[ecoop-info] CfP: 12th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference & Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2018 -- Call for Submissions

Raffi T Khatchadourian rk1424 at hunter.cuny.edu
Wed Feb 14 23:21:31 CET 2018


ESEC/FSE 2018 -- 12th Joint Meeting of the European Software
Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations
of Software Engineering

November 4-9, Orlando, Florida, United States

Follow ESEC/FSE on twitter: @fseconf
Follow ESEC/FSE on Facebook: http://facebook.com/fseconference
Social Media Hashtag: #esecfse

The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM
SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)
is an internationally renowned forum for researchers, practitioners,
and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations,
trends, experiences, and challenges in the field of software
engineering. Formerly the FSE conference in alternating years and
ESEC/FSE in other years, ESEC/FSE is now the new name of this annual
conference series. The ESEC/FSE conference brings together experts from
academia and industry to exchange the latest research results and
trends, as well as their practical application in all areas of software
engineering. The conference is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest
Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT).

Topics of Interest

We are interested in submissions from both industry and academia on all
topics related to software engineering. These include, but are not
limited to:

-   Architecture and design
-   Autonomic computing and (self-)adaptive systems
-   Big data
-   Cloud computing
-   Components, services, and middleware
-   Computer-supported cooperative work
-   Configuration management and deployment
-   Crowdsourcing
-   Debugging
-   Dependability, safety, and reliability
-   Development tools and environments
-   Distributed, parallel, and concurrent software
-   Education
-   Embedded and real-time software
-   Empirical software engineering
-   End-user software engineering
-   Formal methods, including languages, methods, and tools
-   Green computing
-   Human and social factors in software engineering
-   Human-computer interaction
-   Knowledge-based software engineering
-   Mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive software
-   Model-driven software engineering
-   Patterns and frameworks
-   Processes and workflows
-   Program analysis
-   Program comprehension and visualization
-   Program synthesis
-   Refactoring
-   Requirements engineering
-   Reverse engineering
-   Safety-critical systems
-   Scientific computing
-   Search-based software engineering
-   Security and privacy
-   Software economics and metrics
-   Software evolution and maintenance
-   Software modularity
-   Software product lines
-   Software reuse
-   Software services
-   Testing
-   Traceability
-   Web-based software

Call for Submissions

General Chair: Gary T. Leavens

### Research Papers

Chairs: Corina Pasareanu, Alessandro Garcia

We invite high-quality submissions describing original and unpublished
results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental
software engineering research. Contributions should describe innovative
and significant original research. Papers describing groundbreaking
approaches to emerging problems will also be considered. Submissions
that facilitate reproducibility by using available data sets or making
the described tools publicly available are especially encouraged.

ESEC/FSE 2018 will employ a lightweight double-blind review process.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the
Program Committee.

### Journal-First

Chairs: Andrea Zisman, Ingrid Nunes

We invite authors of journal-first papers accepted in the partnering
journals (IEEE TSE, ACM TOSEM, and Springer Empirical Software
Engineering) to submit their work to be presented at ESEC/FSE 2018. The
accepted paper version must have been submitted to a partnering journal
no earlier than December 1st 2016. This will allow authors of journal-
first papers to present their work to the community.

### New Ideas and Emerging Results

Chairs: Claire Le Goues, Gail Kaiser

ESEC/FSE-NIER 2018 seeks to challenge the status quo of our discipline
by providing a venue for innovative, radical, thought-provoking new
ideas, arguments, and research directions in software engineering. The
NIER also incorporates the previous FSE-VaR (Visions and Reflections)
track, seeking to spark conversation on the state of the field,
especially in light of the 50-year anniversary of the 1968 NATO
conference on Software Engineering.

### Tool Demonstrations

Chairs: Tien Nguyen, Ciera Jaspan

We invite innovative research demonstrations, intended to show early
implementations of novel software engineering concepts, as well as
mature prototypes. The research demonstrations are intended to
highlight underlying scientific contributions. Whereas a regular
research paper points out the scientific contribution of a new software
engineering approach, a demonstration paper provides the opportunity to
show how a scientific contribution has been transferred into a working
tool or data set. Authors of regular research papers are thus
encouraged to submit an accompanying demonstration paper.

### Industry

Chairs: John Penix, Satish Chandra

ESEC/FSE is widely known for its high-quality research papers in all
areas of software engineering. Its industry track focuses on the same
topics and values the same rigor as its research track, yet papers
featured in the industrial track are distinct. What sets the industrial
track apart is that it values impact and realism over novelty. We
expect that findings from industrial track publications have the
potential to impact practice in the 0-2 year range.

### Workshops

Chair: Damian Dechev

ESEC/FSE 2018 solicits proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference. Workshops aim to provide
opportunities for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing
preliminary results in various areas of software engineering research
and applications. Workshops are not an alternative forum for presenting
full research papers. If you would like to bring together a group of
researchers on a relevant and exciting topic, please submit a workshop
proposal to ESEC/FSE. Workshops will be held in the days before the
research track (Nov. 4 and 5). Proposals for workshops after the main
track can be considered but are subject to the availability of space.
Prospective workshop organizers are encouraged to contact the workshop
chairs should any questions arise.

### Artifacts

Chairs: Olga Baysal, Tim Menzies

Authors of accepted research papers are invited to submit an artifact
to the ESEC/FSE Artifact Track. In the spirit of ACM’s "Result and
Artifact Review and Badging" policy (http://www.acm.org/publications/po
licies/artifact-review-badging), the artifacts track exists to review,
promote, share and catalog the research artifacts produced by any of
the papers accepted to the research track. Apart from repeatability and
replicability, cataloging these artifacts also allows reuse by other
teams in reproduction or other studies.

### Doctoral Symposium

Chairs: Hridesh Rajan, Margaret-Anne Storey

Doctoral students whose research is in Software Engineering will have a
chance to get mentoring from more experienced researchers and
academics. Participants will have the opportunity to present and
discuss their doctoral research with senior researchers in the software
engineering community, in a constructive and friendly atmosphere.
Attendance will be by invitation only based on a four-page research
proposal to provide a quality mentoring experience for pursuing an
impactful research program.

### Student Research Competition

Chair: Gustavo Soares

The conference will host an ACM Student Research Competition (http://sr
c.acm.org; SRC).This competition offers undergraduate and graduate
students a unique forum to experience the research world, present their
research results to conference attendees, and compete for prizes.

The ACM SRC consists of three parts: (1) research abstract submission,
(2) poster presentation, and (3) a research talk. The first-place
winners of the competition will be invited to participate in the ACM
Student Research Competition Grand Finals.

Participate in this exciting competition: Submit your work to the ACM
Student Research Competition!

Submission Guidelines

At the time of submission, all papers must conform to the ESEC/FSE 2018
Format and Submission Guidelines (https://2018.fseconference.org/attend
ing/Submission+Policies), and must not exceed the page limits that are
listed in the appropriate call for papers. All submissions must be in
English and in PDF format. Submissions that do not comply with the
above instructions will be desk rejected without review. Papers must be
submitted electronically through the appropriate ESEC/FSE submission
site (as noted in the appropriate call for papers). See conference
website for more details about submissions for each track.

Important Dates

### Research Papers

-   Submission date: **March 9, 2018**
-   Author response period: May 7-10, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: June 11, 2018
-   Camera-ready date: July 31, 2018
-   Conference: **November 4-9, 2018**

### Journal-First Papers

-   Submission date: May 30, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2018

### New Ideas and Emerging Results

-   Submission date: June 15, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2018
-   Camera ready date: September 10, 2018

### Workshops

-   Submission date: February 19, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: March 7, 2018

### Industry Papers

-   Submission date: June 15, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2018
-   Camera ready date: September 10, 2018

### Artifacts

-   Submission date: June 25, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2018

### Doctoral Symposiums

-   Submission date: June 29, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: July 27, 2018

### Student Research Competition

-   Submission date: June 15, 2018
-   Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2018

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