[ecoop-info] CfP: Call for Paper: 10th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC 2015)

Amir Rahmani amir2 at kth.se
Tue Apr 7 09:02:21 CEST 2015

(Please accept our apologies for multiple postings of this announcement)

ReCoSoC 2015 - Call for Papers

Important Dates (Update):

Abstract submission deadline:   10th April 2015 (firm)

Full paper submission deadline: 17th April 2015

Notification of acceptance:        15th May 2015

Camera-ready due:                       5th June 2015

During the past decade, ReCoSoC has established itself as a reference international event for researchers in the areas of reconfigurable and communication-centric systems-on-chip. Its informal and dynamic philosophy encourages the technical and scientific interactions between senior academics and young researchers. ReCoSoC 2015 will take place from 29.6. to 1.7.2015 in Bremen, Germany.

All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. A special issue in the journal Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO, Elsevier) with the topic Reconfigurable Communication-Centric System-on-Chip is under preparation. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution.

The topics of interest include (but are not limited to) :

* New paradigms for reconfigurable and communication-centric computing

* Reconfigurable and adaptive embedded SoCs

* Communication-centric design techniques at different abstraction


* On-chip communication architectures, interconnects, networks-on-chip

* Low power design of reconfigurable and multiprocessor SoCs

* Communication-aware multiprocessor embedded systems

* OS and middleware for reconfigurable and multicore SoCs

* Specification languages and design methodologies

* Verification and evaluation techniques

* Industrial case studies

* (special sessions)

Special Sessions:

The ReCoSoC technical program will incorporate Special Sessions, with the objective of complementing the regular program with new and emerging topics in the field of reconfigurable and communication-centric systems-on-chip. In 2015, ReCoSoC will have three Special Sessions:

* Reconfigurable Architectures for Big Data and Data Analytics

+ Chair: Thilo Pionteck (ITI, University of Lübeck, DE)

  pionteck at iti.uni-luebeck.de<mailto:pionteck at iti.uni-luebeck.de>

+ Chair: Sven Groppe (IFIS, University of Lübeck, DE)

  groppe at ifis.uni-luebeck.de<mailto:groppe at ifis.uni-luebeck.de>

* Energy Efficient Reconfigurable Many-Core Systems (E2RMC)

+ Chair: Hannu Tenhunen (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)

  hannu at kth.se<mailto:hannu at kth.se>

+ Chair: Zhonghai Lu (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)

  zhonghai at kth.se<mailto:zhonghai at kth.se>

+ Chair: Pasi Liljeberg (University of Turku, Finland) pakrli at utu.fi<mailto:pakrli at utu.fi>

+ Chair: Amir-Mohammad Rahmani (University of Turku, Finland)

  amirah at utu.fi<mailto:amirah at utu.fi>

* Design Methods for Long Term Autonomous Systems

+ Chair: Rolf Drechsler (University of Bremen/DFKI, DE)

  drechsler at uni-bremen.de<mailto:drechsler at uni-bremen.de>

+ Chair: Robert Wille (University of Bremen/DFKI, DE)

  rwille at uni-bremen.de<mailto:rwille at uni-bremen.de>


Authors are invited to submit contributions as maximum 8 page papers in IEEE conference format. ReCoSoC 2015 follows a double-blind review

process: author's should not reveal their identity in the manuscript.

For contributions to the special sessions an additional note has to be send to the special session chairs. All contribution(s) have to be submitted electronically through the EasyChair portal of the conference : https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=recosoc2015

Conference webpage: http://www.recosoc.org

General Chair: Alberto Garcia-Ortiz, University of Bremen, DE

Program Chair: Eduardo de la Torre, Techn. Univ. of Madrid, ES

Program Chair: Juha Plosila, University of Turku, FI

Publicity Co-Chair: Diana Göhringer, University of Bochum, DE

Publicity Co-Chair: Ricardo Reis, UFRGS, Brazil

Program Committee:  See www.recosoc.org<http://www.recosoc.org>

Local Organization: Kerstin Janssen, University of Bremen, DE

Local Organization: Daniel Gregorek, University of Bremen, DE


ITEM, University Bremen

Otto-Hahn-Allee 1

28359 Bremen, DE

recosoc at item.uni-bremen.de<mailto:recosoc at item.uni-bremen.de>

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