[ecoop-info] FMSEET 2014 -- First Call for Paper

Announcements of FME events events at fmeurope.org
Thu Dec 18 17:58:49 CET 2014

                      FMSEET 2015 - CALL FOR PAPERS

                        The 1st Formal Methods in
              Software Engineering Education and Training
                          Workshop (FMSEET 2015)
                         Co-Located  with FM 2015

                      June 23rd, 2015, Oslo, Norway


            Endorsed by the European Association of Software
              Science and Technology (http://www.easst.org)

          For more information email: fmseet2015 at easychair.org

The emergence of software engineering as a new term in the discipline
of Computer Science / Computing / Informatics created significant
challenges for educators. Embracing this new concept required a
transition from a discipline of lone wolves and artistic heroes to a
discipline of engineers focusing on product development in a planned
process under constrained time, budget, and other resources but leading
to a predictable quality.

One of the issues involved is the use of formal methods and usually
they are taught at least once in a computer science curriculum. We now
know how to use formal notations to write specifications, use
refinement calculus to gradually transform a specification into a
correct implementation, and use Hoare or Dijkstra's logics to prove
programs correct with the same degree of the rigor that we apply to
mathematical theorems. But, none of these techniques is easy to use by
ordinary practitioners to deal with real software projects, and
teaching formal methods and introducing at least one formal
specification language still turns out to be a real challenge.

The overall objectives of the FMSEET 2015 workshop are

* to find out/identify the status-quo of formal methods education at
   Universities and research institutions,
* to come up with a set of recommendations for ways in improving our
   lectures and curricula (in respect to motivation as well as skills),
* to establish a forum for future knowledge-exchange.

Consequently, FMSEET 2015 focuses on ways in teaching formal methods,
tools, teaming and other skills needed by software engineering
practitioners in today's context. Innovative approaches are
particularly welcome.

Quality submissions covering curriculum development, empirical studies,
personal or institutional experience, conceptual or theoretical work
are particularly invited. The list below indicates areas in the focus
of FMSEET 2015. Submissions on additional topics consistent with the
central themes of the conference are also welcome.

* Methodological aspects of formal methods;
* Teaching high quality formal specifications;
* Formal methods in the software engineering curriculum;
* Best practices in formal methods education;
* Successes and failures of formal methods;
* Cooperative projects to further education and training;
* Languages and tools for formal methods education;
* Formal engineering methods versus formal methods;
* New challenges due to agility and open source;
* Continuous education to cope with technological change

Submissions are limited to 8 pages in the IEEE Conference Proceedings
format. The detailed submission guidelines are available at the
workshop webpage: http://fmseet.aau.at. Papers must be submitted
electronically through EasyChair:


Paper submission:    March 27th, 2015 (23h59 GMT)
Notification:        April 24th, 2015
Camera-ready:        Mai 15th, 2015
Workshop:            June 23rd, 2015

Andreas Bollin (Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria)
Tiziana Margaria (LERO, Ireland)
Isabelle Perseil (Inserm, France)

Nazareno Aguirre (Department of Computer Science, UNRC, Argentina)
Andreas Bollin (Universität Klagenfurt, Austria)
Tony Cowling (University of Sheffield, UK)
Maximiliano Cristia (CIFASIS, Argentinia)
Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Peter Gorm Larsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Isabelle Perseil (Inserm, France)
Ingo Pill (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Nico Plat (West Consulting BV, The Netherlands)
Dominik Rauner-Reithmayer (CUAS, Austria)
Stephane Some (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Assoc.-Prof. PD DI Dr. Andreas BOLLIN            Andreas.Bollin at aau.at
Institute for Informatics-Systems
University of Klagenfurt                 Tel.: (++43) 0463/2700 - 3516
Universitaetsstrasse 65-67               Fax.: (++43) 0463/2700 993516
A-9020 Klagenfurt            http://serg.aau.at/bin/view/AndreasBollin
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