[ecoop-info] CfP special issue JLAMP on automated verification of programs and web systems

Maurice ter Beek maurice.terbeek at isti.cnr.it
Wed Dec 3 13:38:23 CET 2014

Call for papers


Special Issue on Automated Verification of Programs and Web Systems

This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods
in Programming (JLAMP) is devoted to the themes of the WWV and VPT
workshop series on Automated Specification and Verification of Web
Systems (WWV) and on Verification and Program Transformation (VPT).
This is however an open call for papers. Both participants of the
most recent editions of the WWV and VPT workshop series and others
working on the themes of this special issue are hereby invited to
submit a paper.


Abstract submission: 25 February 2015
Full paper submission: 15 March 2015
Acceptance notification: 30 June 2015
Final manuscript due: 25 July 2015
Expected publication: Fall 2015


This special issue provides a forum for researchers working in the
areas of verification, program transformation, software engineering,
rule-based programming, formal methods, and Web-oriented research,
to submit their papers on the Automated Verification of Programs and
Web Systems.

Recent research in automated verification and program transformation
has shown a great potential for beneficial interactions. The methods,
techniques and tools developed in program transformations have been
successfully applied for the verification of programs, (Web) systems
and protocols specified by programs. Examples are partial evaluation,
partial deduction, fold/unfold transformations, supercompilation and
distillation, in particular for the verification of infinite-state,
parameterized systems. Furthermore, verification by model checking,
automated and interactive theorem proving, and SAT/SMT-based methods
have been used to strengthen and optimize program transformations.
Finally, since many Web systems have become interactive, completely
automated, Web-based applications to be used in areas like e-health,
e-business, e-learning, and e-government, their increased complexity
has made their design and implementation a challenging task. Hence
the use of systematic, formal approaches for their specification and
verification allows to address the problems of this specific domain
by means of automated and effective techniques and tools.


We solicit original papers on topics of either theoretical or applied
interest, which include, but are not limited to:

- Rule-based approaches to Web system analysis, certification,
   specification, verification and optimization
- Languages and models for programming and designing Web systems
- Formal methods for describing and reasoning about Web systems
- Model-checking, synthesis and debugging of Web systems
- Analysis and verification of linked data
- Abstract interpretation and program transformation applied to the
   semantic Web
- Middleware and frameworks for composition and orchestration of
   Web services
- Software Product Line Engineering for Web systems
- Feature-oriented modeling and variability analysis of Web systems
- Verification by Program Transformation
- Verification Techniques in Program Transformation and Synthesis
- Verification and Certification of Programs Transformations
- Program Analysis and Transformation
- Program Testing and Transformation


We expect original articles (typically 20-30 pages; submission of
larger papers will be evaluated depending on editorial constraints)
that present high-quality contributions, which have not previously
been published and that are also not simultaneously submitted for
publication elsewhere. Each paper will undergo a thorough evaluation
by at least three reviewers.

All contributions must be written in English, must be submitted in
PDF format and must comply with JLAMP's author instructions (the
manuscripts should be prepared using Elsevier's elsart.cls LaTeX
article class) which can be retrieved from the journal's homepage:
Submissions are handled using the Elsevier Editorial System and
can be uploaded via the aforementioned JLAMP homepage. In the
submission process, the authors must select article type "WWVPT".


Maurice H. ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Alexei Lisitsa, University of Liverpool, UK
Andrei P. Nemytykh, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
António Ravara, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

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