[ecoop-info] Call for submissions PLoP 2016

Jason Yip jchyip at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 15:50:21 CEST 2016

*23rd International Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs*
Allerton Park <http://allerton.illinois.edu/>, IL, USA
*24 - 26 October 2016*

It is our pleasure to invite you to the *23rd International Pattern
Languages of Programs (PLoP) Conference* <http://hillside.net/plop/2016/>.

PLoP is the original and premier event for pattern writers, enthusiasts,
academics, and practitioners to gather, discuss, and learn more about
patterns in programming, software development, and in other non-software

PLoP is a unique experience. Unlike traditional conferences, the program is
primarily structured around Writers’ Workshops, where pattern papers are
critiqued and improved by fellow pattern writers, led by expert workshop
facilitators. The spirit of PLoP is about pattern writers helping each
other produce better work.

Other activities include Focus Groups, Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions,
Patterns Bootcamp (for pattern newcomers), games, and discussions during
shared meals.

Submissions may include short papers containing one or more patterns,
longer pattern languages or sequences, or works-in-progress by writers
wishing to get in-depth shepherding by an experienced writer at the
conference. *Suitable topics include all aspects of software programming
and delivery, including the human aspects. We also encourage patterns and
pattern languages on other topics, essays on patterns, and visions for the

In addition, you may submit proposals for free-format discussion groups or
workshops bringing together people interested in a hot topic related to
patterns or proven practices—with a duration about two hours.
Unconventional formats are welcome.

*More details on submissions can be found here:*

PLoP submissions will be peer reviewed and digitally archived at ACM.
Papers discussed at writers’ workshops at this conference qualify for
submission to the TPLoP journal, “TPLoP—Transactions on Pattern Languages
of Programming <http://www.springer.com/series/8677>,” published by

*Important Dates:*

   - *19 May - paper submissions due*
   - 26 May - shepherding begins
   - 30 June - focus group / workshop proposals due
   - 21 July - paper 2nd draft due for review
   - 5 August - notification of acceptance
   - 15 September - paper conference version due
   - 25 September - conference registration ends
   - 23 October - Patterns Bootcamp
   - 24 - 26 October - PLoP Conference
   - 15 February 2017 - paper proceedings version due

For any inquiries, please contact: plopchairs2016 at hillside.net
<plopchairs2016 at hillside.net>

We look forward to seeing you at PLoP 2016.

On behalf of PLoP 2016 and the Hillside Group,

Jason Yip, Program Chair

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