[ecoop-info] SIMULA - OO 50 years

Birger Møller-Pedersen birger at ifi.uio.no
Fri Feb 17 10:53:33 CET 2017


*50 Years Anniversary of SIMULA/Object Oriented Programming*

University of Oslo, Norway

September 27, 2017

A preliminary programme includes invited talks by James Gosling and 
Oscar Nierstrasz, a panel on what to celebrate in 50 years, and a 
banquet with a banquet speaker from the SIMULA group at the Norwegian 
Computing Center. Participation at the celebration will include the 
technical programme, lunch and breaks.

A final Call for Participation will be sent out later this year, with 
binding registration both for the technical programme and the banquet 
(due to limited capacity), but if you already now know that you want to 
participate, send the following information to simula-50-years at ifi.uio.no:

1.  I will most certainly participate

2.  I consider to participate

3.  Unfortunately no

Please forward this invitation to people you think would be interested.

Birger Møller-Pedersen
Professor Emeritus, Department of Informatics,
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1080 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 85 24 37 (office)
Tel: +47 918 27 27 9 (mobile)

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