[ecoop-info] CFP The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval - KDIR 2016

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Thu Feb 11 15:04:48 CET 2016


The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information
Retrieval – KDIR 2016

Website: www.kdir.ic3k.org

November 9 – 11, 2016

Porto, Portugal


 <http://icete.org/Glossary.aspx#11> Regular Papers

Paper Submission: May 12, 2016 
Authors Notification: September 5, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: September 19, 2016


 <http://icete.org/Glossary.aspx#12> Position Papers

Paper Submission: June 27, 2016

Authors Notification: September 7, 2016

Camera Ready and Registration: September 19, 2016


 <http://icete.org/Glossary.aspx#41> Workshops 

Workshop Proposal: August 18, 2016


 <http://www.ic3k.org/Glossary.aspx#46> Doctoral Consortium

Paper Submission: September 8, 2016

Authors Notification: September 16, 2016

Camera Ready and Registration: September 28, 2016


 <http://icete.org/Glossary.aspx#46> Special Sessions

Special Session Proposal: August 22, 2016

Paper Submission: September 5, 2016

Authors Notification: September 21, 2016

Camera Ready and Registration: September 28, 2016



Tutorial Proposal: September 23, 2016



Demo Proposal: September 23, 2016



Panel Proposal: September 23, 2016


Open Communications

Paper Submission: September 8, 2016

Authors Notification: September 16, 2016

Camera Ready and Registration: September 28, 2016


Sponsored by:

INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and

INSTICC is Member of:

FIPA – Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents

WfMC – Workflow Management Coalition

OMG – Object Management Group 


Logistics Partner:

SCITEVENTS – Science and Technology Events


In Cooperation with:

AI*IA – Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale

APPIA – Associação Portuguesa Para a Inteligência Artificial 

APRP – Associaçao Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões



Knowledge Discovery is an interdisciplinary area focusing upon methodologies
for identifying valid, novel, potentially useful and meaningful patterns
from data, often based on underlying large data sets. A major aspect of
Knowledge Discovery is data mining, i.e. applying data analysis and
discovery algorithms that produce a particular enumeration of patterns (or
models) over the data. Knowledge Discovery also includes the evaluation of
patterns and identification of which add to knowledge.

Information retrieval (IR) is concerned with gathering relevant information
from unstructured and semantically fuzzy data in texts and other media,
searching for information within documents and for metadata about documents,
as well as searching relational databases and the Web. Automation of
information retrieval enables the reduction of what has been called
"information overload".

Information retrieval can be combined with knowledge discovery to create
software tools that empower users of decision support systems to better
understand and use the knowledge underlying large data sets.


KDIR is part of IC3K, the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge
Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.


IC3K 2016 will be held in conjunction with  <http://www.ijcci.org/> IJCCI



All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under
an ISBN reference, on paper and on 

CD-ROM support.

SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/) and every
paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the
SCITEPRESS Digital Library .

The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier
Engineering Village Index) and Scopus.



The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing session.

Please check the website for further information:



IC3K 2016 will have several invited keynote speakers, who are
internationally recognized experts in their areas. Their names are not yet



Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal



Ana Fred, Instituto de Telecomunicações / IST, Portugal



*         BioInformatics & Pattern Discovery

*         Business Intelligence Applications

*         Clustering and Classification Methods

*         Collaborative Filtering

*         Concept Mining

*         Context Discovery

*         Data Analytics

*         Data Mining in Electronic Commerce

*         Data Reduction and Quality Assessment

*         Foundations of Knowledge Discovery in Databases

*         Information Extraction

*         Interactive and Online Data Mining

*         Machine Learning

*         Mining Multimedia Data

*         Mining Text and Semi-structured Data

*         Pre-processing and Post-processing for Data Mining

*         Process Mining

*         Software Development

*         Structured Data Analysis and Statistical Methods

*         User Profiling and Recommender Systems

*         Visual Data Mining and Data Visualization

*         Web Mining






KDIR  Secretariat

Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq. 

                2910-595 Setúbal - Portugal 


Tel.: +351 265 100 033 

Fax: +351 265 520 186

e-mail: kdir.secretariat at insticc.org


Please check further details at the conference website: www.kdir.ic3k.org



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