[ecoop-info] CFP: SSP 2015 (Nov 4-6) in Munich, GER - Deadline Aug 28 [Conference]

Johannes Kroß johannes.kross at fortiss.org
Mon Jun 29 16:58:13 CEST 2015

                        CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

                               SSP 2015
                  6th Symposium on Software Performance

                 A Joint Developer and Community Meeting

                            Munich, Germany
                          November 4-6, 2015



Registration Start                                         Jun  24, 2015
Abstract Submission (for all submission types)             Aug  28, 2015
Paper Submission    (for all submission types)             Sep  06, 2015
Acceptance Notification                                    Oct  09, 2015
Camera Ready                                               Oct  23, 2015
Developer Day                                              Nov  04, 2015
Date of the SSP                                            Nov 5-6, 2015


Performance is one of the most relevant quality attributes of any IT
system. While good performance leads to high user satisfaction, weak
response times lead to loss of users, perceived unavailability of the
system, or unnecessarily high costs of network or compute resources.
Therefore, various techniques to evaluate, control, and improve the
performance of IT systems have been developed, ranging from online
monitoring and benchmarking to modeling and prediction. Experience
shows, that for system design or later optimization, such techniques
need to be applied in smart combination.

Therefore, the Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) brings together
researchers and practitioners interested in all facets of software
performance, ranging from modeling and prediction to monitoring and
runtime management. It will be packed with sessions about the latest
advances in performance-related research and also covers tools and
experiences in the field of software performance. The symposium is
organized by four already established research groups, namely Descartes,
Kieker, Palladio, and Performance Management Group who will use this
symposium also as a joint developer and community meeting.
General topcis of interest:
  * Application performance management
  * Software performance patterns and anti‐patterns
  * Thoughts and experiences on the influence of the software
    architecture on software performance
  * Extraction and calibration of performance models
  * Performance in virtualized environments
  * Performance in trade‐off with other quality attributes,
    e.g., security or reliability
  * Model‐driven approaches for instrumentation and analysis
  * Automatic approaches for performance problem detection, diagnosis,
    and resolution
  * Performance-related challenges in industrial software systems
  * Application of Descartes, Kieker, or Palladio in projects
  * Combined applications of Descartes, Kieker, and Palladio
  * Palladio used for the prediction of other quality properties beyond
  * Wish lists of tool features


We solicit the following two types of submissions: technical papers
maximum 3 pages) and extended abstracts for industry or experience
talks (maximum 700 words). Technical papers should follow the standard
ACM SIG proceedings format and need to be submitted electronically via
EasyChair. Extended abstracts need to be submitted as "abstract only"
submissions via EasyChair. Submitted papers can be research papers,
position papers, case studies or experience reports including but not
limited to approaches employing Descartes, Kieker, and/or Palladio.

Note that we explicitly welcome contributions that have already been
(partially) presented at other events or in publications.

Presentations will be organized in sessions with 30-minute slots
incl. discussion. At least one author of each accepted paper is required
to register, attend the conference and present the paper.

Proceedings - Accepted technical papers will be published in the
Softwaretechnik-Trends after the symposium. Extended abstracts will not
be published.

Registration is now open! You can register for the SSP here:

For more details, please visit:


Organization Committee
    Steffen Becker       Technische Universität Chemnitz   Germany
    Andreas Brunnert     fortiss GmbH                      Germany
    Wilhelm Hasselbring  Kiel University                   Germany
    André van Hoorn      University of Stuttgart           Germany
    Samuel Kounev        University of Würzburg            Germany
    Helmut Krcmar        Technische Universität München    Germany
    Ralf Reussner        KIT/FZI                           Germany

Local Organizers
    Andreas Brunnert     fortiss GmbH                      Germany
    Johannes Kroß        fortiss GmbH                      Germany
    Felix Willnecker     fortiss GmbH                      Germany

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