[ecoop-info] CFP - 2015 ISGT-LA Conference on Innovative SMART GRIDS Technologies - LLAMADO A PRESENTACIÓN DE RESUMENES

Pablo Juan Thomasset pjthomasset at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 12:26:00 CET 2014



*ISGT-LA 2015*

Conference on Innovative SMART GRIDS Technologies

October 5-6-7, 2015

Hotel Radisson Montevideo, Uruguay

*isgtla.org <http://isgtla.org>*

*chairs at isgtla.org <chairs at isgtla.org>*


The IEEE PES Conference on Innovative SMART GRID Technologies (ISGT-LA
2015) Latin American, sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
and hosted by IEEE URUGUAY SECTION and PES local CHAPTER, will be held on
OCT 5, 6 and 7th, 2015.

The Conference will be a forum for the participants to discuss
state-of-the-art innovations in Smart Grid technologies, to attend
tutorials and Industry Panels.

*Conference TOPICS are:*

*- **Renewable Energy Sources and Smart Grid (Hydro, Tidal, Wind, Solar and
Electric Vehicles, Storage technologies), Wind Integration, Resources
forecast (water, wind, weather), Environmental Impacts** and **Climate
change mitigation,*

*- **Energy and Distribution Management Systems, Wide Area Monitoring,
Control and Operation (SCADA Systems), Call Center solutions for Smart Grid*

*- **Computational methods and optimization techniques in Smart Grids; Big
Data, Massive Grid Data, Data Mining of Smart Grid, Geographic information
system (GIS) technology and Smart Grid, Multi-agent Based Applications for
Smart Grids*

*- **Smart Grid Impact on Electric Power Systems (Generation, Transmission
and Distribution), Grid modeling, analysis and simulation, real time and
co-simulation, Stability*

*- **Demand Response, Demand side management, Customer aspects, user
behavior and Flexible Demand,*

*- Smart Grids Information and Communications Technologies (I.C.T)**:
Communications, System Architecture, Operations Support System (OSS), WANs
and LANs Networks, 3G/4G networking. Control and Information Systems: Cyber
Security Systems, Intelligent Monitoring and Outage Management*

*- **Power System Instrumentation and Measurements, Metering Infrastructure
and Instrumentation, Smart Meters, Components Reliability and Diagnostics,
System and Components Asset Management*

*- **Power Quality, Energy Efficiency and Smart Grid, Power Electronics
Devices: modeling, application, control. FACTS: flexible alternating
current transmission system power electronics and Smart Grid*

*- **Protection in Energy Systems, PMUs and Wide Area Monitoring, IEC
61850, distributed IEDs, Synchrophasors in Distribution*

*- **S**mart Grids Interoperability, Regulation and Policies, Codes,
Standards, Public Policies for implementation of Smart Grids,* *Testing and

*-**Integration of Distributed Energy R**esources, Distributed Generation
Islanded Systems and Microgrids: operation, control, monitoring and
technologies, Low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution networks *

*- **Home and Building Automation, Smart Cities, Cross Energy-domain
solutions, Smart Sensors,** Convergence of Smart Grid and the Internet of

*- **Smart Grid Projects, Field Tests, large-scale demonstrations and
deployment experiences, Future trends: technologies, researches, standards,
incentives, opportunities*

*- Smart Grid Agenda; **Smart Grid Roadmaps, Smart Grid Infrastructure
Investments, Planning and Budgets, Cost and Benefits Analysis, Grant

*- Smart Grids and Electricity Markets, Economics and incentive Regulations
for Smart Grids, Impact of Smart Grids in Regulation and Energy Pricing,
Smart Grids and Sustainable Developement, *

*- Smart Grid Utility Assets; Smart Grid **Assets Management, urban
enviroment, self-healing techniques, underground grids, Smart Wires, GIS
for Smar Grid,Substation Equipment and Smart Grids; Transformers, Circuit
Breakers, Switches *

 *ISGT-LA Sample Papers;*


Important Dates:

*March 15, 2015* EXTENDED ABSTRACT Submission Deadline

*June 15, 2015* Notification of paper ACCEPTANCE

*August 15, 2015* Camera-ready / FINAL PAPER Submission Deadline

*October 5-6-7, 2015* Conference at Radisson Montevideo Hotel

 *General Chair:*

Juan Carlos Miguez, IEEE Uruguay, *j.miguez at ieee.org <j.miguez at ieee.org>*

*Technical Program Chairs:*

Daniel Slomovitz (UTE Laboratory) - Mario Vignolo (UDELAR, Uruguay)

 *International Committee:*

John D. McDonald, GE Energy Management

Damir Novosel, Quanta Technology, USA

Hugh Rudnick, PUC, Chile

Nelson Kagan, USP, Brasil

Renato Cespedes, RCGSAS, Colombia

Luis Ochoa, The University of Manchester, UK

Nelson Segoshi, IEEE PES Region 9

 *TPC - Technical Program Committee:*


 *Publication & Publicity Chairs*:

Pablo Thomasset (UTE), *pjthomasset at ieee.org <pjthomasset at ieee.org>*

Maria Cristina Alvarez (ADME), *calvarez at ieee.org <calvarez at ieee.org>*


Irene Pazos, IEEE Uruguay Section

ipazos at ieee.org


IEEE PES (Power and Energy Society) - *www. <http://www.ieee-pes.org/>**ieee
<http://www.ieee-pes.org/>**- <http://www.ieee-pes.org/>**pes
<http://www.ieee-pes.org/>**.org <http://www.ieee-pes.org/>*

IEEE Sección Uruguay – Capítulo de Potencia Instrumentación y Medidas


UTE – *www.ute.com.uy <http://www.ute.com.uy/>*


Hotel Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza - *www.
<http://www.radisson.com.uy/>**radisson <http://www.radisson.com.uy/>**.com.uy

Plaza Independencia 759, Montevideo - URUGUAY

 *Author instructions for EXTENDED ABSTRACT submission*

Please follow this five steps;

[1] Each lead author must establish an account with a username and
password, at EDAS site *http://edas.info/ <http://edas.info/N17139>* (click
the New User button), this will create your profile. Only the five fields
with the red asterisk are required. It is very important that your name and
affiliation associated with your EDAS account are correct and match the
name and affiliation that will be listed on your paper. These fields are
first & last name, affiliation (company, university), country, e-mail
address, and status. When the fields are filled in, check the Privacy
Policies box and click the Add Person button. *[note: if you select USA as
the country, you will get a message asking for your state]. *You will
receive an e-mail containing your password. Your email address and the
given password must later be used to access the system during the following
steps, so be careful to remember it.

[2] You can then return to the EDAS log-in page ( *http://edas.info/
<http://edas.info/N17139>*) and change your assigned password to one that
is easier to remember. To do this, click on the *My Profile tab*, and then
click on *change your password*. Be sure to record your user name, password
and ID number for later reference.

[3] Now in 3 steps (1- Register Paper, 2- Add author, 3-Submit manuscript)
you can upload your paper at *http://edas.info/N17139
<http://edas.info/N17139>* Please use IEEE PES pg4 manuscript template, and
export it as Adobe (.pdf) PDF/A-1 file format.

*Please check that you are using the 2014 downloaded version of PES pg4
template, nor **IEEE Conference **2014_04_msw_**a4**_format.doc* *template
or pg4 older versions.*

[4] You will recieve an e-mails from EDAS when registering the paper “[ISGT-LA
2015] Paper 15700XXXXX has been registered”,

[5] Days later, when you upload the paper, you will get a second e-mail
form EDAS; “[ISGT-LA 2015] #15700XXXXX has been uploaded”

*EDAS information for Authors*

*https://edas.info/doc/authors.html <https://edas.info/doc/authors.html>*

*IEEE PES pg4 Conference Template;*



*Sample PES Conference Paper;*


For approved final papers manuscripts, to be included in the Proceedings,
at least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register and
physically attend the Conference for its oral/poster presentation.

Non show papers (no oral or poster presentation) will not be submitted to
IEEE Xplore® Digital Library for its indexing and complete paper inclusion.

Oral presentation, by electronic technologies (like Skype, Wasap, etc) will
not be permitted.

*ISGT-LA 2015 Newsletter Subscription:*

Send an e-mail with body text; “SUB ISGT-LA your name” to: LISTSERV at ieee.org

*English manuscripts*

Papers in english, approved and presented, will be submitted to IEEE
Xplore® Digital Library.

*En caso de presentar trabajos en idioma **español** o **portugués**,
consultar al correo electrónico de contacto **chairs at isgtla.org
<chairs at isgtla.org>** o a los Publication Chairs.*



An Extended Abstract can be defined as a summary paper, whose ideas and
significance can be understood in reading it by a fellow engineer, in less
time than an hour.

*Minimal content;* *Title, authors, affiliation, abstract, keywords,
introduction, proposed approach, conclusion and references (even from
previous works of your own)*.

*Recommended content;* Minimal content plus; *relevant previous research,
standards involved, methods, models, simulations, validations, pictures,
tables, calculus, and results.*

Using the pg4 PES template, please check US Letter (8.5" x 11") or A4
(210mm X 297mm) page sheet margins and widths;

*1) US Letter Margins:* top = 0.75 inches, bottom = 1 inch, side = 0.625
inches. Each column measures 3.5 inches wide, with a 0.25-inch measurement
between the columns.

*2) **A4 Margins: *top = 19 mm, bottom = 43 mm, side = 13 mm. The A4 column
width is 88 mm (3.45 in). The space between the two columns is 4 mm (0.17
mm). Paragraph indentation is 3.5 mm (0.14 in).

All this within a lenght of 3 to 4 pages, exported as Adobe (.pdf) PDF/A-1
file format.

Do not add; pages numbers your paper, conference name. Please do not use;
security settings to your PDF file, and no hyperlinks please (written or

 *Detailed manuscript creation instructions;*
 *Part 3: Preparation and Submission of Conference Technical Papers*


*Part 4b: Preparation of a Formatted Conference Paper for the IEEE Power &
Energy Society*


*IEEE Allowed paper sizes;*


*Addittional information for new authors and students;*

*IEEE Style Manual;*


*IEEE Guide: “How to write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences”*


 *What will peer reviewers look at your paper?*

The reviewer of a Proceedings paper has the responsibility to determine if
the paper will impart practical, usable information of contemporary
interest to the industry. The subject need not be unique or unprecedented,
though the theme should be in general keeping with the goals of the meeting
for which the paper is submitted. Regardless of the quality of the paper, a
paper must be rejected if it exceeds the six-page limit, inclusive of
references. Reviewers are ultimately responsible to the Authors and the
invisible college of our readership for ensuring that the content of the
Conference Proceedings represents the evolution and progress of our
discipline. We need their assistance to accomplish this task.

*Acceptance or Rejection*

Proceedings papers are published as part of the 2015 ISGT-LA Conference
Proceedings. In addition to meeting the criteria outlined above, a
Proceedings paper will only be accepted for the meeting if it:


   is submitted in keeping with the published schedules

   is submitted in the required formats with the required paperwork

   addresses the Smart Grid Topic in an appropriate manner

   is of a technical rather than commercial nature

   is more than simply a restatement of well-known technology

   is judged to exceed a qualitative criterion of being elementary or
   trivial in its presentation

   does not exceed the six-page limit

   comply with the IEEE policy regarding plagiarism

*Coming to ISGT-LA 2015 Uruguay - Want to know if you need a passport VISA



*ISGT´s Conference Series History:*

*In 2010, the IEEE Power & Energy Society launched a new conference called
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) with a first meeting in January
at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Conference
Center in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. The unqualified success of the first
conference and numerous requests for more inspired PES to establish ISGT as
a Conference Series, and to broaden the scope of the conference to include
annual offerings in the USA, and international installations which have
included ISGT Conferences in Europe, Latin America, Asia, Australia and the
Middle East.*

*ISGT 2010, January 19-21, Gaithersburg, Maryland, US *

*ISGT Europe 2010, October 10-13, Gothenburg *

*ISGT 2011, January 17-19, Anaheim, California, USA*

*ISGT Europe 2011, October 10-13, Manchester, UK *

*ISGT-LA 2011, October 19-21, Medellin, Colombia*

*ISGT Australia 2011, November 13-16, Perth, Australia*

*ISGT Middle East 2011, December 17-20, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia*

*ISGT 2012, January 16-20, Washington DC, USA*

*ISGT Asia 2012, May 21-24, Tianjin, China*

*ISGT Europe 2012, October 14-17, Berlin, Germany*

*ISGT 2013, Febrary 24-27, Washington DC, USA*

*ISGT-LA 2013, April 15-17, Sao Paulo, Brazil*

*ISGT Europe 2013, October 6-9, Copenhagen, Denmark *

*ISGT Asia 2013, November 10-13, Bangalore, India*

*ISGT 2014, Febrary 19-22, Washington DC, USA*

*ISGT Asia 2014, May 20-23, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia*

*ISGT Europe 2014, October 12-15, Istanbul*

*ISGT 2015, Febrary 17-20, Washington DC, USA*

*ISGT-LA 2015, October 5-7, Montevideo, Uruguay*

*ISGT Europe 2015, October 21-25, Warsaw, Poland*

*ISGT Asia 2015, November 10-13, Bangalore, India*


*Call for Papers pdf Flyer;*


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