[ecoop-info] IFIP school 2014--Call for Papers

ifip2014 ifip2014 at hermes.cti.gr
Fri May 9 07:31:33 CEST 2014


Ninth International Summer School 

organised jointly 

by the IFIP
Working Groups 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6, Special Interest Group


University/Greece, 7-12 September 2014 

In cooperation with the FP7 EU
projects ABC4Trust [2], A4Cloud [3], FutureID [4], PRISMS [5], AU2EU [6]


Much research in privacy and identity in recent years
has focused on the privacy issues associated with new technologies such
as social media, cloud computing, big data, ubiquitous and ambient
technologies. Due to the fact that many of these technologies operate on
a global scale their use not only touches the countries where they
originate (in many cases, the US), but individuals and groups around the

The recent revelations regarding the surveillance practices of
the National Security Agency (NSA), USA, and Government Communications
Headquarters (GCHQ), UK, (and undoubtedly others that we will hear about
since writing this Call for Papers) have put state surveillance firmly
back on the table. Here, too, the operations by agencies in one country
affect individuals and groups around the globe. Indeed, the NSA is
primarily tasked with intercepting and processing the communication of
non-US citizens, within the US and abroad. 

Privacy and identity
management issues have hence become global issues requiring the
attention of multiple disciplines, both technical (computer science,
cryptography) and non-technical (law, ethics, social sciences,
philosophy) and the need to look beyond national borders. 

are trying to readjust the legal frameworks in which the information
society operates, both in Europe (think of the data protection reform
that should in 2014 culminate in the General Data Protection
Regulation), the US (the Federal Trade Commission initiatives with
respect to big data, Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights), and elsewhere.
Leading Internet engineers have also agreed to upgrade standards to
improve Internet privacy and security. 

Questions facing the research
community include: How can individuals' privacy rights be achieved
effectively in a globalising information society in which both states
and private enterprises exhibit great data hunger? What technologies,
frameworks and tools do we need to gain, regain and maintain
informational self-determination and lifelong privacy? Do we have to
advance the concepts of privacy and identity management in this evolving

These questions and many others will be addressed by the IFIP
Summer School 2014 on Privacy and Identity Management for the Future
Internet in the Age of Globalisation. The Summer School organisation
will be a joint effort of IFIP (International Federation for Information
Processing, Working Groups 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6, Special
Interest Group 9.2.2) and several European and national projects. The
IFIP Summer School 2014 will bring together junior and senior
researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines to discuss
important questions concerning privacy and identity management and
related issues in a global environment. 

We are especially inviting
contributions from students who are at the stage of preparing either a
master's or a PhD thesis. The school is interactive in character, and is
composed of keynote lectures and workshops with master/PhD student
presentations. The principle is to encourage young academic and industry
entrants to the privacy and identity management world to share their own
ideas, build up a collegial relationship with others, gain experience in
making presentations, and potentially publish a paper through the
resulting book proceedings. Students that actively participate, in
particular those who present a paper, can receive a course certificate
which awards 3 ECTS at the PhD level. The certificate can certify the
topic of the contributed paper so as to demonstrate its relation (or
non-relation) to the student's master's or PhD thesis. 


The Summer School takes a holistic approach to
society and technology and supports interdisciplinary exchange through
keynote lectures, tutorials, workshops, and research paper
presentations. In particular, participants' contributions that combine
technical, legal, regulatory, socio-economic, social or societal,
ethical, anthropological, philosophical, or psychological perspectives
are welcome. The interdisciplinary character of the work is fundamental
to the school. The research paper presentations and the workshops have a
particular focus on involving students, and on encouraging the
publication of high-quality, thorough research papers by students/young
researchers. To this end, the school has a two-phase review process for
submitted papers. In the first phase submitted papers (short versions)
are reviewed and selected for presentation at the school. After the
school, these papers can be revised (so that they can profit from their
discussion at the school) and are then reviewed again for selection into
the school's proceedings which will be published by Springer. Of course,
submissions by senior researchers and European, national, or
regional/community research projects are also very welcome. 


We are honored to have the following individuals presenting

* Caspar Bowden, Independent Privacy Advocate 

* Kim
Cameron, Microsoft 

* Daniele Catteddu, Cloud Security Alliance 

* Zoi
Kolitsi, eHGI 

* George Metakides, University of Patras 

* Joachim
Meyer, Tel Aviv University 

* Gregory Neven, IBM Research - Zurich 

Christine O'Keefe, CSIRO 

* Bart Preneel, KU Leuven 

* Nadya Purtova,
Tilburg University 

* Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt 

Aimee van Wynsberghe, University of Twente 


The school
seeks contributions in the form of research papers, tutorials, and
workshop proposals from all disciplines (e.g., computer science,
economics, ethics, law, psychology, sociology and other social

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

data breaches and cybercrime, 

* data retention and law enforcement,

* impact of legislative or regulatory initiatives on privacy, 

impact of technology on social exclusion/digital divide/social and
cultural aspects, 

* privacy and identity management (services,
technologies, infrastructures, usability aspects, 
legal and
socio-economic aspects), 

* privacy by design and privacy by default,

* privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), 

* privacy issues and PETs
relating to eIDs, social networks, crowdsourcing, big data analysis
biometrics, and cloud computing, social computing, 

* privacy

* profiling and tracking technologies, 

* semantic
web security and privacy, 

* social accountability and ethics, 

surveillance and privacy and identity management, 

* surveillance and
sensor networks, 

* transparency-enhancing technologies (TETs), 

trust management and reputation systems. 

_Research papers_ are
expected to contribute towards application scenarios, use cases, and
good practices; research with an empirical focus; and interdisciplinary
work. They will be selected by the Summer School Programme Committee
based on the review of an extended abstract (2,000-3,000 words).
Submissions should contain a concise problem statement, an outline, and
clear messages (they should not be about work "to be done"). Accepted
short versions of papers will be made available to all participants in
the Summer School Pre-Proceedings. After the Summer School, authors will
have the opportunity to submit their final full papers (in Springer LNCS
format) of 8-16 pages in length (and will address those questions and
aspects raised during the Summer School) for publication in the Summer
School Proceedings published by the official IFIP publisher (Springer).
The papers to be included in the Final Proceedings will again be
reviewed and selected by the Summer School Programme Committee. Students
are expected to try to publish their work through this volume.

_Tutorials_ are expected to last one or two hours. Proposals should
contain a short summary and state the level and background required for
attendees to follow the tutorial. 

_Workshops_ are expected to last one
or two hours and must produce short papers summarising the outcome for
inclusion in the proceedings. Proposals should contain a short statement
summarising the topic(s) to be discussed and the expected contributions
of the audience. 


At the IFIP Summer School,
a Best Student Paper Award will be selected and handed out. Papers
written solely or primarily by students and presented by a student at
the Summer School are eligible for the award. If the paper is
co-authored by senior researchers, the authors have to state that the
main work and contributions can be clearly attributed to the student
authors. The award will be selected based on the quality of the paper
and of the oral presentation. 


All submissions must be
made in PDF format using the Easychair [7] system. 


Extended abstracts or short papers (> 2,000 words in
Springer LNCS format, PDF) 

25 May 2014 

Notification of acceptance:

6 June 2014 

Short paper (up to 8 pages) for pre-proceedings: 

August 2014 

Final paper: 

28 November 2014 

Notification of
acceptance of the final paper: 

30 January 2015 

General Chair:

Marit Hansen 

PC Co-Chairs: 

Jan Camenisch, Simone Fischer-Hübner,
Ronald Leenes 

Organising Committee Chair: 

Yannis Stamatiou 

School Website: 

http://ifip2014.cti.gr [8]/ 



 on _Privacy and Identity Management for
the Future Internet in the Age of Globalisation_ 

[2] https://abc4trust.eu/
[4] http://www.futureid.eu/
[6] http://au2eu.eu/
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