[ecoop-info] EDiS'2017

abdelkrim meziane ameziane at cerist.dz
Wed Sep 27 16:52:58 CEST 2017


(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
The First International Conference on Emebedded and Distributed Systems
EDiS 2017
17th and 18th December 2017, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella
Sponsored by IEEE Algeria
Under the patronage of the chancellor of the University of Oran 1, Pr SENOUCI Mohamed, the laboratory of parallel, embedded architectures and high performance computing (LAPECI) of the Computer Science Department, Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences at the university of Oran 1, Ahmed Ben Bella, is pleased to announce the organization of the 1st international conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems, EDiS’2017, that will be held from 17 to 18 December 2017 in Oran. EDiS’2017 (https://sites.google.com/ view/edis2017/accueil) is a continuation of the first scientific days of LAPECI laboratory “JDLAPECI’2014” and EDiS’2015 conference.
EDiS'2017 aims to bring together researchers about distributed systems, embedded systems, optimization, high performance computing and model driven engineering. Junior and senior researchers are invited to submit their original unpublished papers on all aspects, but not limited to, in the following topics :
Track 1: Embedded and Real-time systems
Real-time systems, Mapping and routing, Signal processing, HW design, ...
Track 2: Information retrieval
Machine learning , Indexation, Data mining, • • •
Track 3: High performance computing, Parallel & distributed systems, Big data processing, ...
Track 4: Multi-objective optimization
Heuristics, Metaheuristics, Hybridization,  ...
Track 5: Model-Driven Engineering
Track 6: Cyber-physical systems
Track 7: Hardware design for low power
All accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEEXplore digital Library.
Paper submission:
Full papers must be submitted electronically in PDF only via easychair, templates and submission link are available on the webpage of the conference. The papers are limited to 6 two-column pages using the IEEEtran template in conference mode (https://ctan.org/pkg/ieeetran )
Important Dates:
Abstract submission : 01 Octobre 2017
Submission deadline: 15 October 2017
Acceptance notification: 15 November 2017
Final version : 01 December 2017
Conference due: 17-18 December 2017
Mail contact: edis2017 at univ-oran1.dz   or    contact.edis.2017 at gmail.com

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