[ecoop-info] CfP: Special Session on Software Engineering and Technical Debt in (SEaTeD) at SEAA 2017

Antonio Martini antonio.martini at chalmers.se
Mon Mar 6 15:40:30 CET 2017

Call for Papers

Special Session on Software Engineering and Technical Debt in (SEaTeD)

Part of SPPI – Software Process and Product Improvement Track
Technical Track @ 43rd EUROMICRO SEAA Conference in Vienna, Austria

August 30 to September 1, 2017

SEAA 2017 awards best papers which will be invited to submit extended versions for tentative publication in a requested Special Issue of the Journal of Systems and Software published by Elsevier www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-systems-and-software<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-systems-and-software>.


Important Dates:
° Abstract submission to tracks and sessions: April 7, 2017
° Paper submission to tracks and sessions: April 15, 2017
° Notification of accepted papers: May 15, 2017
° Camera-ready paper due: Jun 15, 2017
° Conference: August 30 to September 1, 2017 in Vienna, Austria


In software engineering, the metaphor Technical Debt relates sub-optimal technical solutions to financial debts. Such solutions can have benefits in the short term, but they might create extra-costs (interest) in the future, especially in terms of maintainability and evolvability of the software system.
The Technical Debt theoretical framework is useful to translate technical issues into items that can be understood by non-technical stakeholders, who need to evaluate and prioritize the business value of improving internal qualities.
Recently, the Technical Debt metaphor has been developed in the Software Engineering scientific community into a more solid theoretical framework, which has allowed a series of studies and practical approaches. However, there are several open issues with respect to the application of Technical Debt in practice, from its identification to the calculation of the principal (cost of refactoring) and interest. Furthermore, we lack solid evidence on what granularity of information is needed by the stakeholders on their Technical Debt, what can be provided by automatic tools and what needs to be managed manually.

We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute to the special session on the practical and theoretical aspects of the Technical Debt. We especially welcome empirical studies and industrial experiences.

======= Topics of Interest =======

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *   Case-studies on (un)successful Technical Debt management
  *   Case-studies on (un)successful refactoring of Technical Debt
  *   Evidence of Principal and Interest of specific kinds of Technical Debt
  *   Frameworks for the estimation of Principal and Interest
  *   Stakeholders concerns and architecture viewpoints on Technical Debt
  *   Measurement frameworks to study the components of Technical Debt
  *   Decision frameworks for prioritizing Technical Debt items among themselves and against features
  *   Methods and tools for monitoring Technical Debt
  *   Processes for managing Technical Debt in software companies
  *   Organizational implications of Technical Debt Management
  *   Architectural Technical Debt
  *   Less studied kinds of Technical Debt: Requirement, Test, Documentation, Infrastructure Debt
  *   Social Debt and its impact on Technical Debt
  *   Technical Debt in embedded systems
  *   Relationships between Technical Debt in software development and other interacting disciplines (e.g. electrical-, mechanical engineering, etc.)
  *   Comparison and relationships between Technical Debt and other topics (e.g. sustainability, DevOps, etc.)
  *   Replication studies on Technical Debt

======= Submissions=======

SEaTeD special session will follow the general SEAA 2017 submission guidelines. We encourage submission of technical research papers (4-8 pages) and experience reports (4-8 pages). Papers must contain original unpublished work, describe significant novel contributions, and provide evidence on the validation of results. In particular, reports on industrial applications are welcome. We welcome also theoretical work for which empirical validation is limited or still in progress, provided that the contribution is particularly novel and clearly oriented towards its practical application.
Each manuscript should include the complete paper text, all illustrations, and references. The manuscript should conform to the required CPS format: single-spaced, double column, US letter page size, 10-point size Times Roman font, up to 8 pages. Download templates at: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
CPS, Conference Publishing Services, publishes the SEAA Proceedings (submitted for ISI indexing), submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
A selection of best papers will be invited to submit extended versions for tentative publication in a Special Section of the journal of Information and Software Technology published by Elsevier.
Submissions will be handled via Easy Chair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seaa2017.

=======Special Session Organizers=======

Antonio Martini, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

=======Program Committee=======

Ampatzoglou Apostolos, University of Groningen
Ampatzoglou Areti, University of Groningen
Arcelli Fontana Francesca, University of Milano Bicocca
Bahsoon Rami, School of Computer Sc, University of Birmingham
Besker Terese, Chalmers University of Technology
Bosch Jan, Chalmers University of Technology
Chatzigeorgiou Alexander, Dept. of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia
Codabux Zadia, Mississippi State University
Fraser Steven, Innoxec
Goldman Alfredo, University of São Paulo - USP
Herold Sebastian, Karlstad University, Department of Computer Science
Hofmeister Christine, East Stroudsburg University
Holvitie Johannes, University of Turku
Izurieta Clemente, Montana State University
Johann Sven, Trifork
Koziolek Heiko, ABB Corporate Research
Kruchten Philippe, University of British Columbia
Leppänen Ville, University of Turku, IT department
Letouzey Jean-Louis, inspearit
Mcgregor John, Clemson University
Mirakhorli Mehdi, Rochester Institute of Technology
Nord Robert, Software Engineering Institute
Schmid Klaus, University of Hildesheim
Shapochka Andriy, SoftServe Inc.
Snipes Will, ABB Corporate Research
Systä Kari, Tampere University of Technology
Tamburri Damian Andrew, Politecnico Di Milano
Tonin Graziela, Ufpe
Travassos Guilherme, COPPE/UFRJ
Zdun Uwe, University of Vienna


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