[ecoop-info] CFP - 2nd Workshop on Software Product Line Analysis tools (SPLat 2015)

Gilles Perrouin gilles.perrouin at unamur.be
Thu Apr 23 10:41:20 CEST 2015

														 		2nd Workshop on Software Product Line Analysis tools (SPLat 2015)
																			Co-located with SPLC 2015
																			Nashville, TN, USA,  July 21st
																	Website:  https://sites.google.com/site/splat2015w/home

Aim of the Workshop
 The SPLat workshop invites positioning papers on formal approaches to software product line
 engineering (SPLE) discussing the representation of feature-related and product family-related
 concepts, and the successes and issues related to the applicability and scalability of tool-support
 for the validation and verification software product lines. Approaches are to be addressed
 from a general perspective, in particular regarding the choice of underlying concepts that
 capture variability, and regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches in their effort
 to defeat combinatorial explosion. The workshop aims to provide a platform for the presentation and
 comparison of formal analysis tools as used in SPLE, focussing on the identification of commonalities
 and differences of these tools.

 Contributions are invited that describe a particular formal approach to SPLE in a way that
 facilitates a comparison which other similar or orthogonal work: stressing both pros and cons,
 the unique selling point of the approach, sketching the expected success in the long-run, etc.

Possible formal approaches targeted at software product lines include (non-exhaustive list): 
- Model checking,
- Testing,
- SAT/SMT solving,
- Run-time verification
- Theorem proving,
- Type checking,
- Consistency checking,
- Optimization.

 The SPLat workshop will be a full-day event, including an invited lecture and the presentation
 of selected papers. The workshop will close with a discussion on the commonalities and differences
 of formal approaches, their strengths and weaknesses, and on the challenges ahead for their
 successful application.

Submission and Publication
 Papers of maximum 10 pages in ACM SIGS proceedings (tighter alternate style) are to be uploaded in PDF via
 EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=splat2015) and will be reviewed by the SPLat 2015 program committee.
 Accepted papers will be included in Part 2 of the ACM Proceedings of the SPLC 2015 conference.

Important Dates:

- Submission: May 1, 2015 (Anywhere on Earth, AoE)
- Notification: June 1, 2015
- Camera-ready:  June 15, 2015 


Gilles Perrouin, University of Namur, Belgium
Axel Legay, INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, France

Programme Committee 

Olivier Barais,  IRISA/INRIA & University of Rennes I, France
David Benavides, University of Seville, Spain
Dave Clarke, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden  
Philippe Collet, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - CNRS/I3S, France
Maxime Cordy, University of Namur, Belgium
Ferruccio Damiani, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino, Italy
Aleksandar S.  Dimovski,  IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark   
Erik De Vink, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Alessandro Fantechi, DSI - Universita' di Firenze,  Italy
Christian Kästner, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Anna-Lena Lamprecht,  University of Potsdam, Germany
Holger Schlingloff,  Fraunhofer FIRST &  Humboldt University, Germany 
Maurice H. Ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy

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