Symposium on
          Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems

                 November 13-16, 2013, Osaka, Japan

SSS is an international forum for researchers and practitioners in the design
and development of distributed systems with self-* properties such as self-
stabilizing, self-configuring, self-organizing, self-managing, self-repairing,
self-healing, self-optimizing, self-adaptive, and self-protecting. Research in
distributed systems is now at a crucial point in its evolution, marked by the
importance of dynamic systems such as peer-to-peer networks,
large-scale wireless
sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, robotic networks,
opportunistic networks
etc. Moreover, new applications such as grid and web services, banking and
e-commerce, e-health and robotics, aerospace and avionics, automotive,
process control, etc. have joined the traditional applications of distributed
systems. We particularly encourage the submissions spanning these areas of

The conference provides a wide spectrum of topics, covered in the following
 * Self-stabilization
 * Fault-tolerance and Dependability
 * Formal Methods and Distributed Systems
 * Ad-hoc, Sensors, Mobile Agents and Robot Networks
 * P2P, Social, Self-organizing, Autonomic and Opportunistic Networks

 * Abstract Submission: July 10, 2013
 * Paper Submission: July 15, 2013
 * Notification: August 25, 2013
 * Camera Ready Submission: August 31, 2013

 Papers must be prepared using the LNCS style and be electronically submitted in
 PDF format using EasyChair
 Two types of papers can be submitted: Regular Papers and Brief Announcements.
 Submissions for regular papers should be no longer than 15 pages (including the
 title, authors, abstract, figures, and references) in LNCS style; a submission
 may have an appendix of at most two pages beyond the 15 page limit. Brief
 announcements are restricted to two pages using the LNCS style, with
no appendix.
 Submissions deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without
 of their merits. If requested by the authors, a regular submission that is not
 selected for a regular presentation will also be considered for a
brief announcement.
 This request must be clearly indicated in the first page of the paper.
 Such a request will not affect consideration of the paper for a regular paper.
 A paper submitted at this forum is expected to be original research
not previously
 published. A submission may not be concurrently submitted to another
 workshop, or journal.

 The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer
Verlag Lecture
 Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.Selected papers will be
published in the
 Journal of Self-Computing (http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jsc).

 The program committee will select two papers for best paper and best
student paper
 awards. A paper is eligible for the best student paper award if at least one of
 its authors is a full-time student at the time of submission. This
must be clearly
 indicated in the first page of the paper.

 SSS 2013 will take place at Osaka Univesity Convention Center.

 General Chair:
   Toshimitsu Masuzawa, Osaka University, Japan

 Program Co-Chairs:
   Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, University Pierre et Marie Curie
(Paris 6), France
   Masafumi Yamashita, Kyushu University, Japan
   Teruo Higashino, Osaka University, Japan

 Track Co-Chairs:
 * Self-stabilization
    Sebastien Tixeuil, University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) & IUF, France
    Koichi Wada, Hosei University, Japan
 * Fault-tolerance and Dependability
    Achour  Mostefaoui, University of Nantes, France
    Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Osaka University, Japan
 * Formal Methods and Distributed Sytems
    Oliver Theel, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany
    Sandeep Kulkarni, Michigan State University, USA
 * Ad-hoc, Sensors, Mobile Agents and Robot Networks
    Ralf Klasing, University of Bordeaux 1, France
    Zvi Lotker, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
 * P2P, Social, Self-organizing, Autonomic and Opportunistic Networks
    Christian Scheideler, University of Paderborn, Germany
    Taisuke Izumi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

 Local Arrangements Chairs
   Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Osaka University, Japan
   Fukuhito Ooshita, Osaka University, Japan

 Publication Chair
   Yoshiaki Katayama, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

 Publicity Chairs
   Doina Bein, Pennsylvania State University, USA
   Francois Bonnet, JAIST, Japan
   Sylvie Delaet, LRI, University of Paris-Sud 11, France
   Taisuke Izumi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
   Tomoko Izumi, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

 Steering Committee:
   Anish Arora, Ohio State University, USA
   Ajoy K. Datta, University of Nevada, USA
   Shlomi Dolev (Chair), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
   Sukumar Ghosh, University of Iowa, USA
   Mohamed Gouda, University of Texas at Austin, USA
   Ted Herman, University of Iowa, USA
   Toshimitsu Masuzawa, Osaka University, Japan
   Vincent Villain, Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV), France

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