[ecoop-info] CFP: eCrime 2017 - Scottsdale, Arizona [Paper Submission Deadline extended to: February 8, 2017]

Nick Nikiforakis nick at cs.stonybrook.edu
Mon Jan 23 14:21:17 CET 2017

Apologies for cross-postings.

Call for Papers:

eCrime 2017

12th Symposium on Electronic Crime Research

Scottsdale, Arizona, April 25-27, 2017

Important Dates (11:59pm US EDT):

     Full Papers registration and submission due: February 8, 2017
     Paper Notifications due: March 3, 2017
     Request for a stipend: March 10, 2017
     Camera ready due: April 8, 2017
     Conference: April 25-27, 2017



The twelth Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime) 2017 will be 
held between April 25 - 27, 2017 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

eCrime 2017 consists of 3 days of keynote presentations, technical and 
practical sessions, and interactive panels. This will allow for the 
academic researchers, security practitioners, and law enforcement to 
discuss and exchange ideas, experiences and lessons learnt in all 
aspects of electronic crime and ways to combat it.

The conference offers travel grants to students who are having issues 
finding the funding to attend the conference. Note that there is a set 
final date for requesting the stipend so please get your requests in as 
soon as possible after hearing back about your paper’s acceptance. 
eCrime 2017 also has a best paper and runner-up award that is 
accompanied by a cash reward for the top papers submitted to the 
academic track only.

Topics of Interest (for the academic track):

* Economics of online crime
     - Measurement studies of underground economies
     - Models of e-crime
     - Understanding business structure and return on investment of 
various types of crime such as phishing, advanced fee fraud, and 
operating a botnet.
* Uncovering and disrupting online criminal collaboration and gangs
* Security-related risk assessments
     - The risks and yields of attacks
     - Effectiveness of countermeasures
     - Metrics standards
     - Conventions in the establishment of tests of efficacy
* Attack delivery strategies and countermeasures
     - Spam
     - DNS
     - Mobile Apps
     - Social engineering
     - Instant messaging
     - Web browser search manipulation
* Malware
     - Detection
     - Identification of malware families
     - Polymorphic malware detection
     - Mobile malware
     - Techniques to circumvent detection and sandboxes
* Security assessments of the mobile devices
     - Mobile App stores and ecosystems
     - Mobile App privacy
     - Risk prevention issues
* Financial infrastructure of e-crime
     - Criminal payment processing options
     - Money laundering strategies
     - Use of crypto-currencies
     - Underground marketplaces
* Technical, legal, political, social and psychological aspects of fraud 
and fraud prevention

Topics of Interest (for the industry track):

* Case studies of current attack methods
     - System and network intrusions
     - Phishing
     - Malware (rogue antivirus, botnets, ransomware, etc…)
     - Spam
     - Pharming
     - Crimeware toolkits
     - Emerging threats to mobile devices
* Open source intelligence
     - Data collection and correlation
     - Strategies and tools
* Case studies of online advertising fraud
     - Click fraud
     - Malvertising
     - Cookie stuffing
     - Affiliate fraud
* Case studies of large-scale take-downs
     - Coordinated botnet disruption
     - Phishing takedown
     - Bullet proof hosting services
* Economics of online crime
     - Measurement studies of underground economies
     - Models of e-crime
     - Understanding business structure and return on investment of 
various types of crime such as phishing, advanced fee fraud, and 
operating a botnet.
* Uncovering and disrupting online criminal collaboration and gangs
* Longitudinal study of eCrime related activities and their evolutions
* Security assessments of the mobile devices
     - Mobile App stores and ecosystems
     - Mobile malware
     - Mobile App privacy
     - Risk prevention issues
* Security-related risk assessments
     - The risks and yields of attacks
     - Effectiveness of countermeasures
     - Metrics standards
     - Conventions in the establishment of tests of efficacy

Accepted papers will be published in proceedings with IEEE. In addition, 
cash awards will be given for the best paper overall and the best 
student co-authored paper. A limited number of cash travel awards will 
also be made to student authors of papers and posters.

Instructions for Authors

eCrime has adopted the IEEE publication format. Submissions should be in 
English, in PDF format with all fonts embedded, formatted using the the 
IEEE conference template, found here: 
Submissions should include author names, affiliations and 
acknowledgments. They should not exceed 12 letter-sized pages, not 
counting the bibliography and appendices. Papers should begin with a 
title, abstract, and an introduction that clearly summarizes the 
contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist 
reader. Papers should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, 
techniques, and results, including motivation, relevance to practical 
applications, and a clear comparison with related work. Committee 
members are not required to read appendices, and papers should be 
intelligible without them. Submitted papers risk being rejected without 
consideration of their merits if they do not follow all the above 
guidelines. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that was 
published elsewhere, or work that any of the authors has submitted in 
parallel to any other conference or workshop that has proceedings.

Authors will be asked to indicate whether their submissions should be 
considered for the best student paper award; any paper co-authored by a 
full-time student is eligible for this award.

Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be 
presented at the conference. A limited number of stipends are available 
to those unable to obtain funding to attend the conference. Students 
whose papers are accepted and who will present the paper themselves are 
given priority to receive such assistance. Requests for stipends should 
be addressed to the general chair after March 3rd.

For paper submissions in 2017 please register an account then use the 
New Submission option at https://ecrime17.hotcrp.com/.

Organizing Committee:

General Chair:
     Brad Wardman, PayPal
Academic Track PC Chair:
     Damon McCoy, NYU
Academic Track PC Co-Chair:
     Nick Nikiforakis, Stony Brook University
Industry Track PC Chair:
     Xuan Zhao, Cylance

Academic Track Program Committee:

Sadia Afroz, ICSI
Manos Antonakakis, Georgia Tech
Marco Balduzzi, Trendmicro
Juan Caballero, IMDEA
Neha Chachra, Facebook
Nicolas Christin, CMU
Jeremy Clark, Concordia University
Alice Hutchings, University of Cambridge
Chris Kanich, UIC
Alexandros Kapravelos, NCST
Engin Kirda, Northeastern
Chris Kruegel, UCSB
Nektarios Leontiadis, Facebook
Kirill Levchenko, UCSD
Federico Maggi, Trendmicro
Tyler Moore, University of Tulsa
Jason Polakis, University of Illinois at Chicago
Michalis Polychronakis, Stony Brook University
Gianluca Stringhini, UCL
Thomas Vissers, KU Leuven
Ben Zhao, UCSB

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