[ecoop-info] Last Call for contribution PSC track at ACM SAC 2014

Emiliano Tramontana tramontana at dmi.unict.it
Mon Sep 2 17:24:13 CEST 2013

Programming for Separation of Concerns (PSC) Track at ACM SAC 2014

Call for contribution


Important Dates
Paper Due September 13, 2013
Student Research Abstract Due September 13, 2013

Author Notification November 15, 2013
Camera Ready Dicember 6, 2013
Registration Dicember 13, 2013

Conference in Gyeongju, Korea March 24-28, 2014

Call for Papers

Modularity issues have been tackled by Separation of Concerns (SoC)
techniques such as computational reflection, aspect-oriented
programming (AOP), subject-oriented programming (SOP) and
context-oriented programming (COP).  Such techniques produce systems
whose concerns are well separated, thereby facilitating reuse and
evolution of system components or systems as a whole.

The Programming for Separation of Concerns (PSC) track at the 2014
Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) aims to explore challenges that
developers currently face when using SoC techniques during development
and evolution.

This year we aim at finding whether solutions based on SoC techniques
can be appropriate for dealing with distributed and parallel systems,
such as cloud computing and GPGPUs.  Moreover, we aim at finding out
how to change legacy systems in order to improve their modularity,
hence the techniques helping rejuvenation.  In this sense, we
encourage submissions related with strategies that aim at tackling the
discovery of faults related with distribution, parallelisation and
ageing.  The track will address questions like: how such techniques
cope with architectural erosion? Are these techniques helpful to deal
with evolution of legacy systems?  Is there a need to extend current
technologies supporting SoC?

Authors are invited to submit original papers. Submissions are
encouraged, but not limited, to the following topics:
- Software architectures 
- Configuration management systems
- Software reuse and evolution of legacy systems
- Performance issues for metalevel and aspect-oriented systems (AOSD)
- Testing of aspect-based systems
- Mining of faults on aspect-based systems
- Consistency, integrity and security
- Generative approaches
- Analysis and evaluation of software systems
- Experiences in using reflection, composition filters, aspect-
  subject- and feature- orientation, and change-oriented-software-engineering
- Reflective and aspect-oriented middleware for distributed systems
- Language support for aspect-oriented and SoC systems
- Modelling of SoC techniques to allow predictable outcomes from their use
- Formal methods for metalevel and SoC systems

Submission Guidelines

Original papers from the above mentioned or other related areas will
be considered. Only full papers about original and unpublished
research are sought.  Parallel submission to other conferences or
tracks is not acceptable.

Papers can be submitted in electronic format via the SAC website
within 13 September 2013.  https://www.softconf.com/d/sac-src2014/
Please make sure that the authors name and affiliation do not appear
on the submitted paper.

Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will blindly review
submissions to the track.

At least one author of the accepted paper should register and
participate in the PSC track.  Accepted papers will be published in
the annual conference ACM proceedings.

The camera-ready version of the accepted paper should be prepared
using the ACM format (guidelines will be given on the SAC website).
The maximum number of pages allowed for the final papers is six (6),
with the option, at additional cost, to add two (2) more pages.

A set of papers submitted to the PSC track and not accepted as full
papers will be selected as poster papers and published in the ACM
proceedings as 2-page papers, with the option, at additional cost, to
add one (1) more page.

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the
paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy
attending SAC MUST present the paper.  This is a requirement for the
paper/poster to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library.  No-show
of scheduled papers and posters will result in excluding them from the
ACM/IEEE digital library.

Student Research Competition

Graduate students are invited to submit their work as abstract
research paper within within 13 September 2013 (minimum two pages,
maximum four pages). The work has to be authored by one student only.
The abstract should reflect on the originality and innovation of the
approach, and applicability of preliminary results to real-world
problems. All abstracts must be submitted via SAC website.

Authors of selected abstracts are eligible to apply to the SIGAPP
Student Travel Award program for support.

Please contact the track chairs for any further information needed.

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