[ecoop-info] PSI 2015 - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 23.4.2015

Manuel Mazzara m.mazzara at innopolis.ru
Fri Apr 17 10:28:02 CEST 2015

PSI: 10th Ershov Informatics Conference
25 - 27 August 2015, Innopolis, Kazan, Russia

The Ershov Informatics Conference (the PSI Conference Series, 10th edition) is the premier international forum in Russia for research and applications in computer, software and information sciences. The conference brings together academic and industrial researchers, developers and users to discuss the most recent topics in the field. PSI provides an ideal venue for setting up research collaborations between the rapidly growing Russian informatics community and its international counterparts, as well as between established scientists and younger researchers.

Conference Chairs

Bertrand Meyer
ETH, Zurich
Irina Virbitskaite
A.P. Ershov Institute, Novosibirsk

Programme Committee Chairs

Manuel Mazzara
Innopolis University
Andrei Voronkov
The University of Manchester

Steering Committee

Dines Bjorner
Technical University of Denmark
Manfred Broy
Technische Universität München
Victor Ivannikov
Institute for System Programming, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ugo Montanari
University of Pisa

Publicity Chairs

Timur Tsiunchuk
Innopolis University
Salvatore Distefano
Politecnico di Milano

Workshop Chairs

Shilov Nikolay
Nazarbayev U. and Ershov Inst. of Informatics Systems Salvatore Distefano
Politecnico di Milano

Keynote speakers

Hans-Ulrich Heiss, TUB, Germany
Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh, UK
David Parnas, Middle Road Software
Helmut Veith, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Conference Topics

1. Foundations of Program and System Development and Analysis
* Specification, validation, and verification techniques.
* Program analysis, transformation and synthesis.
* Semantics, logic and formal models of programs.
* Partial evaluation, mixed computation, abstract interpretation, compiler construction.
* Theorem proving and model checking.
* Concurrency theory.
* Static program analysis.
* Modeling and analysis of real-time and hybrid systems.
* Computer models and algorithms for bioinformatics.

2. Programming Methodology and Software Engineering
* Object-oriented,   aspect-oriented,     component-based and generic programming.
* Programming by contract.
* Program and system construction for parallel and distributed computing.
* Constraint programming.
* Multi-agent technology.
* System re-engineering and reuse.
* Integrated programming environments.
* Software architecture.
* Software development and testing.
* Model-driven system/software development.
* Agile software development.
* Software engineering methods and tools.
* Service engineering, service oriented architecture.
* Reverse engineering.
* Reflection techniques.
* Software bugs, aging and reliability models and countermeasures.
* Program understanding and visualization.

3. Information Technologies
* Data models.
* Database and information systems.
* Data mining, analytics.
* Knowledge-based systems and knowledge engineering.
* Bioinformatics engineering.
* Ontologies and semantic Web.
* Digital libraries, collections and archives, Web publishing.
* Peer-to-peer data management.

More generally, the conference welcomes novel scientific contributions in software-related areas, and application papers showing practical applications of research results.

Local Organizers

Tanya Stanko
Innopolis University
Inna Baskakova
Innopolis University

Programme Committee Members

Farhad Arbab, CWI and Leiden University, Netherlands
David Aspinall, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK
Marcello Maria Bersani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Eike Best, Univ. of Oldenburg, Germany
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Naille Boukharaev, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Andrea Calì, Birbeck College, UK
Mauro Caporuscio, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Néstor Cataño, Madeira Univ., Portugal
Gabriel Ciobanu, Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania
Volker Diekert, Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
Salvatore Distefano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nicola Dragoni, DTU, Denmark and Örebro Univ., Sweden
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna Univ. Technology, Austria
Dieter Fensel, STI Innsbruck, Austria
Carlo Furia, ETH, Switzerland
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sergei Gorlatch, Univ. Muenster, Germany
Jan Friso Groote, Eindhoven Univ. Tech., The Netherlands
Arie Gurfinkel, Carnegie Mellon Univ., US
Cliff Jones, Newcastle Univ., UK
Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany
Konstantin Korovin, Univ. Manchester, UK
Maciej Koutny, Newcastle Univ., UK
Laura Kovacs, Chalmers Univ. Tech., Gothenburg, Sweden
Gregory Kucherov, CNRS/LIGM, Marne-la-Vallee, France
Johan Lilius, Abo Akademi Univ., Turku, Finland
Anthony Widjaja Lin, Yale-NUS College, Singapore
Zhiming Liu, Birmingham City University
Jan Madsen, DTU Copenhagen, Denmark
Rupak Majumdar, MPI, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Klaus Meer, Tech. Univ. Cottbus, Germany
Hernán Melgratti, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Torben Mogensen, Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark
Peter Mosses, Swansea Univ., UK
Martin Nordio, ETH, Switzerland
José R. Paramá, Univ. A Coruña, Spain
Wojciech Penczek, Inst. Comp. Sci., Warsaw, Poland
Peter Pepper, TU Berlin, Germany
Alexander Petrenko, ISP RAS, Moscow, Russia
Paul Pettersson, Mälardalen Univ., Sweden
Nadia Polikarpova, MIT, USA
Qiang Qu, Innopolis University, Russia
Andrey Rybalchenko, TUM, Munchen, Germany
Wolfgang Reisig, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, Germany
Davide Sangiorgi, Univ. of Bologna, Italy
Natalia Sidorova, Technische Univ. Eindhoven, Netherlands
Giancarlo Succi, University of Bolzano, Italy
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, SW Competence C., Hagenberg, Austria
Max Talanov, Kazan Federal Universty, Russia
Mark Trakhtenbrot, Holon Inst. of Technology, Israel
Kishor S. Trivedi, Duke University, USA
Domagoj Vrgoc, Center for Semantic Web Research, Chile
Sergey Zykov, Higher School of Economics, Russia

Conference Secretary

Inna Baskakova
Innopolis University
42 Profsoyuznaya str., 420100, Kazan, Russia
Tel: +7 (843) 203-92-53 (Kazan)
i.baskakova at innopolis.ru<mailto:i.baskakova at innopolis.ru>

Important Dates

* April 23, 2015: abstract submission
* April 30, 2015: submission deadline
* June 3, 2015: notification of acceptance
* August 25-27, 2015: the conference dates
* November 1, 2015: camera ready papers due


There are three categories of submissions:
* Regular  papers  describing  fully  developed  work  and complete results (15 pages / 30 minute talks).
* Short  papers  reporting  on  interesting  work  in  progress and/or preliminary results (9 pages / 15 minute talks).
* System  and  experimental    papers    describing implementation or evaluation of experimental systems and
containing a link to a working system (7 pages / 10 minute presentations).

Submissions should:
* Present   original   contributions   that   have   not   been previously published and are not being submitted to another publication.
* Clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other work.
* Be in good-quality English, in a form that can be immediately published without revision.
* Be sent electronically, as a PDF file formatted according to Springer LNCS Instructions for Authors: http://www.springeronline.com) through the submissions link to the conference website
no later than April 23, 2015.

It is permissible to include or link to an appendix listing detailed results or supporting data that do not fit within the page limits, as long as the paper can be evaluated without reading this appendix.

At  least  one  author  of  each  accepted  paper  must  register, attend the conference and present the paper.

Conference Proceedings

Preliminary proceedings will be available at the conference. Final versions of invited and accepted papers will be published by Springer-Verlag after the conference in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Proceedings of previous PSIs are volumes 1181, 1755, 2244, 2890, 4378, 5947 and 7162 of LNCS.


PSI 2015 will take place in the Korston conference hall in Kazan, one of the oldest, largest and most beautiful cities in Russia, with a rich multicultural heritage and architectural treasures recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kazan was recently noted by TripAdvisor as one of the destination on the rise. A social and cultural program will enable participants and companions to discover the beauty of Kazan. Pre- and post-conference tours are available upon request.


You can fly directly to Kazan through Moscow or directly from a number of international destinations such as Helsinki. Trains are also available from Moscow.
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