[ecoop-info] cfp: The International Workshop on the Use of Formal Methods in Future Communication Networks (UFMFCN’2015)

LAID K laid.k.b at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 23:34:50 CEST 2015

--------------------------------------- Apologies for Cross-posting

*The International Workshop on the Use of Formal Methods in Future
Communication Networks (UFMFCN’2015)*

*In conjunction with the*

The 10th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications
August 17-20, 2015, Belfort, France



The development of communication networks and technologies grows in
important speed. New innovations occur every day at hardware level as well
as at software. New concepts are proposed and new challenges are imposed
for the designers and the developers to enhance the reliability of the
proposed technologies. The next generation networks are expected to touch
and to influence the whole areas of our lives: such as health, energy
consumption, environment transport, entertainment or education. Hence,
these technologies are so critical, their design and development must be
done in the correct way. The verification and validation processes must be
included in the design process. The use of formal methods to verify and
validate products have given many results in networking domain, however
these formal methods are obliged to follow the unstopped growing
technologies in a domain as communication networks, pervasive and
ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, etc.

The aim of this workshop is the offer a space to present and discuss the
latest research, at theoretical and technological levels, done in the
domain of formal methods suitable for the above technologies. The workshop
aims to bring together researchers from the two domains; formal methods as
a theoretical field with those of communication technologies. We expect to
receive papers that deal with the proposition of new formalisms dedicated
to the future communication technologies as well as the application of
existent formalisms and tools (Automatons, Petri nets, classical process
algebra, B method, Z language, Joint calculus, Ambient calculus, ...) in
the specification, verification or simulation.

*Paper Submission and publication:*

The number of pages for workshop papers is limited to 6 pages. The authors
must follow Elsevier guidelines as given in FNC-2015 Website (
http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/fnc-15/#homePage ).

All accepted papers will be included in the FNC-2015 proceedings, which
will be published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer
Science series on-line. Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on
www.Elsevier.com <http://www.commca.org/www.Elsevier.com> and on Elsevier
content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com
<http://www.commca.org/www.sciencedirect.com>), and will be freely
available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Thomson
Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation Index:

The *submission Web site* for UFMFCN’2015 is:

*Important Dates:*

·         Submission Deadline: (*April 15, 2015) extended to April 30,

·    Authors notification: *May 24, 2015*

·    Camera Ready papers due: * June 16, 2015*

·         Workshop: TBA

*Workshop Chairs:*

·         *Dr. Laid Kahloul*, LINFI Laboratory, Biskra University, Algeria.

·         *Prof. Karim Djouani, *, French South African Institute of
Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.

·         *Prof. AllaouaChaoui*, MISC Laboratory, Constantine 2 University,

*International Program Committee**:*

·      Prof.  Abdelkrim Abdelli, USTHB Algiers; Algeria

·      Prof. Anish Kurien, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria,
South Africa

·      Prof. Chamseddine Talhi, University of Concordia, Canada

·      Prof. Djouani Karim, University of Paris Est, France.

·      Prof. Kazar Okba, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria.

·      Prof. Saidouni Djamel Eddine, MISC labo, Constantine 2 University,

·      Prof. Tebibel Thouraya, ESI Algiers, Algeria

·      Prof. Thomas Olwal, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria,
South Africa

·      Prof. Yskandar Hamam, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria,
South Africa

·      Dr. Alireza Souri, Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad

·      Dr. Amroune kamel, University of Bejaia, Algeria

·      Dr. Baarir Souheib, LIP 6, Paris 6 University, France.

·      Dr. Benharzallah Saber, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra,

·      Dr. Bennoui Hammadi, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria.

·      Dr. Bourahla Mustapha, University of M’sila, Algeria.

·      Dr. Bourekkache Samir, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra,

·      Dr A. Chibani, University Paris Est Creteil (UPEC), France

·      Dr. Djeffal Abdelhamid, LESIA Laboratory, University of Biskra,

·      Dr. Florence Maraninchi, Grenoble Institute of technology, France.

·      Dr. M. Hilia, Bull-Evidean, France

·      Dr. Kahloul Laid, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria.

·      Dr. Mourad Maouche, Philadelphia University, Jordan

·      Dr. Rezeg Khaled, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria.

·      Dr. Terrissa Sadek Labib, LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra,

·      Dr. A. Mahfouz, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa

·      Dr. Martin Strecker, IRIT Toulouse, France

·      Ms. Lamia Hamza, University of Bejaia, Algeria

·      Ms. BATTAT Nadia, University of Bejaia,  Algeria

·      Mr. AISSANI Sofiane, University of Bejaia, Algeria


*Dr. Laid Kahloul*

LINFI Laboratory,

Computer Science Department,

Faculty of Science Exact, Nature and Life Sciences,

Biskra University, Algeria

kahloul2006 at yahoo.fr

laid.k.b at gmail.com

kahloul.laid at univ-biskra.dz

*Dr. Laid Kahloul*
Adjoint Chef Département, chargé de la Post-graduation
*Deaprtement Head's Assistant, in charge of the Post-graduation*
Département d'informatique
*Computer Science Department*
Université de Biskra
*Biskra University*
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