[ecoop-info] CFP: RAID 2017 - Atlanta, Georgia (September 18-20, 2017)

Nick Nikiforakis nick at cs.stonybrook.edu
Wed Dec 14 20:06:40 CET 2016


Call for Papers:

RAID 2017

20th International Symposium on Research
in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses

Atlanta, Georgia, September 18-20, 2017


Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: March 28, 2017 (5PM, UTC Time)
Rebuttal Period: May 19-21, 2017
Notification to Authors: May 30, 2017
Camera Ready Submission Deadline: June 27, 2017

Poster Submission Deadline: August 21, 2017
Poster Acceptance Notification: August 28, 2017


Over the last 20 years, the International Symposium on Research in 
Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID) has established itself as a 
venue where leading researchers and practitioners from academia, 
industry, and the government are given the opportunity to present novel 
research in a unique venue to an engaged and lively community.

The conference is known for the quality and thoroughness of the reviews 
of the papers submitted, the desire to build a bridge between research 
carried out in different communities, and the emphasis given on the need 
for sound experimental methods and measurement to improve the state of 
the art in cybersecurity.

RAID features a traditional poster session with a walking dinner on the 
first evening to encourage the presentation of work in progress and the 
active participation of younger members of the community.

In this special year, the 20th anniversary of RAID's creation, we are 
soliciting research papers on topics covering all well-motivated 
security problems. We care about techniques that identify new real-world 
threats, techniques to prevent them, to detect them, to mitigate them or 
to assess their prevalence and their consequences. Measurement papers 
are encouraged, as well as papers offering public access to new tools or 
datasets, or experience papers that clearly articulate important 
lessons. Specific topics of interest to RAID include:

* Computer, network and cloud computing security
* SDN for/against security
* Malware and unwanted software
* Program analysis and reverse engineering
* Mobile and Web security and privacy
* Vulnerability analysis techniques
* Usable security and privacy
* Intrusion detection and prevention
* Cyber intelligence techniques and (privacy preserving) threats intel 
* Threats against critical infrastructures and mitigation thereof
* Hardware security, Cyber physical systems, IoT security
* Statistical and adversarial learning for computer security
* Cyber crime and underground economies
* The ecosystem behind Denial-of-Service attacks
* Security measurement studies
* Digital forensics
* Computer security visualization techniques

Papers will be judged on novelty, significance, correctness, and 
clarity. We expect all papers to provide enough detail to enable 
reproducibility of their experimental results.

Submission Guidelines
Each paper must include an abstract and a list of keywords, and must not 
exceed 20 pages in total length, formatted in LNCS-style and including 
the bibliography and any appendices. Papers can be submitted on the 
following web site: https://raid2017.hotcrp.com

Reviewing will be double-blind, meaning the authors’ identities will be 
hidden from the reviewers. All papers must be appropriately anonymized:  
author names or affiliations must not appear in the submission, you must 
refer to your own prior work in the third person, you should not give 
the paper a title that corresponds to a publicly available technical 
report, and should anonymize the bibliographic section in an appropriate 
manner, etc. Papers that are not anonymized will not be reviewed.

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that has already been 
published elsewhere or submitted in parallel to a journal or to any 
other conference or workshop with proceedings. Simultaneous submission 
of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published 
work, and plagiarism constitute dishonesty or fraud. RAID, like other 
scientific and technical conferences and journals, prohibits these 
practices and may, on the recommendation of the program chair, take 
action against authors who have committed them.  RAID abides with 
policies for plagiarism, submission confidentiality, reviewer anonymity, 
and prior and concurrent paper submission that mirror those of the ACM 
(see http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/).

Papers accepted by the Program Committee will be presented at RAID 2017 
and included in the Symposium’s proceedings published by Springer in its 
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

As in previous years, presentations will be recorded and posted on the 
official RAID YouTube Channel.

If needed, we will grant accepted papers up to two additional pages to 
address comments from the reviewers. A summary of the reviews will be 
published alongside each accepted paper.

Authors who are unsure whether their submissions might meet these 
guidelines, or who have specific questions about the guidelines, are 
welcome to contact the program committee co-chairs at 
raid2017-pc_chairs at gtisc.gatech.edu

Organizing Committee:

General Chair:
     Manos Antonakakis, Georgia Tech
PC Chair:
     Marc Dacier, QCRI / HBKU
PC Co-Chair:
     Michael Bailey, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Publication Chair:
     Michalis Polychronakis, Stony Brook University
Publicity Chair:
     Nick Nikiforakis, Stony Brook University
Sponsor Chair:
     Yacin Nadji, Georgia Tech
Local Arrangement Chair:
     Roberto Perdisci, University of Georgia
Local Infrastructure Chair:
     William R. Garrison, Georgia Tech
Poster Chair and Webmaster:
     Chaz Lever, Georgia Tech

Program Committee:

   Magnus Almgren,  Chalmers University
   Johanna Amann,  International Computer Science Institute
   Leyla Bilge, Symantec Research Labs
   Lorenzo Cavallaro, Royal Holloway, University of London
   Mihai Christodorescu, Qualcomm Research
   Herve Debar, Telecom SudParis, France
   Manuel Egele, Boston University
   Sandro Ettale, Technical University Eindhoven
   Aurélien Francillon, Eurecom
   Jon Giffin, HPE Fortify
   Virgil Gligor, Carnegie Mellon University
   Guofei Gu, Texas A&M University
   Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH
   Yongdae Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
   Andrea Lanzi, University of Milan
   Wenke Lee, Georgia Tech
   Corrado Leita, Lastline
   David Naccache, ENS Paris
   Roberto Perdisci, University of Georgia
   Jason Polakis, University of Illinois at Chicago
   Bill Sanders, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
   Kevin Snow, Zeropoint
   Angelos Stavrou, George Mason University
   Sal Stolfo, Columbia University
   Purui Su, Institute of Software/CAS, China
   Mark Tehranipoor, University of Florida
   Al Valdes, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
   X. Sean Wang, Fudan University
   Xiaogang (Cliff) Wang, US Army Research Office and adjunct with NC 
State University
   Ting Fang Yen, Datavision, Inc
   Kehuan Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong

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