[ecoop-info] CFP: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, SI on "Security and Privacy Protection on Clouds"

Meikang Qiu qiumeikang at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 22:12:10 CEST 2014

****Call for Papers****

 *Security and Privacy Protection on Clouds*

  Special Issue in *IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing*

The emerging paradigm of cloud computing provides a new way to address the
constraints of limited energy, capabilities, and resources. Researchers and
practitioners have embraced cloud computing as a new approach that has the
potential for a profound impact in our daily life and world economy.
However, security and privacy protection is a critical concern in the
development and adoption of cloud computing. To avoid system fragility and
defend against vulnerabilities exploration from cyber attacker, various
cyber security techniques and tools have been developed for cloud systems.
 This special issue will focus on the challenging topic--"Security and
Privacy Protection on Clouds" and invites the state-of-the-art research
results to be submitted here.

*Topics *

This special issue calls for original, high-quality, high-impact research
papers related to the following broad topics, but are not limited to:

·                   Cloud Security in New Paradigms

·                   Mobile cloud security

·                   Mobile cloud privacy protection

·                   Cloud hacking and virus protection

·                   Cloud browser security

·                   Next generation fire wall for clouds

·                   Cloud monitoring

·                   Cloud incident response

·                   Digital forensics in clouds

·                   Big data security in clouds

·                   Cloud data center security

·                   Database security for cloud systems

·                   Social engineering in clouds

·                   Insider threats and models in clouds

·                   Advance spear phishing in clouds

·                   Cloud threat intelligence for cloud systems

·                   Reliability and fault tolerance for cloud systems

·                   Cloud-based tele-health and medical security and
privacy protection

·                   Hardware-related security in clouds

·                   Security and performance trade-off

·                   Energy-aware security in clouds

·                   Infrastructure security for clouds

*Schedule *

Submission due date: Sep. 15, 2014

Notification of acceptance: Dec. 15, 2015

Submission of final manuscript: Feb. 15, 2015

Publication date: 2nd Quarter, 2015 (Tentative)

*Submission & Major Guidelines *

The special issue invites original research manuscripts which have
significant contributions to the various topics in "Security and Privacy
Protection on Cloud". The manuscripts submitted first time are encouraged
and they must not have been previously published or submitted for journal
or conference elsewhere. Extended work must have significant number of "new
and original" ideas/contributions along with more than 49% brand "new"
material. Every submitted paper will receive at least three reviews. The
editorial review committee will include well known experts in the area.
Submissions must be directly submitted via the IEEE TCC submission web site
at *https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcc-cs
<https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcc-cs>*, and must follow instructions
for formatting and length listed there.

For additional information, please contact Meikang Qiu, qiumeikang*@gmail.com

*Selection and Evaluation Criteria *

- Relevance to the topics of this special issue

- Significance to the areas of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

- Novelty, new techniques, and impact of the research

- Quality of the contents

- Readability of the article

- Sufficiency of references and related work

- New and original work, first submission

*Editor-in-Chief *

Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia

*Guest Editors *

Meikang Qiu, meikang.qiu at sjsu.edu, San Jose State University, California,

Sun-Yuan Kung, kung at Princeton.edu, Princeton University, USA
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