[ecoop-info] CFP: InterIoT&BigData'2016 Extended Deadline

Chen Liu cliu at clarkson.edu
Sat Apr 16 05:23:26 CEST 2016


Call for Papers

Deadline Extended to April 25, 2016



The 2016 International Workshop on Hardware/Software Interface for Internet
of Things and Big Data in conjunction with International Conference on
Parallel Processing (ICPP'2016)

Philadelphia, PA, USA

August 16-19, 2016


Important dates

*Submission due date: April 25, 2016 (Extended Deadline, Firm!)*

Notification date: May 15, 2016

Camera Ready due date: June 03, 2016

Workshop date: August 16, 2016

Data are being generated at exponential rate all over the world, and
organizations are storing exponentially larger amounts of data. One of the
main challenges in IoT and Big Data management is the growing diversity and
heterogeneity of the hardware and software interfaces needed for
interacting with the plethora of connected sensors and devices over the

InterIoT&BigData'2016 seeks original unpublished papers focusing on
emerging applications, management, architecture of IoT and BigData. In
addition, this workshop also welcomes work-in-progress, case studies,
visionary idea, new application challenges, and industrial practice studies.

InterIoT&BigData'2016 will be held in Conjunction with International
Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'2016), Philadelphia, PA, USA,
August 16-19, 2016.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest for InterIoT&BigData'2016 include, but not limited

- IoT Sensing technologies, Low power and energy harvesting

- IoT data analytics

- IoT Enabling Technologies, Application and Services

- IoT Automotive, Security, Privacy, and Applications

- Massive IoT Data: Impact on Security, Privacy and Urban Dynamics in Smart

- Data centre design for IoT

- Big Data and Analytics

- Cloud Computing

- Emerging Networking, Tracking and Sensing Technologies

- Semantic techniques for IoT interfaces

- Software analysis and Matchmaking techniques for IoT interfaces

- Hardware acceleration method for IoT/Big Data/Deep Learning using CPU,
GPU, FGPA, etc

-Software/Hardware Codesign for IoT and Big Data

Submission guidelines

Original papers from the aforementioned and related topics will be
considered. Please submit regular full papers (limit to 8 pages) including
all figures, tables, and references. Papers should be submitted
electronically in PDF format together with a short abstract (approximately
150 words). All papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee.
They will be judged with respect to their quality, originality, and
relevance. Please prepare your paper according to the standard IEEEE
conference template and submit your paper through submission system at



Proceedings of the conference and workshops will be available on CD or USB
at the conference and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL.

Best and selected papers presented in the workshop will be invited to
appear published in Special Issues of International Journal of
Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), International Journal of
High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) and International
Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), published by Inderscience.

Workshop organizers

General Chairs

Chen Liu, Clarkson University, USA

Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Univ. of California - Irvine, USA

Program Chairs

Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan

Bo Mao, Xiamen University, China

Beniamino DiMartino, Second University of Naples, Italy

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